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Neighbours Episode 0941 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0940 - 0942>>
Episode title: 0941
Australian airdate: 17/04/89
UK airdate: 21/06/90
UK Gold: 10/06/96
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Coffee Shop
Madge and Harold have both had busy days and are looking forward to getting home. Kerry comes in with Sky and Harold fusses over her. Kerry asks Harold to look after Sky for a couple of hours - she's off to a conservation meeting. Madge offers to look after Sky as Harold is too busy with the Coffee Shop.
The Office
Jane is beavering away on the computer - she's having trouble concentrating. She asks Paul and Gail if they wouldn't mind her finishing it tomorrow. Paul asks when Des is coming back - he's missed him.
When Jane has gone, Gail observes that Jane isn't herself, but Paul hasn't noticed!
Katie is persuading Mike to sponsor her for a sponsored read. Jane comes round with some flowers - they're to brighten up the place for when Des comes home. Katie gets Jane to sponsor her too!
Kerry gets home to find that Madge has given Kerry a little slap on the bottom for being naughty. Kerry isn't impressed.
Joe is trying to talk Bouncer into getting off the chair. As Bouncer doesn't move, Joe starts ordering him. Jane comes in and laughs. They toss a coin to decide who'll train Bouncer. Meanwhile, Bouncer is eating Joe's sandwich(!)
Madge is telling Kerry that it was only a small slap, it didn't hurt. Kerry insists that there's no need to inflict pain on a child. Madge says she didn't - it was just a tap. Kerry says it's not her way to hit children - and if Madge can't stop herself, she wants her to stay away from Sky.
Just then, Harold comes in to a find a frosty silence.
Paul and Mike have had dinner together. They're discussing feeling lonely without their respective women.
Just then, Des arrives home with Jamie in his arms. He says the wedding was fantastic and Eileen sends her love. Mike fills Des in about what's happened with Jenny and the rehabilitation centre. He also enquires after Paul and Gail. Paul says he hopes Gail will be home soon. Des admires the flowers and is rather surprised to hear they're from Jane. Mike offers to ring Jane to call her over, but Des quickly says he's too jet-lagged.
Joe has got a dog-training video to help him to train Bouncer. Joe tells Jane that he saw Des getting out of a taxi earlier - he tells Jane to go over to say hello. Jane says it's a bit late for a social call. Also she'd rather wait for Des to get in touch with her, not the other way around.
Bishops, the following morning
Harold is trying to reason with Kerry. But Kerry says that Madge won't be able to stop herself hitting Sky should the situation arise again (er...what?!) Kerry speaks frostily to Madge and then stomps out.
Harold says he doesn't really blame Kerry for being annoyed. But Madge says she was just doing what she did with her own kids - and it never did them any harm. Madge is angry that she's being made out to be a witch.
Just then, Katie comes in looking for sponsorship for the readathon. Madge says that Harold will sort her out(!)
Joe and Bouncer are watching the dog video. It says that you mustn't lose your temper with the dog under any circumstances. Jane is just off to work and Joe tells her she should go and see Des before she goes.
Joe starts trying to get Bouncer to fetch the newspaper. Bouncer doesn't react. Finally Joe decides to demonstrate and runs about on all fours, picking up the newspaper in his teeth. Just then Katie comes in and laughs at Joe.
The Office
Jane is clearly distracted and Gail asks her what's going on. Jane says she's still not feeling the best and tells Gail that she's very confused about Des. She tells her they kissed before Des went away - but now she doesn't know where she stands. Gail tells her to go straight round to Des's and find out.
Coffee Shop
Madge is upset about being ganged up on by Kerry and Harold. Harold does, however, apologise for insulting the way Madge brought up her own kids. Harold tells Madge that Kerry is probably just thinks that Madge is interfering. Madge agrees to compromise, as long as Harold gives her another back rub tonight(!)
Front Garden of the Mangels
Joe is still trying to get Bouncer to get the newspaper, but he's still not reacting! Kerry comes up with Sky in a buggy and laughs at Joe's efforts. She invites him to have a break and comes for a walk with her and Sky. Jane passes and Joe looks at her knowingly. Just then, Bouncer gets up and fetches the paper - unseen by Joe!
Des is looking through his mail. Mike tells him there was a card from Penny Porter, but it doesn't seem to be there now.
Just then the door-bell rings and it's Jane. Des greets her rather formally. Mike asks if Jane remembers the postcard that was there yesterday and Jane looks very guilty.
<<0940 - 0942>>
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Sky Bishop, Kerry Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0941
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Sky Bishop, Kerry Bishop

Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0941
Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson, Jane Harris

Mike Young, Jane Harris, Katie Landers in Neighbours Episode 0941
Mike Young, Jane Harris, Katie Landers

Kerry Bishop, Madge Bishop, Sky Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0941
Kerry Bishop, Madge Bishop, Sky Bishop

Bouncer, Joe Mangel, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0941
Bouncer, Joe Mangel, Jane Harris

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0941
Madge Bishop

Paul Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0941
Paul Robinson, Des Clarke

Mike Young, Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0941
Mike Young, Jamie Clarke

Bouncer in Neighbours Episode 0941

Kerry Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0941
Kerry Bishop, Harold Bishop

Joe Mangel, Katie Landers in Neighbours Episode 0941
Joe Mangel, Katie Landers

Jane Harris, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0941
Jane Harris, Gail Robinson

Sky Bishop, Kerry Bishop, Joe Mangel, Bouncer in Neighbours Episode 0941
Sky Bishop, Kerry Bishop, Joe Mangel, Bouncer

Bouncer in Neighbours Episode 0941

Des Clarke, Mike Young, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0941
Des Clarke, Mike Young, Jane Harris

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