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Neighbours Episode 1310 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1309 - 1311>>
Episode title: 1310
Australian airdate: 12/10/90
UK airdate: 25/11/91
UK Gold: 07/11/97
Writer: Michael O'Rourke
Director: Tony Osicka
Summary/Images by: Emily
Number 30
Dorothy arrives home and asks Ryan how his thoughts about a career are going. He tells her he'd like to get some work experience before going to uni, but she suggests he still apply for uni. She suggests he talks to people in the street to find out about different jobs, and he agrees, though admits he'd like to work in a profession where he helps people.
Number 22
Caroline arrives home and Christina and Helen tell her about their concerns over Isabella. Caroline asks not to be dragged into it, but agrees to do a small amount of research for them.
Robinson Corporation - Home James
Paul wonders what's up with Isabella, but when she doesn't say anything he gives her some money and tells her to go and buy herself a wedding dress as he wants to spoil her. Back in the office Caroline has just hung up the phone. Ryan arrives and asks Paul about the hotel business. Paul doesn't think education is anything great and tells him that it's all about life experience. Caroline on the other hand reminds Paul how she wouldn't have got the job without her academic qualifications. Ryan thanks them and leaves.
As Josh tries talking to Melissa she ignores him. In class he writes a note and gets the other kids to pass it across to her.
Coffee Shop
Christina arrives moments before Caroline, who having been on the phone to Argentina, informs both her and Helen, that Isabella's family are not nearly as poor as she makes out with them all working at the hotel in Argentina. Also, her so called ill brother is not ill, and she still has a husband in Argentina, neither of which Paul knows about.
As Melissa tries sending the note back to Josh, they are caught out by the teacher who sends them to see Dorothy. They cover that the story about the teacher is a joke and are each given extra homework to complete as punishment.
Lassiter's Office
Helen and the twins arrive to see Paul, they tell him how they weren't sure about Isabella and that a phone call to Argentina has thrown up the truth. Paul is shocked to hear what they have found out.
Number 30
Ryan is rehearsing talking to Dot, just as Dot comes home. He tells her how he went to see the people they talked about earlier and it just confirmed what he didn't want to do. She asks if he does know what he wants and he mentions studying psychology in a few years time, but that he wouldn't mind becoming a cop. She doesn't seem so keen on the idea, but he points out all the positives. She asks how he's going to tell his mum.
Coffee Shop
As Melissa sits with some of the kids from class, Josh walks in and the kids start teasing him. Melissa goes over to Josh and they both apologise for hurting each other. They kiss and make up.
Number 22
Paul arrives home and is not happy with Isabella, he asks why she lied to him, but she turns it back on the others. Eventually she admits it was because she wanted to help out her family, but he just tells her she's manipulative and that he's putting her on the first flight back. Next morning, as Isabella is about to leave, Paul asks if she ever loved him. She tells him that she loathed him, always having to be at his beck and call. She compares him with the guys in her own bar, and points out that at least they paid to be with her. He offers her some money, which she gladly accepts, before leaving for good.
<<1309 - 1311>>
Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1310
Dorothy Burke

Ryan McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1310
Ryan McLachlan

Caroline Alessi, Helen Daniels, Christina Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1310
Caroline Alessi, Helen Daniels, Christina Alessi

Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1310
Caroline Alessi

Paul Robinson, Isabella Lopez in Neighbours Episode 1310
Paul Robinson, Isabella Lopez

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1310
Paul Robinson

Caroline Alessi, Ryan McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1310
Caroline Alessi, Ryan McLachlan

Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1310
Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett

Teacher in Neighbours Episode 1310

Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1310
Melissa Jarrett

Caroline Alessi, Christina Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1310
Caroline Alessi, Christina Alessi

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1310
Helen Daniels

Teacher, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1310
Teacher, Josh Anderson

Josh Anderson, Dorothy Burke, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1310
Josh Anderson, Dorothy Burke, Melissa Jarrett

Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels, Caroline Alessi, Christina Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1310
Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels, Caroline Alessi, Christina Alessi

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1310
Paul Robinson

Dorothy Burke, Ryan McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1310
Dorothy Burke, Ryan McLachlan

Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1310
Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett

Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1310
Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett

Isabella Lopez, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1310
Isabella Lopez, Paul Robinson

Isabella Lopez in Neighbours Episode 1310
Isabella Lopez

Christina Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1310
Christina Alessi

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1310
Paul Robinson

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