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Neighbours Episode 0940 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0939 - 0941>>
Episode title: 0940
Australian airdate: 14/04/89
UK airdate: 20/06/90
UK Gold: 07/06/96
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Paul and Gail's house
Joe and Henry are discussing work over a cup of tea - they're chuffed about their new partnership. They're doing Des's garden tomorrow and Bronwyn warns Henry not to get carried away. Bronwyn tells them that she has to go round to Hilary's tomorrow - she's getting out of hospital. Bronwyn feels she owes Hilary for looking after Sharon.
Poppy is just heading off but agree to come round at 9am tomorrow to start work again. Scott thanks Poppy very much for going on with the project.
Madge and Harold come in and both are in a bit of a bad mood. Madge is *still* moaning about her vase. Madge says Jim can afford to pay her for the vase now that he's come into an inheritance(!) Harold forbids Madge to embarrass Jim. But Scott is on Madge's side - he thinks Jim would want to know.
Hilary's furniture has arrived, and so has Hilary, back from hospital. Bronwyn tells her to take it easy and not exert herself by rearranging the furniture. She tells Hilary she'll have to organise some home help - Bronwyn can't give up her job. She says she's very grateful to Hilary for looking after Sharon, but she's just making up excuses to stop Bronwyn belly-dancing. Hilary denies this and says she'll pay Bronwyn for looking after her - she'd prefer a familiar face.
The Office
Mike has been up to the University - he only needs a couple of exams to complete his teaching degree. He apologises to Jane for rowing with her before about Jenny and invites her over to lunch. Jane accepts.
When Mike has gone, Jane looks a bit worried.
Henry has come over to see Henry and has brought her a few wilted flowers(!) He tells her enthusiastically about his new partnership. Hilary isn't impressed and drags herself off to the bed. Bronwyn tells Henry that she'll have to look after Hilary - but Henry thinks Hilary is putting it on a bit. Henry is quite pleased to hear that Bronwyn will have to give up belly-dancing though(!)
Poppy is drooling over Scott as they work. Scott says he's sorry he can't pay Poppy, but he intends to take her on a night out after they've finished the articles to say thank you.
Des's garden
Henry and Joe are clearing up the garden. Well, Joe is - Henry looks deep in thought. Henry tells Joe that he's thinking out the landscaping of the garden. He says they should do a good job so they can keep in with Des - he is the bank manager after all(!)
The Office
Jane is nervous about going on her lunch with Mike, but Helen says she can fill in with no problem. They are both looking forward to Des getting back.
Madge comes in looking for Jim. She tells Helen that she wants to ask him about the vase. She explains to Helen what happened with the vase and Jim buying it off Harold for $30. Helen explains that Jim hasn't had a windfall at all - she'll tell Madge all about it later. But in the meantime, Helen would like to pay Madge the balance. But Madge insists that it's not necessary.
Des's garden
Henry is slacking off and claiming he's "thinking"(!) Joe is getting naffed off and suddenly feigns a knee injury. Henry is very concerned, but Joe limps off for some linament. Henry has to get working!
Joe comes in and tells Jane he's scamming Henry because he's being lazy. Mike comes in and Joe asks him for some linment. Jane says they'd better get the job finished - Des will be home tomorrow.
Joe picks up a postcard that someone has sent to Des from Rome. It's from Penny. Jane explains that Des nearly married her but then went overseas. Joe thinks the romance might be back on: on her card Penny says, "I miss you a lot, think about you a lot." Jane looks a bit concerned. Joe says Penny has her chance - now it's Jane's turn, and anyway, Penny is over in spaghetti-land! He thinks Jane should jump in the deep end with Des. Jane says Des is the only one who knows how her feels. Joe says that if you want something, you have to fight for it.
JOE: If it was me, I don't think I'd let Des see this card.
Bronwyn is looking after Hilary and making her a cup of tea. Hilary is ordering her around and criticising Bronwyn's cooking.
Coffee Shop
Madge says that Helen deserves the windfall - she's spent the best part of her life raising Jim's kids. Harold advises her to put the money in the bank, but Madge disagrees - Helen should spoil herself rotten and have a good time!
At another table, Scott and Poppy are having a drink. They are laughing together.
Des's garden
Henry is suspicious about Joe's injury, but they have finished the garden. They've earned $60. Henry gives Joe only $25 - he says he's the one paying for the petrol and supplying the tools, so he should get a bigger share.
Mike is telling Jane how much he misses Jenny. When he's gone out of the room, Jane looks at the postcard from Penny again. Then she tears it up.
<<0939 - 0941>>
Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0940
Bronwyn Davies, Henry Ramsay

Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0940
Joe Mangel

Scott Robinson, Poppy Skouros in Neighbours Episode 0940
Scott Robinson, Poppy Skouros

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0940
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Hilary Robinson, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 0940
Hilary Robinson, Bronwyn Davies

Jane Harris, Helen Daniels, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0940
Jane Harris, Helen Daniels, Mike Young

Henry Ramsay, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 0940
Henry Ramsay, Bronwyn Davies

Scott Robinson, Poppy Skouros in Neighbours Episode 0940
Scott Robinson, Poppy Skouros

Henry Ramsay, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0940
Henry Ramsay, Joe Mangel

Jane Harris, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0940
Jane Harris, Helen Daniels

Madge Bishop, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0940
Madge Bishop, Helen Daniels

Joe Mangel, Bouncer, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0940
Joe Mangel, Bouncer, Henry Ramsay

Joe Mangel, Bouncer, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0940
Joe Mangel, Bouncer, Henry Ramsay

Mike Young, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0940
Mike Young, Jane Harris

Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0940
Joe Mangel

Hilary Robinson, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 0940
Hilary Robinson, Bronwyn Davies

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0940
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop, Helen Daniels

Poppy Skouros, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0940
Poppy Skouros, Scott Robinson

Joe Mangel, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0940
Joe Mangel, Henry Ramsay

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0940
Mike Young

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0940
Jane Harris

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0940
Jane Harris

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