Hilary demanding to know the truth about Lee.
Henry walks into the Waterhole and comments to Madge - who's behind the bar - that he heard about the rock band, and he asks what night they start. Madge, however, can't hear him, as she's breaking in some ear plugs because there's a rock band starting there tonight! She takes out the plugs and Henry asks her if she's seen his date. Madge asks what she looks like. Henry says he doesn't know, but she said she'd be wearing a hat; there can't be too many of *them* about. At that moment, a very attractive brunette walks in through the door. She's wearing a broad-brimmed hat and she goes and sits down at a table. Henry looks at Madge and gasps:
HENRY: Oh... oh... oh, she's beautiful! I can't go out with *her*: Bronny would *kill* me.
MADGE: Don't worry - it's not your date.
HENRY: How do you know?
MADGE: Her name's Lois - she's a regular. She's just been to her sister's wedding!
Henry muses that she's missed out on the date of a lifetime! Madge, however, warns Henry seriously to be very careful tonight with this girl, as she sounds like a very lonely person. Henry explains, however, that it won't be just him: there'll be him, Cass, Melanie and Reverend Richards. Madge raises her eyebrows at the idea of the Reverend being there! At that moment, the door to the pub opens again and another woman walks in, wearing a hat. She's mousy-blonde and looking slightly lost.
No. 30
Lee is telling Hilary in the lounge room:
LEE: They'd start yelling at each other over the breakfast table and they'd still be going when I went to bed.
Matt asks Hilary wearily if they really need to go through all this, but Hilary retorts sternly that they *do*, and she tells Lee to continue. Lee says:
LEE: It got even worse when they decided to divorce - that's when they *really* started to drag me into it. They didn't yell at me, or anything, but they each tried to get me to say I liked one more than the other; and they each wanted me to go live with them when they split. Dad even brought me presents to try and turn me against mum. Anyway, I got sick of it and I left. I knew Uncle Rod and Aunty Jean were overseas, so I moved into their empty house.
Hilary says coolly that she takes it Lee doesn't come from Adelaide. Lee admits that she doesn't, and Hilary mutters sarcastically:
HILARY: Goodness me, I *am* surprised.
Matt says tersely that there's no need to be sarcastic. Hilary turns to him and starts to say:
HILARY: Now listen to *me*, Matthew-
Matt interrupts, though, and retorts angrily:
MATT: No. No. Why the hell *should* I? I mean, I've tried really hard to fit in with your way of living; busted a gut to try and be what you want me to be - but what about what*I* want? I mean, this is the first time I've asked you for any kind of favours, and you talk to me like *this*. Can she stay? Please?
Hilary hesitates before saying tersely:
HILARY: Very well - but only for a short time, and only on the condition that she informs her parents of her whereabouts. Agreed?
Lee nods and murmurs her thanks.
Henry is sitting with Cass at a table at the pub. Madge serves the two of them with an orange juice and then returns to the bar. Henry then asks Cass if she comes there often, but she replies shyly that she doesn't get out much. Henry recalls that her dad's an invalid. Cass goes on that she knows she must have sounded pretty desperate when she rang him on the radio, but he doesn't have to go out with her just because he feels sorry for her. Henry smiles:
HENRY: What *is* this? You trying to stand me up or something?!
Cass giggles. Henry tells her that he's pretty nervous himself, and he asks if they just can be friends. They shake hands. Cass comments that he guesses Henry's got *lots* of girlfriends. Henry smiles but tells her that Bronny - his fiancée - would kill him! Cass sighs that now she *really* feels rotten:
CASS: For starters, I feel like I blackmailed you into coming out tonight. Now I find out you're engaged. What must your fiancée be thinking? She must *hate* me.
Henry, however, insists that Bronny's great. Cass comments that she *must* be: she wouldn't let *her* boyfriend out on a dinner for two with some paranoid stranger. Henry, however, explains that it's dinner for four, not two. He asks Cass if she minds. Her face drops slightly, but she assures him that she doesn't mind at all. Henry raises his glass and proposes a toast to a great evening!
No. 26
A woman is sitting with Jim and Beverly in the lounge room, telling them that the next thing she has to do is prepare a report on them for the family court. She adds that it's nothing to worry about - but the most important thing is that their lawyer finds the baby's mother, as there's little they can do at Welfare until she signs the release form agreeing to relinquish the child. Jim comments that he doesn't think Debra Turner *wants* to be found. The Welfare officer just tells him to leave it to the experts. With that, she heads out. Lucy and Nick come in from the kitchen, and Beverly asks them when they're off to their party. Lucy smiles:
LUCY: Soon! I feel like a rage tonight!
Jim reminds her that he wants her home by 10pm, and Lucy assures him that they'll be there on the dot. She then adds:
LUCY: Anyway, we won't be at the party very long - we're going to the Waterhole to hear a band.
JIM (frowns): Hang on - *where*?
LUCY (pleads): Oh *please*, dad, Paul's put in this unreal band. Everyone will be there.
JIM: Well *you* won't be, for a start. [Turning to Nick] Nor *you*.
NICK (shrugs): Fair enough. I didn't know anything about it anyway.
Nick heads off to his room and Lucy complains to her father that he's not being very fair. Jim tells her that he's not letting his 15-year-old daughter go trooping off to the pub; it's the birthday party or stay home. Lucy sighs that it's not fair.
Henry is telling Cass that 'Cassandra' is a beautiful name. Cass mutters:
CASS: Yeah... beautiful name, plain girl. I could be had for misleading packaging.
Henry smiles and tells her that she has a great sense of humour, but Cass just retorts:
CASS: Oh is *that* why people laugh at me?
Henry comments that she shouldn't put herself down: she's making jokes against herself all the time. Cass shrugs that she figures if she does it first, it'll stop *other* people from doing it. Henry puts his hand on hers as he says:
HENRY: Why don't you try making jokes about how clever you are or how beautiful you are?
CASS: You're right - that would *really* get a laugh...
At that moment, Melanie and the Reverend Richards come in. Henry tells Cass that they're really nice people; she should just relax and have fun.
No. 26
Nick heads into the kitchen, where Jim and Beverly are having dinner. Jim asks him for a word, telling him that Lucy's a lovely girl and he worries about her. At that moment, Lucy walks in, wearing a very short red mini-dress. Nick's eyes grow wide! Jim and Beverly stand up, Jim looking shocked, as Lucy smiles:
LUCY: What do you think?
JIM (coolly): I think that you should go and put something *on*, that's what I think.
LUCY: Don't you *like* it?
JIM (hesitantly): Well, the dress is very nice, dear, but it's, um, too small or something. It just seems... it's too small, Lucy; I don't want you to wear it.
Lucy pleads that she made it herself at sewing class. Jim just retorts that it's too short - or *she's* too tall, or something! He turns to Beverly and asks what he means! Beverly says to Lucy:
BEVERLY: Isn't that the one with the jacket?
LUCY (nods): Yes.
BEVERLY: What do you think, Jim? Maybe it wouldn't look so short if she wore the jacket?
JIM (uncertainly): You could be right. What would *I* know?!
Lucy smiles and thanks her dad. With that, she and Nick head out. Beverly grins at Jim and teases:
BEVERLY: Too short...!
Jim stands there still looking less than convinced!
Japanese restaurant
A Japanese man is singing a Japanese version of 'Camptown Races' on a stage at one end of a Japanese restaurant! Henry, Cass, Melanie and the Reverend Richards are watching from near the door and Henry grins that he hopes the tucker's better than the floorshow! A waitress shows them to their table as Melanie explains that *they're* the floorshow: they get to sing along to the music! She adds that a friend of hers came there and said it was heaps of fun! Henry shrugs that he'll have a go if everyone else will! Cass has buried her head in a menu, and Melanie appeals to her to give it a go. Cass, however, retorts that she'd rather not. The Reverend Richards smiles that they may as well *all* make idiots of themselves. Cass just repeats tersely that she *can't*. Henry changes the subject quickly and suggests they have a squizz at the menu. Melanie says in concern:
MELANIE: I hope they have something plain. I can't eat weird food.
HENRY: Well, I don't think they'll have fish and chips!
No. 30
Lee hangs up the 'phone in the hallway and tells Hilary - who's sitting at the piano in the lounge room - that they're still not answering. Hilary says curtly:
HILARY: Do you think it might help if you dialled the right number?
Lee asks what she means and Hilary tells her that if she didn't want to contact her parents, it would be very easy just to dial the wrong number. Matt comes in with some mugs of tea and Hilary tells him that Lee is being most un-cooperative: she won't say which school she attends or where her parents or relatives live; for all *she* knows, she might be harbouring some sort of *criminal*. Lee exclaims:
LEE: Oh, *what*?
Hilary says she thinks she's being more than generous taking a total stranger into her house. Matt pleads with her to give Lee some time and let her contact her parents first. He adds:
MATT: I mean, if *you* talked to them, it might just make things worse.
Hilary frowns at him and says in annoyance that she might retire for the evening. She storms off to her room. Matt tells Lee that it might be hard to believe, but Hilary really does mean well.
No. 26
Jim and Beverly are fussing over baby Rhys, Beverly crying that they could *lose* him: they heard what Janice Lincoln said. Jim insists that worrying isn't going to help. Beverly asks in an upset tone what will happen if Debra changes her mind. Jim assures her:
JIM: She *won't* change her mind.
BEVERLY: She's his *mother*, Jim; how could she just sign a piece of paper and give him away?
JIM: Because she doesn't feel about Rhys the way *we* do.
BEVERLY (tremulously): *We*?
JIM: Well... I try hard not to love him, but it's a losing battle!
Beverly smiles gratefully as Jim puts his arm around her and says they'll be fine.
A band called The Shivers finishes a set. Lucy and Nick are in the pub, and Nick suggests that they should go. Lucy, however, tells him that they just got there: he should enjoy himself. Nick sighs:
NICK: How *can* I? Jim said we weren't allowed to come here.
LUCY: Because *he* thinks I'm still daddy's little girl, and I'm *not*. Do you think I'm too young?
NICK: That's not the point.
LUCY: Then what *is*?
NICK: The point is I promised your dad I'd get you home by ten o'clock.
LUCY: And you *will* - now stop worrying.
One of the band members smiles at Lucy suddenly, and she smiles back. Nick tells her to cut it out, and he mutters that this is crazy. He tries to head off, but Lucy just sits down at a table. Madge walks over suddenly and asks where Jim and Beverly are. Nick says quickly:
NICK: They're not here. We just, um... We were on our way home from a party and we heard the band, so we thought we-
LUCY: We won't be drinking or anything; we just want to listen.
Madge, however, tells Lucy that they can't: they wouldn't want Paul to lose his licence. She then returns to the bar. Nick and Lucy stand up to leave - but Lucy looks round to see the coast is clear, and sneaks back over to the table...
Japanese restaurant
A waitress serves Henry, Cass, Melanie and Reverend Richards with their meal, and the Reverend comments that it's a good choice of restaurant. Henry looks at the food in front of him. Melanie asks what it is. Henry grumbles:
HENRY: Fish. *Raw* fish.
The Reverend smiles that that's what sushi *is*! Henry decides that this is his cue to sing, and he leaps up and heads for the stage! When he's gone, Melanie smiles that Henry is just *so* funny: Bronny must just be laughing all the time! Cass says:
CASS: What's she like, Melanie? Very pretty, I suppose?
MELANIE: Oh yeah, she's lovely. It would be such a shame if those two didn't get married.
CASS (looking surprised): Why *wouldn't* they?
MELANIE: No reason, really; it's just that they did postpone it once before. It was all very mysterious and, well, stranger things have happened.
CASS: Yes, I suppose so...
Some music starts playing on the stage and Henry takes a pair of shades of out his pocket and starts singing and putting on a show! Cass watches him fondly...
The Shivers are playing again. At their table, Lucy asks Nick to come and dance, but he mutters that there's no way. Lucy complains that it's silly just sitting there. Nick retorts:
NICK: You *bet* it's silly just sitting here - your dad's going to *kill* us.
LUCY: No he won't - he won't even *know*.
NICK: How did you come to *that* conclusion?
LUCY: He'll be all wrapped up in his bed, snoring his head off.
NICK: He's old, but he's not *that* old. We *promised* him, Luce.
LUCY (mimics in annoyance): 'We promised him, Luce.'
A teenage boy walks over suddenly and says in surprise:
BOY: No... get out of it! Not Lucy Robinson?!
LUCY: Oh, hello, Alan - I didn't think you'd recognise me!
Lucy explains to Nick that Alan was three classes above her at Erinsborough High - he was always telling the 'little kids' to get lost. Alan asks what they're drinking. Nick says he doesn't want anything, but Lucy asks for a rum and Coke, and Alan heads to the bar. When he's gone, Nick exclaims at Lucy in horror:
NICK: Rum and Coke? Oh come on, let's go.
He grabs Lucy's arm, but she stays where she is, retorting:
LUCY: *You* can if you want. Alan will look after me.
Nick sits back down, looking annoyed.
No. 30
Matt is sitting studying in the lounge room when Lee comes in. He comments that he thought she would have crashed by now, but she tells him that she can't sleep: she's got too many things racing round in her head. Matt asks what they are, as he might be able to help. Lee replies hesitantly:
LEE: Well, that's just it: I think it might be better if I took off tomorrow.
MATT (exclaims): You want to *leave*? *Why*?
LEE: I just don't want to cause any more trouble between you and your mum.
MATT: Lee, forget it - it's OK: we're like this all the time.
Lee sighs that it's not just that. She then asks quickly:
LEE: Matt, are we just *friends*?
MATT: I'm sorry - I don't quite follow you.
LEE: Well... because if you want us to be *more* than friends, then that would make you just like my parents: it would mean you're only helping me out to get something in return, and I've had *enough* of that - after all, that *is* why I left home.
MATT (remarks): You don't mince words, do you?! No, er, friends. Nothing more.
Japanese restaurant
Melanie is singing on the stage, very out of tune! Several of the patrons have their fingers in their ears! At the table with Henry and Cass, the Reverend Richards muses:
HENRY: Look - I know you're a man of the cloth, but we're going to lie when she gets back to the table, aren't we...?
REVEREND RICHARDS: 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'.
HENRY: Pardon?
Cass, however, says she thinks Melanie is very brave. Melanie carries on singing, reaching the big climax! When she's finished, the crowd starts clapping hesitantly! Melanie rejoins the others at their table and she sighs that she was awful! Cass, however, smiles:
CASS: Gee, you're brave. I couldn't *possibly* do that.
MELANIE: Oh, but you've *got* to, Cass - I only did it because I thought *you* were going to.
Henry says he thinks Melanie has had one sake too many! Melanie retorts indignantly:
MELANIE: I have *not*! Anyway, you weren't even brave enough to eat your fish. I know: Henry eats his fish if Cassie sings a song!
Henry insists that there's no way Henry Ramsay eats raw fish! Cass, however, stands up and heads over to the stage. Henry watches her, in surprise. Music starts playing, and Cass sings in an astonishingly good voice 'Over the Sea to Skye'. Henry sits there, open-mouthed. Melanie murmurs:
MELANIE: I think I'm going to cry...
Henry picks up his chopsticks and puts some sushi into his mouth! Cass finishes singing and the crowd in the restaurant erupts into a round of applause!
Lucy, Nick and Alan are sitting at their table, Lucy giggling at one of Alan's stories. None of them notice two police officers come in. They head over to the table and one of them asks Lucy how old she is. A few seconds later, Jim comes in, looking for Lucy. He spots her sitting with Nick and Alan and the police officers noting down their names. He doesn't look at all impressed...