Melanie sees someone dressed as a peanut fall over and goes to help them up. She's shocked to see that it's Christina inside the suit!
Christina urges Melanie to help her up before Paul sees her, but Paul comes over to help. He's shocked to see Christina. She confesses that it's her modeling assignment and dashes off, embarrassed while Paul laughs at her.
Garage of the Robinsons
Jim is doing some maintenance on his bike when Doug pops around for some Neighbourhood Watch advice - Dorothy has ordered him to go around and check on people's security. So far he has found keys under flower pots in nearly all the houses. Madge went shopping without even locking the back door! Doug tells Jim that his garage is one of the worst for security- there's a broken latch on the back window. Jim gets rather defensive, but Doug points out that no one needs to be an easy target. There's a lot of expensive tools in Jim's garage.
But Jim is offended and decides to go off to the shop without locking his garage telling Doug to stuff it - he'll only be two minutes. When he's gone, Doug looks thoughtfully at Jim's tools.
Melanie is telling Toby and Joe about the peanut incident. She feels sorry for Christina but Joe and Toby laugh.
There's a knock at the door and it's Eric and Sky. Eric thinks that Sky might be coming down with a cold and Joe gets rather defensive. When Eric has gone, Melanie warns Joe that Eric is deliberately trying to rile him. She takes Sky off for a bath.
Helen comes in and asks where the saw is. Jim doesn't know what she's talking about. Helen says it's not in the garage and Jim races off to check.
Garage of the Robinsons
Jim is horrified to see that his saw has been stolen.
Jim is ranting that he didn't even have the serial number of the saw - he hadn't got around to marking everything with an ultra-violet pen. Jim thinks that Doug will only say 'I told you so' but Helen says that Doug was right about security. He asks Helen not to tell Doug - at least not until tomorrow.
Doug is asking Paul about a guest-house in the mountains that he is thinking of getting involved in renovating. He's looking for a partner - it would be a good investment. Paul isn't sure - out of town places can be risky, but Doug says it's only 40 minutes away - if Lassiter's put their weight behind it it could become a nice escape, not to mention the start of a Lassiter's chain. Paul suggests he comes up this weekend and has a look at the place to see if he's interested.
Joe is in a bad mood, saying that Eric has fed Sky with lollies and sweets - that's why she's not feeling too good. He decides to sit up in case Sky is awake in the night.
Ramsay Street, the following morning
Doug sees Jim getting into his car and says good morning. Jim is very touchy and doesn't tell Doug about the saw. Doug invites himself over to look at Jim's saw this afternoon(!) Jim smells a rat, and when Doug has gone, he looks under the tarpaulin of Doug's ute. The saw is there!
JIM: Very funny!
He sees that Doug has left his keys in the ignition.
JIM: He who laughs last, laughs loudest!
Christina and Melanie are having a cup of tea. Joe comes in with Sky and tells them that she's feeling a lot better today. He tucks her up on the sofa. Christina tells Melanie that he agent has rung with another job for her - but she's not sure that she wants to take it.
While they're talking, Eric comes around to see if Sky is alright. He starts ranting at Joe for not taking Sky to a doctor(!) and Joe is appalled! He tells Eric off for giving Sky sweets and he apologises, realizing he was in the wrong. Joe warns him not to do it again.
When Eric has gone, Joe turns to Melanie.
JOE: If he brings her back like this again, he's not going to come near her!
Ramsay Street
Joe is loading up his van when Doug comes out of his house and sees that his Ute has been "stolen". He asks Joe desperately if he saw anything, but he didn't. Suddenly he realises that Jim's saw was in the back of his ute. He goes off dejectedly to confess.
Melanie is combing Sky's hair when Joe comes in. He thanks her for all her help with the kids and tells him that he's too stressed. Joe is very stressed that Eric will get custody of Sky in the court case - noone will ask Sky who she loves.
The Office
Christina comes in to invite Caroline to lunch. Paul teases her again about the peanut disaster and Christina tells him it was just a one-off. Anyway, she's got a new assignment, doing photos for a shoe-store catalogue. Paul mocks her again and she storms off.
Jim still hasn't told the police about his saw and tells Helen cryptically that he has a plan. There's a knock at the door and Jim smiles.
Doug arrives at the moment and comes rather sheepishly into the living room.
DOUG: My ute's been pinched.
HELEN: Oh, that's terrible!
JIM: The animals! Hot-wired it, did they?
DOUG: No, I er...left the keys in the ignition.
JIM: Careless.
DOUG: Jim, your saw was in the back of the ute.
JIM: (dramatically) What?!
DOUG: I took it from your garage to teach you a lesson for not locking up. I just hope the cops can trace the Ute and maybe get Cynthia back.
HELEN: That's the most irresponsible thing I've ever heard...
JIM: (interrupting) Helen, please! (to Doug) I'm shocked! But, I suppose there's not much change of the police finding your vehicle, so I might as well kiss Cynthia goodbye. Still, easy come, easy go I suppose.
Jim finally cracks and tells Doug that the ute is in his garage. Helen rolls her eyes.
HELEN: I think I'll take a walk down to the kindergarten. Then I can see some intelligent human beings at work!
Toby, Sky and Melanie are just finishing a game when Joe comes in. He's still very stressed about the court case.
MELANIE: Just say yes or no, OK? I like the kids and the kids like me? Right?
JOE: Well, yeah...
MELANIE: Yes or no?
JOE: Yes.
MELANIE: And you think Eric's got a better chance of getting Sky because he's married, right?
JOE: Yes.
MELANIE: Pity you're not married.
JOE: What sort of question's that?
MELANIE: Come on Joe, yes or no, this isn't easy.
JOE: Well, I suppose so. What sort of game are we playing here?
MELANIE: It's not a game. If getting married means that you'll keep Sky...I'll marry you.
Joe is utterly stunned.
MELANIE: Yes or no?