Jim being told by Detective Rolfs that he's going to be charged with receiving and harbouring stolen property.
No. 24
Toby is in the kitchen with Madge and Sky when Harold arrives home and asks cheerily how everyone is. Madge sighs that Sky has been running her ragged all day. Harold, however, picks up the child and says he bets she's been as good as gold! Madge puts a plate of sandwiches on the kitchen table. Harold looks at it and exclaims in shock:
HAROLD: Madge, that's a *ham* sandwich. That's meat. You know she doesn't have meat.
MADGE: Oh, sorry, sorry. I made it for Toby.
HAROLD: You should be more careful. You know Kerry would be most upset.
MADGE (tersely): It was a mistake, Harold, all right?
Harold turns to Toby and tells him that he has something special for him. He asks Toby if he remembers when they were in the bush and he invested him as a scout. Toby nods that he does. Harold smiles:
HAROLD: Well, today you get your first reward. For braving the wilds, you have earned your first badge: the bronze boomerang!
Harold hands over a small medal and Toby looks at it happily. He then asks if he can earn some *more* badges. He adds that he could go camping in a tent. Harold tells him that there's a tent in the garage, and Toby says enthusiastically that he could pitch it up in the back yard! He runs out to get the tent, leaving Harold to beam at Madge:
HAROLD: Youthful enthusiasm - whatever happened to it, eh?
MADGE (gruffly): People get older, Harold, and they wear out.
Harold, looking surprised, asks what exactly happened today to bring on this melancholia. Madge sighs that it was a nightmare, and she explains about being locked out and having to climb in the window. Harold listens sympathetically. He then says he'd better give Toby a hand. Madge tells him to take Sky with him!
No. 26
The doorbell rings at No. 26 and Beverly opens the door to Clive. He steps inside and Beverly asks in concern if there's a problem with the practice. Clive explains that the practice is fine, but he's had a 'phone call from a Doctor Horner - requesting Gail's records. He adds that Gail's asked that it not be revealed where she is, and he asks Beverly if *she* wants to speak to this Doctor Horner. Beverly, however, sits down as she says:
BEVERLY: No, Clive, I think I'd rather *you* dealt with it. Being a part of the family, the less I know, the better.
CLIVE (nods): That's what I thought.
Beverly asks if Gail is all right, and Clive smiles that she's fine, apparently: they're ready to induce the triplets. Beverly asks him to keep in touch and let her know how things go. Clive asks if she's going to tell Jim about this. Beverly sighs that she doesn't know: if he finds out later that she didn't tell him, he'll be terribly hurt. Clive nods and says he'll let himself out. Beverly sits on the couch and sighs heavily.
Office of the Robinson Corporation
Des is sitting at Paul's desk, talking on the 'phone and telling someone that the file is right in front of him. He then hangs up and starts hunting frantically for the file! The door out in the reception area bangs suddenly and an excited female voice calls out:
WOMAN: Hello! Hello? Hello!
The woman is Melanie Pearson! She appears in the doorway and, seeing Des sitting there, says:
MELANIE: Mr. Clarke! Is this the Robinson Corporation? I'm the new secretary!
DES (recalls): Melanie... Melanie Pearson? Right?
DES: I'd recognise that face anywhere!
MELANIE: Gee, it's good to be remembered. I guess I'm lucky like that!
DES: You've got something very special, Melanie!
MELANIE: I think it's because I'm nice to people: they always remember me. It's nice to be nice!
Melanie then asks Des if she's in the right place, as they told her to see Paul Robinson. Des explains that he's filling-in for Paul. Melanie muses:
MELANIE: I get it: temp secretary, temp manager!
She then laughs in her unique walrus-like way! She goes on that she starts in the morning but thought she'd come in to check things out. Des asks her what she's been up to, and she tells him:
MELANIE: Well... I've tried a *few* things: I was a tour guide, then I worked in an op shop, then I was an usher at the pictures, which was really great except they wouldn't let me stay in for the comedies!
Des stifles a laugh! He then asks Melanie why she left. She tells him:
MELANIE: I said it was because of the money, but if you want to know the honest truth, in temping you meet more eligible men!
The door in the reception area opens suddenly and Jim comes rushing in, looking for Paul or Helen. Melanie says hello to him and he asks her what she's doing there. She smiles that she's the new secretary. Jim acknowledges this and then turns and leaves, saying he's got urgent business. When he's gone, Melanie sits down in the seat opposite Des's and exclaims:
MELANIE: He is really, really nice!
She then asks Des if he can show her what needs doing. Des, however, muses that he doesn't know what he's doing him*self*!
Outside the Waterhole
Gloria is clearing a table when Jim walks up to her and says coldly:
JIM: I have been charged with receiving stolen goods.
Gloria exclaims that that's ridiculous. Jim retorts that she's got to tell the police the truth: she knows who Rob got those stolen spare parts from. Gloria insists that Rob never told her *anything*. Jim, though, tells her tersely that he could go to *jail*. He presses:
JIM: Just give me a name. I'll do the rest, but I need *that* much.
GLORIA (shrugs): I told you: I don't know *anything*.
With that, Gloria heads back inside, leaving Jim looking frustrated.
No. 24
Madge is tidying up in the lounge room when Harold comes in. She asks him how the tent is and he smiles that it's a very sturdy structure; the only trouble is that Toby's keen on him spending the night out there with him. Madge warns that it's going to be very, very chilly. She adds that it's a bit nippy out there *now*, so he'd better bring Sky in. Harold, however, says blankly:
HAROLD: *Sky*? She came in *ages* ago.
MADGE: In *here*?
HAROLD: Yes. I'm sure of it.
MADGE: Harold, *I* haven't seen her.
HAROLD: Well, she's not in the backyard.
MADGE: Well, where is she, then? I mean, she could be by the pool or out in the road...
The two of them start calling for Sky, frantically. They peer outside and then head to the bedrooms, trying each door. They reach the bathroom and Madge tries to open *that* door, but it won't budge. They hear Sky burbling inside. Harold beams:
HAROLD: She *is* in there, the little scallywag!
Madge turns to Harold and retorts that she *is* in there and she's locked the door, so how does he suggest they get her out? Harold stands there looking dumbstruck!
No. 24
A short time later, Madge is calling through the door, asking Sky to turn the key in the lock. Sky just keeps burbling. Harold heads off to the kitchen and returns a few seconds later with a newspaper. He slips it under the door, telling Madge that they'll have Sky out of there in a jiffy. He then explains that he'll use a knife in the keyhole to wiggle the key about so that it falls onto the paper and he can pull it under the door. Unfortunately, before he can get any further, Sky grabs the sheet of newspaper and pulls it into the bathroom! Madge and Harold decide to try again, with Madge holding onto the newspaper this time. The key duly falls onto the paper, but when they carefully pull it back under the door, the key isn't on it. Harold looks through the keyhole to see Sky playing with the key!
No. 26
Beverly is talking on the 'phone to Des, looking for Jim, but the front door opens suddenly and she tells him that Jim's there now. She hangs up and then tells Jim that she wondered where he'd got to. Jim kisses her and explains that he just spent several unpleasant hours down at the local police station.
BEVERLY (recalls): Oh, reporting the stolen goods.
JIM: No - being charged with *receiving* them.
BEVERLY (aghast): You're joking!
Beverly then asks Jim how he could be *charged*: he knew nothing about it; he reported *finding* the parts. Jim, however, explains that the police got to him before he had a chance to do that. Beverly tells him that Gloria can tell them he's not involved, but Jim replies that she's pleading innocence, saying she doesn't know a thing. Beverly stands there looking shocked. She then asks:
BEVERLY: What about Sergeant Mooney?
JIM: Yep, I told them about Sergeant Mooney. You know what they said? "Every bent businessman tries to cultivate police officers."
BEVERLY: I don't believe it!
Jim tells her not to worry about it: he had some time with the solicitor and he said there's nothing they can do about it at the moment. He adds:
JIM: Rob *told* Gloria about it - I'm sure of it; they're not the type to have secrets, not from each other.
Changing the subject, Beverly sits down with Jim at the kitchen table and tells him about Clive receiving a call about Gail. Jim asks immediately if Paul knows about this. Beverly retorts:
BEVERLY: It's confidential. *I* can't tell him that and *you* mustn't, either.
JIM (sharply): Beverly, Paul is my *son*. I can't deny him information about his family, his wife, his kids.
BEVERLY (pleads): Please, Jim, I shouldn't have told even *you*.
JIM: Well, maybe this'll sort the whole thing out. If Paul could just *talk* to Gail...
BEVERLY (forcefully): If Gail wants to talk, she knows where Paul is. In the meantime, there's medical ethics. What I've told you is confidential, and it has to *stay* that way.
Jim doesn't look happy.
Office of the Robinson Corporation
Melanie finishes putting some files away and sits down opposite Des, where she says:
MELANIE: So, um, what's the gossip? Where's Paul Robinson? Is he on holidays?
DES: Not... not holidays - he's just taking time off.
MELANIE: He's not sick, is he?
DES: Not sick; just time off.
Melanie then asks where *Gail* is. Des sighs heavily before saying:
DES: Look, it's no secret; you'll find out anyway: Gail's left Erinsborough and she mightn't be coming back.
MELANIE: *Why*?!
DES: Personal reasons.
MELANIE: Um, sorry. That's me: open my mouth to change feet! What about Jane: what's *she* been up to?
DES: Well, um, she has gone overseas. It's a long story.
MELANIE: Wow! Jane and, er, Paul, didn't... er, you know... and that's why Gail left?
DES: No, Melanie, that is wrong. Completely and utterly wrong!
Melanie then asks how Henry is. Des replies that he's not around: he's off milking cows, taking some time off - and he's engaged. Melanie looks astonished! Des looks at his watch and says he might head off now, so she can go too. Melanie, however, says she hasn't got anything to do, really, so she thought they could have a drink at the pub and he could tell her all about Henry and the lucky girl. Des looks at his watch again and explains that a mate of his, Clive, is coming round later. Melanie smiles:
MELANIE: Oh really? That'd be great! You can tell a lot about a man by his friends, and I reckon you'd have really *nice* friends!
DES (sighs): OK. One drink - with the three of us.
MELANIE: Thanks for inviting me, Des!
With that, Melanie heads out into the reception area, singing to herself happily
Outside the Waterhole
Gloria is clearing glasses when Beverly hobbles over to her. Gloria comments that it's a bit of a cold day to be out for a stroll, but Beverly tells her that she came to see *her*. Gloria, however, says she's got to work:
GLORIA: You know what they say: fair day's work for a fair day's pay.
BEVERLY (coolly): Hmm... All the old values, eh?
GLORIA: I like to think so.
BEVERLY: Like friendship?
Gloria hesitates before saying she's already explained to Jim that she doesn't know anything about that spare parts business, and even if she did, she couldn't be a dobber: it's against everything Rob stood for. Beverly asks:
BEVERLY: Do you really think Rob would've let Jim go to jail?
Gloria, however, insists that it won't come to that. Beverly retorts:
BEVERLY: Let's be quite clear about what you're doing, Gloria: through misguided loyalty to Rob and some shonky mate of his, you're putting Jim's future on the line. You're risking his health, his business and his family. Rob would *never* have done that.
GLORIA: Let's leave Rob out of this, shall we? You've got no right to pressure me like this - and none of what you're saying is true.
BEVERLY: It *is* true. You have to face up to that.
GLORIA: It's *not*.
One of the other bar staff calls from the Waterhole doorway and asks Gloria to help out inside. Gloria says to Beverly curtly:
GLORIA: Excuse me - I've got work to do.
She walks off, leaving Beverly fuming.
No. 22
Paul is preparing some food as Jim stands and watches. He invites his son to come over for dinner, but Paul sighs that he's just not up to it: everyone's being so nice and patting him on the head, blah blah blah... He then changes the subject and says he's been thinking about hiring a private detective to find Gail. Jim says awkwardly:
JIM: Why not give it some time, mate?
PAUL: Give it *time*? She could be in trouble. The babies are just about due. Now if *I'm* this stressed out, what sort of state is *she* in?
JIM (hesitantly): Paul, there's something that I've been asked not to tell you, but I think you have a right to know.
PAUL: What?
JIM: Gail's fine. She's about to have the triplets. Clive's been contacted by her new doctor.
A frown crosses Paul's face...
No. 24
Harold has got out his toolkit and is endeavouring to remove the lock on the bathroom door, but it's no good and he tells Madge that he's going to have to force the door by breaking the lock. Madge asks:
MADGE: Won't that *damage* the door?
HAROLD (exasperatedly): Of *course* it'll damage the door, but how *else* am I supposed to do it, eh?
Madge says *she'll* have another try, and she calls through the door and asks Sky to put the key under the door. Harold sighs that Sky doesn't understand! Madge then says she's got an idea: why don't they get Toby to climb through the window? Harold, however, tells her that that means breaking the glass, and that could be dangerous for *both* of them. Madge looks through the keyhole again and says she can't see Sky. She concludes that Harold's going to have to force the door. Harold assures her that he'll try not to damage it more than absolutely necessary. With that, he picks up a crowbar and starts trying to lever the door open. It budges after a few seconds, and Harold and Madge head into the bathroom to find Sky and the floor covered in talcum powder!
No. 28
Melanie and Des are sitting on the couch, listening as Clive tells them a comic story about a traffic cop he had an encounter with. When he finishes the tale, Melanie guffaws in her own unique way. Clive stares at her in astonishment! Melanie smiles at him that his jokes are really funny! Des tells her:
MELANIE: You and Clive should go out sometime, you know? Be a riot!
Clive starts shaking his head! Melanie, however, says:
MELANIE: Clive's jokes are really lovely, but I'm only interested in more *mature* men. No offense, Clive!
Des tells Melanie that Clive's a doctor: they age quicker! Melanie looks impressed and says she might break her rule for a doctor! Clive, however, tells her:
CLIVE: Never break a good rule, Melanie - and *that* is a good rule!
With that, Clive says he's got to head off. Melanie, however, smiles at him and asks him to stay and tell them all about being a doctor!
No. 26
Beverly is standing in the kitchen, chopping up some vegetables, as Paul yells at her:
PAUL: I can't *believe* this. How can you know where Gail is and not tell me?
BEVERLY (retorts): I *don't* know where Gail is, and I don't *want* to know.
PAUL: Yes, but you can find out just like 'that', can't you?
Jim interjects that he doesn't think there's any point in fighting about this. Paul, however, snaps:
PAUL: Oh don't you, dad? Well, *I'm* fighting for Gail, that's who *I'm* fighting for. I'm fighting for my wife, my marriage and my kids.
Beverly glares at Jim and snaps that she'd have thought it was *obvious* this would happen. Jim snaps back that he felt he had no choice. Paul just yells:
PAUL: Oh, for heaven's sake, Bev, what's more important: some abstract principle or your family?
BEVERLY: If Gail wants to see you, she knows how to contact you.
Paul calms down slightly and says:
PAUL: All right, all right, what about the kids? I want to be *there* for them. I want to be there when they're born and I want to be there afterwards. If I'm there at the birth, it'll help Gail; it'll help rebuild our trust.
BEVERLY: If Gail's feeling hassled and harassed, it *won't* help; it'll do more harm than good.
Jim tells Paul that Beverly's right. Paul, however, snaps:
PAUL: Look, dad, if Gail doesn't want to talk, that's fine - I'll go away; but I want to hear it from *her*. It's not Bev's decision.
BEVERLY: Gail hasn't contacted you - that's *her* decision.
PAUL: Look, I just want her to see that I still love her. I want to get the chance to get her to come back to me.
BEVERLY: Once the babies are born, her attitude's likely to change. Be patient.
PAUL: Oh, *patient*? Look, I'm not going to argue about this. If *you* won't tell me, Clive will - he's over at Des's.
BEVERLY (warns): Clive will tell you exactly the same thing.
PAUL (furiously): I don't *believe* you doctors. Who gave you the right to play God?
With that, Paul storms out. When he's gone, Beverly glares at Jim and snaps:
BEVERLY: How *dare* you put me in this position?
JIM: Sweetheart, I had no choice.
BEVERLY: You had *every* choice.
Jim just glares at Beverly before walking off.
Ramsay Street
Clive is about to climb into his car when Paul emerges from No. 26. He spots the doctor and dashes over to him, saying:
PAUL: I want you to tell me where my wife is.
CLIVE: How should *I* know?
PAUL: Oh come on, don't try that on me.
CLIVE: Look, even if I did know something, I still couldn't tell you.
PAUL: Look, you know the doctor. Just tell me who it is.
CLIVE: I can't, Paul - it's medical ethics.
Paul suddenly puts his hand to Clive's throat and pushes him up against his car. He snarls:
PAUL: Listen to me: I've asked you nicely; now I'm *telling* you: give me the name of the doctor.
Clive just stands there and stares at Paul.