Jim gives Helen a Rose to apologise for his behaviour over the will. Nick is fed up of being broke. Katie says that Beverly won't be home for dinner, she's working late at the hospital. Jim suggests that they invite Paul and Gail to dinner instead.
Poppy's place
Scott comes round to see Poppy and tells her that Stavros has been round to Ramsay Street and Scott punched him. Poppy insists that Stavros isn't her fiance - it's an arranged marriage. Poppy likes Stavros, but doesn't want to marry him. Scott says maybe they should drop the project for a while - he doesn't want Poppy getting in strife. But Poppy says she can handle her family.
Harold gets Kerry to smell a new aftershave that he's bought for his anniversary (it's rather strong!)
Madge comes in an asks what the peculiar smell is(!)
HAROLD:(quietly) Back to the drawing board!
Just then Hilary comes round to get the Coffee Shop keys.
HILARY: Whatever is that dreadful stench?!
Toby is showing Katie and Joe his latest magic trick. It's quite a good trick with a disappearing coin! Jim comes round to pick Katie up and Toby shows him another trick. He takes Katie's watch, puts it in a bag and bangs it with a hammer. Everyone looks a bit worried, but the trick works - everyone is very impressed.
Nick has served up dinner to Paul and Gail. Gail is a bit nervous about opening the gift shop on Monday. The rest come in and they chat about the will. Paul still hasn't told Helen what he wants his present to be.
PAUL: I wanted to use this opportunity for the most important thing I could think of. And, what would give me the greatest happiness is a child of our own. So Gran, if you'd like to put some money into a bank account that we could use solely for the IVF program, I think that'd be the greatest gift of all.
Ramsay Street, the following morning
Bouncer takes Harold's newspaper out of the box. Harold is not impressed when he comes out and finds it gone. Hilary's newspaper is also gone.
Harold comes in ranting about his newspaper. Kerry offers Harold a hand at the Coffee Shop next week to ease his load.
Madge shows Scott the present she's bought for Harold for their anniversary. She's afraid that Harold has forgotten, despite her hinting. Scott advises her to be a bit more obvious.
Coffee Shop
Toby and Katie are blowing bubbles in their drink and Hilary tells Joe off. Toby starts to show Hilary a magic trick with a coin from the takings she's counting, but she tells him off.
Gail think "The Robinson Co-orperation" is a bit egotistical(!) Gail thinks the gift shop should be going a bit more upmarket - something for the business man to take home for his wife. Paul suggests T-shirts(!) Suddenly Gail says she's had a great idea - it could be the answer to more than one problems.
Ramsay Street
Hilary and Kerry are talking about the birds she gave her. Joe, Katie and Toby pass by. While they're talking, Bouncer creeps up and takes the takings out of Hilary's basket. Hilary is alramed when she looks back into the basket.
HILARY: Oh no! Not the takings!
Toby is showing everyone another trick. They ask him to demonstrate the watch-smashing trick again, so Jim gives him his watch. Joe takes the bag and says he's worked out the trick. He starts banging the bag with the hammer, much to Toby's horror. Jim's watch, of course, is ruined(!)
Hilary storms round at that point and accuses Toby of stealing the takings out of her basket. Everyone sticks up for Toby and says he wouldn't do it.
Scott and Poppy are working while Harold is making his dinner. Poppy says that they should have dinner at her uncle's restaurant when they've finished and Scott agrees.
In the living room, Harold eats his sandwich while Madge hints about their anniversary again.
Paul and Gail's
Gail has called Nick and Helen over. She wants Nick to design and print some T-shirts for them. Nick is very pleased and gratefully accepts. He says he knows someone with a printer he could borrow.
Madge suggests that they go for a drive tomorrow since it's Sunday. He says he'd rather have a quiet night. Madge is not pleased, saying Harold is a boring fuddy-duddy. She storms off to the kitchen.
Just then Paul comes to the door and Harold goes to talk to him outside.
Madge gets straight on the phone to Lassiter's to cancel the booking. Outside, Harold is cancelling his booking with Paul!