Lassiter's Office Reception
Phil and Gaby are looking through some CVs to find a new head chef. Neither of them are very impressed at what they've got. Wayne walks in, and Phil jokingly offers him the job, but Wayne thinks that he won't want everyone poisoned.
Phil makes himself scarce so Gaby and Wayne can talk. Wayne tries to ask Gaby out for dinner and they agree to eat at Number 28. Gaby refuses to eat at Number 26 because of Annalise sticking her beak in! Gaby says she'll explain that they need privacy to Doug and Pam, and the pair set a date for 7.30pm. Wayne reckons that he and Gaby will be able to work their problems out and Gaby agrees.
Number 30
Phoebe is tearfully hugging Hope. There's shopping strewn on the floor and Stephen wants to know what's wrong. She can't cope but refuses to talk about it. Stephen is upset that he's stuck in a wheelchair and can't do more.
STEPHEN: Maybe I should have gone to the rehab centre after all.
PHOEBE: Maybe you should have.
Stephen sighs.
Number 32
Julie is unpacking some shopping, and is clearly at the end of a very short fuse. Hannah is whining about being hungry, and despite Julie's efforts to shoo her off, she continues acting up.
Debbie rushes in clutching a bunch of flowers. She excitedly tells Julie that Rick accused Darren of stealing Wayne's wallet and stashing it in Debbie's locker, but in fact, Darren had left her some flowers. Debbie accuses Julie of not listening, and Hannah continues to pester about getting some food. Julie tells her that she'll have to wait.
HANNAH: We wouldn't have to wait if Daddy was here.
JULIE: Hannah, don't be so silly.
HANNAH: Daddy doesn't think I'm silly.
JULIE: He would if he could hear you now!
HANNAH: No he wouldn't! He understands me. It's all rotten since he's gone. It's all your fault; I hate you!
Julie snaps and sends a furious Hannah to her room. Julie is upset that Hannah is turning into a monster, but Debbie suggests that she's just taking advantage of Phil not being around. Julie says she's had enough - and Phil's going to have to do something about it!
Number 30
Stephen wants to talk but Phoebe doesn't. Wayne knocks and lets himself in, and is surprised at the state of the house. Phoebe admits she threw a bit of a tantrum. Wayne isn't surprised given what they've both been through. Wayne tells them that they need to get out, have a break, have some fun. Stephen and Phoebe are incredulous; there's too much to do. Wayne says he'll take care of it and helps with the tidying up.
Number 28
Gaby chats to Pam. Pam is worried that she did the wrong thing lodging the complaint with the tax department. Gaby asks if Pam can leave her the house so she can have her meal with Wayne (Doug has made plans to go to the pub with Lou). Eventually Pam relents - but only if Gaby pays for a movie!
Lassiter's Manager's Office
Phil is sat at his desk doing some work, when Julie walks in. She tells him they need to talk about Hannah's behaviour. She blames him for Hannah's recent outbursts, reckoning that he's spoiling her. Julie says that Hannah mustn't be able to play them off against each other and they need to stand together. Julie's taken aback when Phil agrees with her and sits down.
JULIE: I think it's time we made some decisions about access.
PHIL: Ok. But don't you think we should look at the big picture first? I mean, where are we headed? Divorce?
Julie looks quite upset.
JULIE: Philip! Can't we just talk about access first?
PHIL: Julie. I need to know. The kids need to know. The uncertainty's causing half the problems. If we're headed for divorce, then there's the question of custody.
Now Julie's even more aghast!
JULIE: Look, I'm prepared to be reasonable about access. There's no need to up the ante with that sort of threat!
PHIL: I'm not making threats. I think we should talk about it.
JULIE: Why is it so urgent?
PHIL: We have to confront it sooner or later and for everyone's peace of mind, I'd prefer sooner. So, we either deal with this face to face, or we start talking through lawyers.
Wayne is raving about being in the great outdoors, but Stephen and Phoebe are glum, despite his best efforts! Wayne tells Stephen to stop wallowing in self-pity. Phoebe gets outraged by this, but Wayne tells her off too for being a martyr! They begrudgingly admit he might be right, and Wayne pulls out a frisbee.
Number 28
Julie is begging Pam to look after Debbie and Hannah for the evening. Pam explains that she'd normally be happy to have the kids, but Gaby and Wayne are having the house, so Doug's off to the pub and she's going to the movies. Julie asks if Pam can take the girls with her to the cinema - or even out to dinner - and she'll pay. Pam says that isn't the problem, but Julie interrupts her, explaining that she and Philip need time alone.
PAM: Well, if it's a chance for you two to get back together again...
JULIE: I didn't say that!
PAM: Well, I thought that was the point of the exercise?
Julie steps away and quietly admits that she's not sure if that's what she wants any more. She says that she and Phil really need to lay their cards on the table, and the kids can't be around whilst they do it. Pam agrees to take care of the kids.
Wayne and Phoebe are throwing the frisbee to each other and Stephen is watching. After a few throws, Wayne lobs it to Stephen, who catches it. He's thrilled and joins in the game. Phoebe thanks Wayne for his good idea.
Number 32 - Kitchen
The kitchen table has been laid out and Hannah is putting out candles. She thinks they're romantic, but Debbie isn't so sure. Hannah thinks it'll work and they'll get back together, but Debbie is solemn - she knows this is a discussion about the future, not a reconciliation and she's bitter that they're going to get kicked out whilst Phil and Julie decide what'll happen to them.
HANNAH: Yeah, well, maybe everything will be ok again. They'll work it out.
DEBBIE: Yes. And maybe they'll end up throwing plates at each other(!)
Number 32 - Hall
Julie answers the door to Phil, who's brought a bottle. Hannah and Phil embrace, making Julie look a bit uncomfortable and Pam appears to pick up the girls.
HANNAH: You ought to see the table, Daddy. Candles and everything!
PHIL: Oh?!
JULIE: Hannah, you shouldn't have put candles out - that's silly!
The girls leave and Phil and Julie look awkwardly at each other.
JULIE: Well.
PHIL: Yeah. Well.
She invites him into the kitchen.
Number 28
The table is set for Gaby and Wayne. Gaby says she's been looking forward to this; they've not had a proper night in ages. Wayne says that Gaby's always so busy at work. Gaby gets defensive, but Wayne says he wasn't criticising. Gaby softens and Wayne says they're supposed to be working out their differences.
Gaby admits that she needs to relax; she's nervous. Wayne thinks that's a good sign, and pulls out a bunch of flowers. He kisses her on the cheek.
Number 32 - Kitchen
Things are going less well with Phil and Julie! Julie's on the attack; Phil sounds weary.
JULIE: If we separate, Hannah stays with me.
PHIL: We already have, and she does.
JULIE: I mean officially. Legally.
PHIL: Is that what you want?
JULIE: You were the one talking lawyers this afternoon.
PHIL: Because you weren't talking at all.
JULIE: Well, we're talking now, aren't we?!
PHIL: Yes, but...
JULIE: And I think you should arrange to buy the house from Gran. In my name, of course.
Phil is stunned.
PHIL: Hang on a minute!
JULIE: No! It's only fair. I'd be a single mother, holding down a job, looking after the kids.
PHIL: I'd carry on providing for you, no matter what happened. You know that!
Phil looks appalled.
PHIL: That's one thing you can't accuse me of. Not looking after my family.
JULIE: ...well, yes, I have to admit, you have been a good husband in that way.
Now Phil is *really* hurt!
PHIL: And in other ways! Admit it, it hasn't been all bad!
JULIE: ...not all the time; no.
PHIL: We've had some good times together. Happy times.
For the first time, Julie smiles.
JULIE: I suppose so. I never thought it would end this way.
PHIL: Is it really that hopeless, Jules? We used to be a pretty hot couple.
Julie doesn't answer.
Number 28
Gaby and Wayne are having a much more fun evening! They cheerfully reminisce about their relationship - the tennis match, the camping trip. Wayne teases her about pretending to be some sort of expert - he knew the truth from the start. Gaby starts to take the teasing the wrong way, especially when he suggests that it was a sly tactic to get him interested.
GABY: When I try and fit in with your interests, I'm devious; when I'm myself, I'm disloyal.
Wayne doesn't understand what she's talking about, and Gaby explains that when she didn't know if he was guilty of Cactus's murder, he said she was disloyal. Wayne is a bit shocked - when you're accused of murder and your own girlfriend doesn't support you, who will?!
GABY: Support?! You wanted me to influence a witness!
WAYNE: Talk to, not influence!
GABY: Yes, well, either way, it's illegal! And what's more - immoral.
WAYNE: But I was innocent!
GABY: That's not the point!
Gaby says she doesn't understand what Wayne wants from a woman. Wayne says he doesn't know what she wants from him - and he doesn't know what he's doing sitting down with her and trying to make sense of it! Gaby tells him that he knows what he can do, and Wayne does just that - he ups and leaves!
Number 28 - Later
Pam comes out of the bedrooms having settled Hannah and Debbie down to sleep. Gaby is quiet and Pam asks how the dinner went. Gaby admits that she blew it again. Pam says that all they both do is argue. Gaby thinks they might not be compatible, but she loves him.
PAM: Loving someone's not much good unless you can live with them. You can't go on beating each other up like this. You'd be better off putting your energy into getting him out of your system.
GABY: It's easier said than done.
Number 32 - Kitchen
Both Phil and Julie have evidently had a fair amount to drink and Julie is regaling Phil with stories from the car yard; both of them are laughing at them.
PHIL: I miss this, you know. Sharing a joke. Enjoying a meal together.
JULIE: Me too.
PHIL: We used to do it a lot. I don't know what happened. I thought everything was fine. (He sighs.) Maybe I got unreasonable from time to time, like over the time you wanted to go to Queensland-
Julie looks uncomfortable and interrupts.
JULIE: I'd really rather not go over all of that.
PHIL: Ummm, I'm sorry... I didn't me-
JULIE: (quickly) It's all right.
A silence falls on the table. Phil drains his drink. He suggests that he should leave; and Julie agrees. He gets up, and then pauses.
PHIL: It's been a great night; I really enjoyed it.
JULIE: So have I. I'm glad you came, Philip. I think it's been very valuable, don't you?
PHIL: Yes, yes, I do.
Number 32 - Hall
Phil and Julie walk into the hall, and they agree not to call the divorce lawyers just yet. Phil puts his hand on the door to leave, but instead of opening the door, turns back to Julie and hesitantly, the pair kiss...and then kiss passionately.
Number 28
It's the next morning and Wayne is at the door.
WAYNE: Good morning.
GABY: Is it?
WAYNE: Bad night?
GABY: You could say that.
WAYNE: Yeah, well, I didn't sleep too well either.
GABY: Good!
Wayne asks if he can come in and he apologises for the night before. He says it was all his fault, but Gaby disagrees - it was at least half her fault. Wayne says that they need to sort the situation out. They both agree that they love each other, but the relationship needs to change. Wayne asks what they should do - and Gaby thinks that they should quit whilst they're ahead.
Wayne looks taken aback, but takes it in his stride. He agrees and leaves. Gaby is obviously upset.
Number 30
Stephen is doing some basic movements with his bad arm. Pam rebukes him for using his shoulder instead of his arm, but congratulates him when he succeeds. Pam says that the more determined he is, the more it'll help with the healing process.
Stephen says that he's got to look to the future, even if he remains confined to a wheelchair and says he's going to study, like he'd originally planned.
STEPHEN: There must be some career out there for a clean-living frisbee champ! (He taps his wheelchair.) With his own transport!
Pam is pleased and Stephen says he needs to buck his ideas up with Phoebe, else she might find someone else. Pam tells him that there's little chance of that!
Number 32 - Kitchen
Debbie and Hannah are making breakfast, and Debbie tells Hannah to quieten down when she bangs a door, for fear of waking Julie. Debbie hopes Julie isn't in a foul mood after last night. Hannah spills breakfast everywhere.
HANNAH: Maybe Dad's coming back.
DEBBIE: Not if he sees all this mess.
Phil enters from the hall, looking a bit worse for wear!
PHIL: You making a mess as usual, Button?
Hannah flies into his arms.
HANNAH: Daddy! Oh I knew everything would be ok!
PHIL: Well, that's more than I knew.
Hannah triumphantly tells Debbie that she was right.
DEBBIE: Are you and Mum back together?!
Phil looks very pleased with himself.
PHIL: Well, it certainly looks that way, doesn't it?!
Hannah excitedly offers to make Phil breakfast, and as he's putting his socks on, she decides that they'll have to go and pick up his stuff. Hannah flings her arms around him again, just as Julie walks in - and she's stunned beyond measure that the girls are there. Debbie explains that Hannah didn't want any of the Willis' breakfast cereal, so she brought her home.
DEBBIE: I'm really pleased you're back, Dad.
PHIL: Thanks, Deb. It's nice to be back.
JULIE: Who said you were, Philip? As far as I'm concerned, nothing's changed. You're not moving back into the house.
Phil, Debbie and Hannah are all stunned.