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Neighbours Episode 1167 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1166 - 1168>>
Episode title: 1167
Australian airdate: 27/03/90
UK airdate: 08/05/91
UK Gold: 22/04/97
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Josh is depressed that he's never had a girlfriend. Melissa thinks she knows the perfect girl for Josh.
Coffee Shop
Melissa says the girl is smart, and into computers - and cute too. Todd realises who Melissa means, but Josh can't think who it is. Todd and Melissa won't tell him, and tell him they'll arrange a blind date(!)
Beverly is looking through some old letters that Ewan sent her, but quickly puts them away when Jim and Helen come in. She tells them that she and Ewan are going out to meet a potential sponsor tonight. Jim is off to pick up Madge and Harold from the airport.
When Helen and Jim have gone, Beverly gets out the letters again and smiles at the content.
Christina has been shopping - she's bought a dress. Caroline bemoans the fact that she didn't buy it when she saw it in the shop the other day - but the twins have a rule that they wear different things!
Beverly is still reading Ewan's old letter when Todd, Melissa and Josh come in. They tell her about Todd being elected to the school council. Beverly puts the letters away - but one is on the floor and she doesn't see it.
Todd is ringing Josh's perfect girl - it's Cody Willis. He invites her over to talk about the school council and to have dinner.
Madge and Harold have arrived home, and so has Sharon - Henry and Bronwyn's wedding was fabulous. Helen and Jim are delighted to have them back. Apparently they had to buy two extra suitcase to bring back all the stuff Madge bought!
When Harold opens the suitcase, it's the wrong one. Madge goes off to ring the airport's lost property department. Harold finds a whip in the suitcase(!)
HAROLD: An equestrian!
JIM: Not necessarily(!)
Harold then finds a vibrator in the case and hastily shuts the lid(!)
HELEN: Harold certainly is broadening his mind!
Harold wonders who could possibly own the case. Madge tells them that they met a nice waiter called Eddie on their travels, and also about Lord Ledgerwood. Harold says they can have a slide night when they get the suitcase back(!)
Josh is nervous about meeting Cody. Melissa tells him just to be himself.
JOSH: I think this is going to be the dumbest thing I've ever done!
Cody arrives and sits down at the table. She immediately starts discussing the student council with Todd. Todd tries to talk Josh up but he's a bit tongue-tied. Then he spills the orange juice in his nervousness(!)
Christina is wearing the new dress and Caroline is critiquing it. She doesn't think it looks very good on. Paul is quite shocked at their candour with each other.
Harold is still telling Jim and Helen about Europe, but they make their excuses.
MADGE: Plenty of time to bore you with our trip later on!
HAROLD: It is not boring, it's fascinating!
MADGE: Alright Harold, we'll fascinate them tomorrow!
Harold is still concerned about the suitcase's contents, but Madge reminds him of the black negligee she used to wear and offers to slip it on(!)
Helen is making a salad. The kids are still discussing the School Council and Todd and Melissa are still talking Josh up at every opportunity.
CODY: What are you two, the Josh Anderson Appreciation Society?!
Beverly is just off to her dinner. Jim looks wistful that he isn't going to. When she's gone, he notices the letter on the floor and picks it up.
Caroline has made a casserole. Paul doesn't like it very much and Christina tells her straight that it's inedible and she should take cooking classes. Paul tells them off for arguing, but they explain that they are always straight with each other - they look the same, so it's a bit like having a go at yourself.
Josh is reading a book looking depressed. Cody asks Josh what he's doing on the weekend and whether he wants to do something together.
CODY: Why don't you walk me home while I decide?
JOSH: Yeah, OK!
CODY: You don't say much, do you!
She takes him off, much to Todd and Melissa's amusement.
TODD: How did that happen?!
Harold is hinting at Sharon that she should go to bed. She eventually gets the hint. Harold and Madge are getting a bit amorous when there's a knock at the door.
MADGE:(quietly) If that's Reverend Richards, I'll slash my wrists!
Harold opens the door to a lady carrying a suitcase - she's brought their suitcase back. She tells them they've got some weird stuff in their case(!) She takes her own case and off she goes.
Jim has waited up late for Beverly. She comes in and tells him that the dinner went well - a pharmaceutical company is interested in her project. Jim gets out the letter and shows it to Beverly.
JIM:(reading the letter) "I've missed your smile so much. Let's not leave it so long next time"
Beverly is angry that Jim has read her private papers and they start shouting at each other.
JIM: So, you're not going to deny it?! [having an affair]
BEVERLY: No, I'm not. And furthermore, you can go to hell because I have had it!
<<1166 - 1168>>
Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Josh Anderson

Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1167
Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett

Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Beverly Robinson

Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Beverly Robinson

Caroline Alessi, Christina Alessi, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Caroline Alessi, Christina Alessi, Paul Robinson

Josh Anderson, Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Josh Anderson, Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett, Beverly Robinson

Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 1167
Josh Anderson, Melissa Jarrett, Todd Landers

Jim Robinson, Harold Bishop, Sharon Davies, Madge Bishop, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1167
Jim Robinson, Harold Bishop, Sharon Davies, Madge Bishop, Helen Daniels

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop, Sharon Davies, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1167
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop, Sharon Davies, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Cody Willis, Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Cody Willis, Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett, Josh Anderson

Cody Willis, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Cody Willis, Josh Anderson

Christina Alessi, Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1167
Christina Alessi, Caroline Alessi

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Paul Robinson

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1167
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett, Cody Willis, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Todd Landers, Melissa Jarrett, Cody Willis, Josh Anderson

Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson

Christina Alessi, Paul Robinson, Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1167
Christina Alessi, Paul Robinson, Caroline Alessi

Cody Willis, Josh Anderson, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 1167
Cody Willis, Josh Anderson, Todd Landers

Bobo McKenzie, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1167
Bobo McKenzie, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1167
Jim Robinson

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