Common Room
Nick suggests that they should stop - Mike might get the sack. But Matt doesn't agree with this - they must show Mr Muir that they're serious.
Outside the Common Room
Mike is telling Mr Muir that he must listen to the students - he could have avoided the whole situation if he'd just listened to the students at the start.
Bronwyn is cuddling the possum (it's very cute!!) Bronwyn hear Harold coming, so she hides the possum in the laundry. Harold comes in and sits down. Madge shows Harold the sweater that the possum has been lying in - he doesn't react at all. When Madge has gone however, he starts to sneeze.
The School
Mr Muir and Mike are trying to get the students to come out. They agree if Mr Muir will talk to them. Mr Muir tells them that he can't condone radical behaviour but he's prepared to concede that they might have a point. He suggests that their case is represented at the next school council meeting. They may elect a representative to speak on their behalf. The students suggest Mike and Mr Muir agrees. Matt wants to know what's going to happen to Mike's job, he doesn't think he should be punished for listening to them. Mr Muir says that is his decision - he'll deal with Mike fairly.
Bronwyn comes in and tells Mike that the possum has escaped. She goes round the kitchen shouting, "Henry!" Harold comes in and sees this - he is very puzzled. When Madge comes back, Harold says that Bronwyn has gone mad - she's been looking in the kitchen cupboards for Henry(!)
Madge is explaining that Henry is a possum. Bronwyn comes in having found him. Harold starts to sneeze and Madge insists it's psychosomatic, telling him about the sweater. Harold is not impressed.
Hilary and Matt are having a blazing row about the sit-in. Hilary says that Mr Muir has behaved very reasonably(!) and she's ashamed of both Matt and Sharon. Matt says that they care about their education and want to protect their facilities. Matt tells Hilary just to admit that she's wrong, but Hilary says she wants him to apologise to Mr Muir. If he doesn't, she'll review the current living arrangements (meaning Lee)
Des is nervous about his job interview. Melanie encourages him and tells him the handshake is the most important part. Mike is going up before Mr Muir today too. Melanie tells him to stand up for his rights - he hasn't done anything wrong.
When Des has gone, Melanie says she's got a good vibe about his job prospects.
A glass biscuit barrel falls off the counter and smashes. Harold comes out and grimaces, then starts sneezing again(!) He starts to look for the possum and finds him in the laundry. When he tries to get the possum out, he is bitten on the finger. Bronwyn retrieves the possum as Harold continues to sneeze. Harold says the possum will have to go but Madge asks him to try one more night - it's important to Bronwyn's job. Harold reluctantly agrees.
Des comes into the interview and the interviewer asks him why he wants the job. Des says he's after a new challenge. The interviewer reads through his CV and it's clear that someone has doctored his CV. Des is confused. He is surprised to hear that he's a champion pole-vaulter as well(!) and was chosen to go to the Commonwealth Games(!) The man asks Des to give him a few tips on his tennis serve too(!)
Madge and Bronwyn are cleaning up the mess left by the possum. As they do, they hear something else smashing.
The interviewer is still reading Des's CV which reads like one for Superman(!) Des starts to talk confidently and tells the interviewer that he thinks he can be a valuable asset to his company.
Outside the Interview Room
Des is despondent - he doesn't think his interview went well.
The School
Matt has apologised to Mr Muir, so Lee is allowed to stay.
Mike comes in and says they've had a school council meeting and it looks like the common room is saved. Mr Muir comes in and asks Mike for a word.
School Corridor
Mr Muir says that he admires the rapport that Mike has with the students, but under the circumstances, he'll have to extend Mike's probation period indefinitely. Mike is shocked.
The Office
Des comes in and tells Melanie off for doctoring his CV. She says she thought it would help his chances and Des despairs. He says he's lost all credibility and he could be sued for false pretences. Melanie says that she was only trying to help. She asks if this means Des wants her to move out of the house. He clearly hasn't thought it all the way through, but he quickly recovers and says that's exactly what he means!