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Neighbours Episode 1149 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1148 - 1150>>
Episode title: 1149
Australian airdate: 01/03/90
UK airdate: 12/04/91
UK Gold: 27/03/97
Writer: John Upton
Director: Tony Osicka
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Natasha gives Kerry some flowers. Apparently she and Lochie are in the same class at school.
Lochie tells Kerry that she hates Natasha.
Melanie and Kerry are hanging out and chatting about Natasha and Lochie's feud.
There's a message on the answer-machine from Melanie from a secret admirer. The voice says he thinks he's in love with Melanie! It goes on to say how beautiful Melanie is inside and out, but he's too scared to admit it to her face. Melanie gets cross - she thinks it's Joe messing about.
Joe is trying to explain to Natasha and Lochie what a truce is. Natasha and Lochie glare at each other crossly. Joe says they're going to have to learn to get along, so Kerry doesn't get in strife with their parents. He insists that they become friends.
JOE:(dangerously) Just. Do. It.
At that moment, Melanie storms in and shouts at Joe for leaving a second message on her answer-machine. He doesn't know what she's talking about though - he swears he didn't do it a second time. Melanie is mollified and excitedly says that she's got a secret admirer.
Caroline gets a nuisance call and Christina comments that it's the fifth one today. They discuss how to interview for a new flatmate - a few people have rung up to enquire.
The phone rings again and Caroline answers it - it's another nuisance call. She tells them to rack off.
Coffee Shop
Matt and Lee are setting up for the day and having a bit of breakfast. Matt tells Lee that he doesn't understand why she's being distant with him even though they've got they're own place now. Lee says she's nervous about sex - it's a total commitment and she doesn't want to rush things. She asks Matt to give her some time.
Just then, Gloria comes in, laden down with Spanish-style dresses. It seems that it is going to be Spanish day at the Coffee Shop and Gloria busies herself making paella.
Melanie comes in to asks if Gloria can cater for 12 people for Des as an emergency today. Gloria agrees.
The Office
Melanie arrives in the office to find some flowers waiting for her. The card says, "I love you". Melanie is pleased. Caroline tells her about the prank calls they've had since they advertised for a flatmate. She's worried that one of them might turn out obsessive or dangerous. Melanie looks a bit worried - her admirer sounded a bit weird too.
MELANIE: What if he is a nutcase?
Coffee Shop
Gloria and Lee are struggling to finish the paella. Matt pitches in to help Lee (who is now in Spanish costume). He pours some rice into a pan.
Kerry is depressed - Natasha and Lochie have been fighting at school again.
Caroline and Christina are showing a potential flatmate around. He can't tell them apart(!) They ask him some questions eg does he smoke, what his job is, if he has pets etc. All his answers seem satisfactory. He asks them if it would be OK if his mother had a look round - she's waiting outside in the car.
Coffee Shop
Melanie complements Gloria on her Spanish theme. Lee shouts from the kitchen - Matt has put too much rice in the pan for the water and it's burnt.
GLORIA: What are we going to do?
Matt suggests cooking something else, but they only have fifteen minutes! Suddenly Gloria has an idea - they can buy the meals from Lassiter's restaurant. She reckons French and Spanish are much the same anyway(!)
The potential flatmate (Gerald)'s mother is walking round the house and criticising everything, and generally trying to dissuade Gerald from moving out. She lays several guilt trips on him about abandoning her. She says that she can visit him every day because she only lives around the corner. Caroline and Christina look horrified and quickly usher them out, saying they still have a few more people to see(!)
CAROLINE: Back to square one.
Garden of the Mangels
Natasha and Lochie are fighting again, but pretend to be friends when Kerry comes out. Kerry shows Natasha how to plant a seedling. While they are distracted, Lochie puts a worm in Natasha's sandwich. Natasha picks it up. Lochie tells her there's a worm in the sandwich but Natasha doesn't believe her. But Natasha soon finds out she's telling the truth(!)
Coffee Shop
Gloria has made a big loss today, but says they'll make it up tomorrow. Caroline comes in and says that Des was very pleased with the board lunch. Now the clients want them to cater for their board meetings in the future since it was such good quality for the price(!) Gloria despairs.
Garden of the Mangels
When Kerry goes in to get them a drink, Natasha turns the hose on Lochie. Lochie retaliates by throwing some mud. Kerry comes out and tells them off.
Melanie listens to her answer-phone again - there's another message from her admirer, saying he was watching her today. Christina thinks it's flattering, but Melanie is worried that she has a stalker - what if he's dangerous?
<<1148 - 1150>>
Kerry Bishop, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 1149
Kerry Bishop, Melanie Pearson

Natasha Kovac, Joe Mangel, Lochy McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1149
Natasha Kovac, Joe Mangel, Lochy McLachlan

Christina Alessi, Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1149
Christina Alessi, Caroline Alessi

Lee Maloney in Neighbours Episode 1149
Lee Maloney

Lee Maloney, Gloria Lewis, Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1149
Lee Maloney, Gloria Lewis, Matt Robinson

Caroline Alessi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 1149
Caroline Alessi, Melanie Pearson

Lee Maloney, Matt Robinson, Gloria Lewis in Neighbours Episode 1149
Lee Maloney, Matt Robinson, Gloria Lewis

Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1149
Joe Mangel, Kerry Bishop

Christina Alessi, Gerald, Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1149
Christina Alessi, Gerald, Caroline Alessi

Lee Maloney, Matt Robinson, Gloria Lewis, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 1149
Lee Maloney, Matt Robinson, Gloria Lewis, Melanie Pearson

Matt Robinson, Lee Maloney, Gloria Lewis in Neighbours Episode 1149
Matt Robinson, Lee Maloney, Gloria Lewis

Gerald's mother, Gerald

Lochy McLachlan, Natasha Kovac in Neighbours Episode 1149
Lochy McLachlan, Natasha Kovac

Kerry Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1149
Kerry Bishop

Gloria Lewis, Caroline Alessi, Lee Maloney in Neighbours Episode 1149
Gloria Lewis, Caroline Alessi, Lee Maloney

Sky Bishop, Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1149
Sky Bishop, Jamie Clarke

Lochy McLachlan, Natasha Kovac in Neighbours Episode 1149
Lochy McLachlan, Natasha Kovac

Christina Alessi, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 1149
Christina Alessi, Melanie Pearson

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 1149
Melanie Pearson

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