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Neighbours Episode 1994 from 1993 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1993 - 1995>>
Episode title: 1994
Australian airdate: 02/09/93
UK airdate: 06/07/94
UK Gold: 22/06/00
Writer: Jeffrey Truman
Director: Richard Sarell
Guests: Cheryl Stark: Caroline Gillmer
Darren Stark: Scott Major
Connor Cleary: Brian Mannix
Attendant no. 1: Philip Reilley
Attendant no. 2: Nathan Koch
Joanne: Lyn McLeod
Teenager: Ben Wiles
Summary/Images by: David
Lassiters Office
Gaby sends Julie in to Philip's office. Philip asks after Hannah, who is sleeping while Debbie watches her. Julie says they need to talk and invites Philip around to the house, around 8.
Number 30
Stephen asks Mark what Gaby will say when she sees him with Annalise. Mark says he asked Gaby to be on his quiz team and luckily she'll be with her mum otherwise it would be very ugly. Phoebe tells them she needs to go to the shop to get supplies for tonight. Phoebe opens a letter from the insurance company, it's $67,000 compensation to Stephen. Stephen is thrilled, they're rich.
Number 32
Debbie asks Julie what time Philip is coming over and if she can stay to see him. Julie says she'd miss the quiz but it's probably best she didn't as they have serious talking to do. Julie assures Debbie it won't end up like last time. Julie says they both know something is going on between Philip and Beth. Debbie refuses to find anything out and do Julie's dirty work. Julie says if she and Philip make up they need to be completely honest, she just wants to know where things stand. Julie asks Debbie if Philip is sleeping with Beth. Debbie doesn't know but thinks they're taking it slowly and there's nothing wrong with that.
JULIE: You don't think the age difference is a problem? She's just a couple of years older than you.
DEBBIE: And you're just a couple of years older than her, it's not like he's doing anything wrong.
JULIE: And you're convinced they care a lot about each other.
DEBBIE: From what I've seen, yeah.
JULIE: That's what I thought too.
There's a knock at the door as Darren arrives to collect Debbie. They're off to the library to swot up for tonight's quiz.
The Coffee Shop
Annalise overhears Connor flirting with Lauren.
CONNOR: Do you realise, and it's a well- known fact, you can ask practically no one, that not only are the Irish absolutely sensational horsemen, but they also make the world's best lovers.
LAUREN: Is that right, and what about the French?
CONNOR: Oh they can't hold a candle to us.
LAUREN: I thought you were only half Irish.
CONNOR: Well that's true, but guess which half, hah!
Philip asks Annalise for the coffees he ordered. Annalise asks Phoebe who the guy talking with Lauren is, saying they're getting on very nicely. Annalise can't blame her after Brad left her like that, she's got to live.
Phoebe brings over Gaby and Philip's coffees. Gaby tells him that the florist is moving shop in 2 weeks, which would leave it sitting empty. Phoebe looks very interested in this information.
Ramsay Street
Rick walks away from his house before quickly hiding behind a bush. He watches as Darren and Debbie leave #32. Debbie laughs about Darren's claim about going to the library and wonders where they're actually going.
DARREN: We're going on an adventure.
DEBBIE: Ooh sounds dangerous.
DARREN: Trust me Debbie, your mum does!
Rick watches as they hug and head down the street.
Number 26
Philip writes Helen a cheque. As he can't be there tonight he'd like to make a donation. Philip says last night made him appreciate the good work the hospital does, anything for the kids must be a good thing. He tells her that he and Julie are going to talk things through. Helen says Julie saw a counsellor today and she seems much more positive. Philip says he'd reconcile with Julie like a shot, he and Beth were just good friends. Julie and the kids are the most important thing to him.
Number 30
Mark tells Stephen that they should buy a yacht with his money. Beth is surprised by the amount he's been paid as she only has 60 cents in her bank account. Stephen says she can stay here for as long as it takes to get a job, rent free. Phoebe arrives and agrees with Stephen that Beth can stay rent free. Beth thanks them. Mark tells them to enjoy their money, travel, seize the day. Stephen thinks the money could support them while he does some retraining. Mark calls that idea boring. Phoebe tells them she's just heard about a shop which would make the perfect music store at Lassiter's Arcade. Stephen thinks that sounds fantastic.
Petrol Station
Rick follows Debbie and Darren to the shop at a petrol station, asking if she wants anything. She offers to pay but he tells her to put her money away, it's freebie time. He says there are too many people around and they should wait a second, hugging each other while they look inside the store.
Number 30
Stephen and Phoebe are making plans for the record store. Wayne arrives and they tell him their news. Wayne says buying a store is a big commitment, a lot of shops are going bust at the moment. He suggests they get financial advice. Mark starts to argue with Wayne, calling him a downer.
MARK: Bit of a humour problem ay mate? What are you going to do about it, hit me again?!
STEPHEN: Hey come on you two, cut it out. Look Mark, Wayne's a good mate. And Mark and I have sorted out our problems so I'd really appreciate it if you two could make an effort to get along.
Wayne offers Mark his hand, offering to let bygones be bygones and they shake on it.
Number 26
Wayne tells Annalise that there is something about Mark, he doesn't trust him. Wayne doesn't think Stephen and Phoebe need some phony joker like Mark hanging around their necks. Helen checks they're all set to head out. Cheryl arrives.
CHERYL: Feeling clever?
WAYNE: Shouldn't it be feeling trivial.
CHERYL: Or feeling lucky, which I am, which is why I want to get a move on. I want to get a table right near the front near Louie.
ANNALISE: I didn't think you were interested anymore, well that's what he told me anyway.
CHERYL: There's more than one way to skin an old rhino like Louie.
Annalise tells her to be careful as it sounded like Lou had given up on her. She says a man like that doesn't last long on the free market. Cheryl asks if Lou has his eye on someone. Annalise says it wouldn't surprise her. Wayne and Annalise start making their way out to the quiz night.
HELEN: Perhaps things aren't going as planned.
CHERYL: He hasn't slipped the hook yet.
They follow them out.
Number 32
Philip brings Julie some flowers. Julie thanks him, they're beautiful. She offers him a drink.
The Coffee Shop
Lou greets Pam and Gaby as they arrive. Helen and Cheryl enter, followed by Debbie and Darren. Wayne asks Darren and Debbie if Rick is with them, Darren thinks Rick wimped out. Lauren and Connor join Gaby and Pam's team. A woman, Joanne, starts chatting up Lou, comparing him to that bloke off TV, Tony Barber. Lou says he's often mistaken for Kevin Costner and Joanne lets out a flirty laugh as she goes to take a seat. Cheryl mocks her laugh as she approaches Joanne.
CHERYL: You're barking up the wrong tree sweetie, he's spoken for.
JOANNE: Sorry?
CHERYL: You heard me. Now why don't you find a seat waaayyy up the back here and park your rear end on it.
JOANNE: Well I never!
CHERYL: I'll bet you did.
Cheryl shares a look with Lou as she walks past.
Lou tells everyone the rules of the quiz, and he'll be the judge if two teams ring their bells at the same time. Anyone can dispute an answer but if judged incorrect they face truth or dare, and also cop a monetary fine. There will also be other fundraising events throughout the night and all money goes to Erinsborough Kids hospital and after what happened to Hannah Martin, it couldn't go to a better cause. They all applaud.
Number 32
Julie tells Philip that Hannah is asleep. Julie apologises for everything she said and did these last few weeks. Philip says it isn't all her fault. Julie says she's been taking out personal problems on him and it isn't fair.
JULIE: I've been thinking of myself. I didn't realise the pain I must have caused you.
PHILIP: I tried to understand.
JULIE: I know, there was nothing you could have done. So Philip the last thing I want to do is hurt you anymore.
PHILIP: I don't want to see either of us hurt anymore.
JULIE: Good. Then you understand why a clean break is best.
JULIE: I've contacted Philippa Dunbar. It's time I filed for divorce.
Philip looks shocked.
The Coffee Shop
Lauren and Connor get a question right about horse shoes. Debbie calls it favouritism, but Lou says it's the luck of the draw. He says the next crack from them will cost them a $10 fine. Lou asks a question about a song from the 70s. Stephen and Mark answer 'Cosmic Realisation,' it was their parents only hit. Mark says they composed it to commemorate his conception. Everyone groans. Mark and Stephen then start to sing it together.
LOU: Get them off! $5 fine. Bad singing!
We get a close up as Lauren puts her hand on her backside. Lou says those who called heads should put their hands on their heads, which Mark and Annalise do. Lou flips the coin and heads wins. As Lou moves on to round 2, Helen tells Pam she thinks she'll head home, she's getting a bit tired. Pam sees her out the door. Mark meanwhile accuses Lou's coin of being shonky. Lou gives Mark a $10 fine and sentences him to truth or dare. Mark takes truth. He asks Mark who he would like to take out for dinner, Gaby or Annalise?
<<1993 - 1995>>
Philip Martin, Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 1994
Philip Martin, Julie Martin

Mark Gottlieb, Phoebe Bright, Stephen Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 1994
Mark Gottlieb, Phoebe Bright, Stephen Gottlieb

Julie Martin, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 1994
Julie Martin, Debbie Martin

Lauren Carpenter, Connor Cleary, Annalise Hartman in Neighbours Episode 1994
Lauren Carpenter, Connor Cleary, Annalise Hartman

Phoebe Bright, Gaby Willis, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 1994
Phoebe Bright, Gaby Willis, Philip Martin

Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1994
Rick Alessi

Debbie Martin, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 1994
Debbie Martin, Darren Stark

Helen Daniels, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 1994
Helen Daniels, Philip Martin

Beth Brennan in Neighbours Episode 1994
Beth Brennan

Phoebe Bright, Mark Gottlieb, Stephen Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 1994
Phoebe Bright, Mark Gottlieb, Stephen Gottlieb

Darren Stark, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 1994
Darren Stark, Debbie Martin

Mark Gottlieb, Stephen Gottlieb, Wayne Duncan in Neighbours Episode 1994
Mark Gottlieb, Stephen Gottlieb, Wayne Duncan

Cheryl Stark, Wayne Duncan, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1994
Cheryl Stark, Wayne Duncan, Helen Daniels

Philip Martin, Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 1994
Philip Martin, Julie Martin

Wayne Duncan, Debbie Martin, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 1994
Wayne Duncan, Debbie Martin, Darren Stark

Pam Willis, Connor Cleary, Lauren Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 1994
Pam Willis, Connor Cleary, Lauren Carpenter

Cheryl Stark, Joanne in Neighbours Episode 1994
Cheryl Stark, Joanne

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 1994
Lou Carpenter

Philip Martin, Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 1994
Philip Martin, Julie Martin

Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 1994
Philip Martin

Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1994
Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter, Helen Daniels

Beth Brennan, Stephen Gottlieb, Lauren Carpenter, Mark Gottlieb, Annalise Hartman in Neighbours Episode 1994
Beth Brennan, Stephen Gottlieb, Lauren Carpenter, Mark Gottlieb, Annalise Hartman

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 1994
Lou Carpenter

Annalise Hartman in Neighbours Episode 1994
Annalise Hartman

Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 1994
Gaby Willis

Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 1994
Mark Gottlieb

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