Joe brings Melanie a cup of tea and says they've decided not to go to the fun park. Melanie tells him through tears that her grandfather has died - and they were very close. She berates herself for not visiting him often enough - she didn't even know he was sick. She wishes she'd told him about the party she was planning for him - now it's too late.
Colin has spent the night with Dorothy. (Yuk)
COLIN: Morning. Any regrets?
She shakes her head.
COLIN: Certainly not.
Colin hints that he'd like to move back in with Dorothy as his hotel room is very dingy.
DOROTHY:(amused) You haven't changed, have you?
COLIN: Just a thought!
Pam is knackered from working the extra job, but pleased that Wilf Turner's progress payment is due today - that'll keep the financial pressure off them.
Jim comes in dressed in a suit as he's at Lassiter's today. They chat about the explosion at the science lab.
DOUG: What's the appropriate punishment for blowing up a school?
Pam and Doug don't think an essay is enough, but Jim doesn't want to punish Todd any further. He confesses that Josh used Jim's own plans for a distillery - but he should have told them that his distillery blew up too!
Joe has dropped Toby off at school, but Melanie isn't going to work today. She's lying on the sofa, very depressed. Joe tells her that it's not silly to want your loved ones to hang around forever. Melanie starts telling Joe about her grandfather and how he had a pet pig - she got her pig-liking thing from him.
MELANIE: It's just so unfair, Joe. I mean, the world keeps on going, it's like granddad never existed.
JOE: Well, we won't let it happen mate. Come with me today on my gardening rounds and we'll name a tree for him.
Melanie thanks Joe, but she can't face going out today.
Building Site
Doug meets with Wilf Turner. His construction is right on schedule and all is going very well. Wilf is evasive on giving Doug his money, saying he's forgotten his cheque book. Doug tells him straight that he's got men waiting for pay cheque, so Wilf says he'll drop the money by later.
Colin is dressed in a suit and is off to work. Dorothy kisses him on the cheek.
There's a knock at the door and it's Helen, come to cancel their lunch. She's very surprised to see Colin there and Dorothy introduces them.
When Colin has headed off to work, Dorothy tells Helen that she's had a change of heart.
DOROTHY: Let's just say that not only can time heal all wounds, it can rekindle a few dying embers as well!
HELEN: You mean...
DOROTHY: I mean, we discovered each other all over again and liked what we found. I've asked Colin to move in here.
HELEN: Oh, you are a sly one, Dorothy Burke. He's quite a catch.
DOROTHY: Indeed he is.
Moving along quickly...
Outside the Coffee Shop
Harold, Jim and Helen are chatting when Colin comes along. Harold introduces him to Jim and Colin tells them he's a neighbour now. Jim stiffly offers him his congratulations. Helen invites him over for celebratory drinks later this evening. Helen and Harold talk about Madge's cake entry for the fete, but Harold has been unable to talk her around.
Jim pulls Helen off into a corner and tells her he's very shocked about Dorothy and Colin's reconciliation.
Building Site
Wilf comes back and tells Doug that he wants to check the quality of the workmanship before handing over the cheque. He tells Doug that there's a bow in the wall and Doug protests that it's perfectly straight.
DOUG: I get it. This is your way of delaying the progress payment.
WILF: Stupid to pay for shoddy workmanship.
DOUG: It's a con, Turner. I put a straight edge on that wall myself and there's nothing wrong with it, and you know it.
WILF: Not a red cent. Not until my architect looks over the whole site.
DOUG: I tell you this, if I don't get a cheque now, I'm going to slap a writ on you so...
WILF: Go ahead, if that's how you want it! You know how legal action slows things up. It could take years.
He gets back into his car.
Dorothy is amazed to be a married woman again, but pleased. She explains to Helen what happened with the marriage twelve years ago. Colin has a sordid past - he embezzled a great deal of money - he left Dorothy and fled the country. He was eventually caught and jailed. There were one or two other things too, so Dorothy locked him out of her life. But he's paid his debts now and is making a fresh start.
DOROTHY: I am concerned about one thing, Helen. His work at the Church. Do you think Reverend Richards has the right to know?
HELEN: Why? His slate is clean now, it's nobody else's business.
She does advise Dorothy to keep Colin's past quiet though.
Jim and Colin come in at that moment. Jim is still looking at him with suspicion.
Melanie is watching sad movies and crying her eyes out. Joe comes in and tells her that her granddad wouldn't like to see her in a state. Melanie doesn't want to go to the funeral - she doesn't want to say goodbye to him. Joe tries to tell her she must go, for her own sake, but she stomps off.
Pam and Doug are panicking about the money. Pam says they've only got one choice now.
Colin is off to pick up his things from the hotel and Dorothy leaves as well. When they've gone, Jim tells Helen that he hopes Dorothy knows what she's doing - he thinks there's something about Colin that's not quite right.
JIM: I think he's conning her.
HELEN: You don't?! I noticed you were a bit luke warm. I thought you might see him as a rival.
JIM: Don't be silly. But he must have done some very smooth talking to talk Dorothy out of that divorce. And then to worm his way back into the marital bed. Quite an operator.
HELEN: You're a cynic, Jim Robinson.
JIM: I'm just concerned that he might hurt her.
HELEN: Well, if you ask me, it was the idea of divorce that made her realise just how much he means to her.
JIM: Well, I still say he's no Mr Wonderful.
HELEN: And I still say you're suffering from an attack of the green-eyed monster.
JIM: That doesn't come into it!
Harold gives Madge a rose and then tells her about Colin and Dorothy reconciling. Madge isn't pleased that she's the last to know(!)
MADGE: I don't know what he sees in Dorothy, anyway.
MADGE: Twaddle.
They talk about the cake competition and Harold says he's decided to enter himself. Madge tells him she's already had a change of heart, and there's no point Harold entering. Harold says they'll see about that!
Melanie is on the phone to her mother saying she won't be at the funeral. Then she apologises to Joe for stomping off earlier.
JOE: I hate seeing you hurting like this. Look, I'm not the religious type, right, but if there's a heaven your Granddad has bought his ticket. He's happy. And if it's just a black hole when you die...well, at least the pain's gone. That's the way I used to think about it anyway...when Kerry died...
MELANIE: Oh, Joe, Thank you, thank you.
She sobs in his arms.
JOE: You'll be OK.
MELANIE: I know.
Doug wakes Paul up to talk to him about the guesthouse, but Paul isn't interested in buying him out. He says they can talk about it when he gets home.
DOUG: Sorry, love. I guess that's it.
PAM: They're not going to beat us, Doug. No way.