Josh twigs that Lucy is interested in Glen (yuk)
Jim overhears them talking about what would happen "when Mr Robinson finds out".
Lucy covered and tells Jim that she accidentally tore the plans for Jim's engine invention. Jim rolls his eyes. Lucy rushes off home, presumably to tear the plans(!)
Madge and Harold are having a nice cup of tea. Madge is moaning about the ventilation in the Waterhole and how sore her throat is because of it. Harold is worried about his first fencing lesson tomorrow. He gives Madge a demonstration with a feather duster.
Lucy is tearing Jim's plans and begging Josh not to say anything to Glen. Jim comes in and says the plans aren't too bad and he'll just copy them in the morning. He goes off for a beer and Josh goes for a walk, leaving Lucy and Glen alone. Lucy tells Glen that Josh hasn't found out about them.
Josh's garage
Josh is lying on a wicker sofa, worrying about Lucy.
Cody's bedroom
Cody and Pam are sitting on her bed looking through the photo album Cody received from Todd. Doug comes in and orders Pam to bed and at the same time, confesses that Helen did the cooking for the party. Doug mentions that the bank manager is coming around tomorrow - on a Saturday. He's decided to see Paul and come clean about the guesthouse.
When they've gone, in the darkness, Cody lies awake, worried.
No.26, the following morning
Jim has been for a run and been to see an old mate about his engine - he's going to do some digging around and see what he can find out.
Lucy tells Josh that she's not telling Glen that Josh knows. Josh is mad at Glen and reckons it's his fault, but Lucy counters that they both like each other.
JOSH: This isn't right, Lucy.
LUCY: If you want to help me, Josh, don't say a word - not to anyone.
The Office
Madge is moaning at Paul about the air conditioning and pool table taking up space in the pub. Pam and Doug pop in mid-conversation and Paul sends Madge away!
Paul tells Doug that he can't buy him out of the guesthouse, but Pam tells him that they need his help pretty badly.
Doug explains that he's had to lay off his whole team, and they're totally skint - they can't make the payments on the guesthouse.
PAUL:(nastily) This may come as an enormous surprise to you, but I do have problems of my own.
He's angry at Doug - Paul might lose his investment too. But finally he apologises for snapping and tells them he does have a suggestion - Paul will take over the payments on the guesthouse while Pam and Doug get back on their feet. They can pay him back with interest later. Pam and Doug are worried, but have no choice but to agree.
Outside the Coffee Shop
Doug is fed up of always being the underdog. Harold is looking forward to his fencing.
Jim's mate doesn't think there was any plaigiarism on his design - Jim reckons he'll just have to cut his losses. Glen goes off to clean his car and Jim asks Lucy to clean his car in return for replacing the blue-print. She agrees.
Pam and Doug are explaining the guesthouse affair to Cody. She isn't impressed with Paul, but Pam says it's a fair compromise from Paul - and it does mean they've solved their money problems.
Todd pops around and Pam suggests that he and Cody go out for the afternoon. When they've gone, Pam has another faint moment, so Doug takes her off to bed, saying he'll wake her when the bank manager arrives.
Outside No.26
Glen and Lucy are washing the cars and end up having a water fight. Josh comes out and calls Lucy over. He tells her she's getting carried away with Glen.
The Bank Manager has arrived and asks how Pam is after her car accident. Doug says she's alright. The Bank Manager has a look around Doug's house and observes that the house used to belong to Des Clarke - his predecessor at the bank. Then he reveals that Des was dismissed from the bank.
The Park
Todd and Cody are having a ride on the swings. Cody is distracted and wants to go home.
Jim tells Paul that he's had a phone-call and his friend Ted wants to see his blueprints. Paul warns him to be careful - maybe Ted is the spy. Madge comes over and starts banging on about the pool table again. Paul tells her it's staying until the games room is renovated.
Outside the Coffee Shop
Harold is looking very dejected and tells Madge that he was the only one in the fencing class over the age of seventeen(!) He says he's not cut out for fencing. They discuss the pool table and suddenly Harold gets and idea - his father and grandfather were good pool players and they taught him.
Doug and the Bank Manager are discussing Doug's finances. He urges Doug to call in his debts. To protect the bank, he says he has no alternative - in the current financial climate, he'll have to foreclose. They'll have to sell the house. Doug accuses the Bank Manager of using him to improve his career.
BANK MANAGER: I'll be in touch, first thing morning.
Cody has overheard the conversation.
DOUG: We mustn't tell your mother about this - she isn't strong enough.
CODY: What are we going to do, Dad?
DOUG: We'll do something, I don't know.
CODY: We're going to sell our house, there's nothing else to do.
She starts to cry and Doug hugs her to him.