Harold is trying to think of a title for his article for the church magazine without much success. Kerry advises using humour if he wants to appeal to young people.
Harold is waiting for Madge to come home - he's already ready to go out. He answers the door to Betty - she's all dressed up. She tells Harold that he's looking "alarmingly handsome" (!!)
Beverly tells Todd that Henry has got some work for him, but Todd doesn't want to. Jim and Beverly are surprised - he normally jumps at the chance for some extra cash.
Beverly shows Jim some magazines that she found in Todd's room - they are girlie magazines. Jim says it's quite normal at Todd's age(!)
Mike comes round to ask if he and Jenny can come over and have a talk to Jenny. Beverly invites them both to dinner. Mike looks at the magazines and thinks they're Jim's(!)
The Office
Gail thinks that wallpapering the office is the way to go, but Paul is still banging on about the cost. Gail goes on a rant that she can't have anything she wants. Paul relents and says that Gail can have the wallpaper. A thunderstorm is heard starting outside.
Paul suggests that Gail moves home - it must be lonely at the hotel. At home they could relax and talk, but Gail doesn't want to.
A road
Madge is hurrying across the road when the vicar accosts her. The thunder roars overhead as Madge tries to get away from the vicar. He puts his umbrella as a rainstorm starts.
Ramsay Street
Madge is caught in a heavy downpour.
Madge comes like a drowned rat. Betty says there's nothing to be embarrassed about - they're all friends. Madge shouts at her that she wishes that Betty had never set foot in their house!
Jim tells Todd not to bring girlie magazines into the house anymore. He wants to know where Todd bought them.
Mike comes round, but has not brought Jenny because she is feeling unwell. Mike asks Beverly for some help - he tells Beverly about him asking Jenny to marry him out of guilt. He doesn't know where to go from here - Jenny is panicking because she doesn't know how she'll come on her own. Mike doesn't know what to do next.
Harold is in a bad mood - he's having trouble with staffing at the Coffee Shop. Kerry offers to fill in to help out. Madge comes out in a dressing gown and Harold starts telling her off for the way she spoke to Betty. Madge says that she spent time in the beauty salong so she wouldn't look like a frump. Harold is amazed - Betty is attractive but he couldn't prefer anyone to Madge. He tells her tenderly that he loves Madge just the way she is. Madge hugs him in happiness.
The Coffee Shop, the following morning
Kerry is setting up tables outside the Coffee Shop and chatting to Jane. Kerry has guessed that something went on between Jane and Des. Jane is surprised and didn't think that anyone knew! Jane is a bit unsure about things - last time she liked Des, things didn't go well. But Kerry tells her to go for it this time - it doesn't matter what other people say.
Beverly comes over to see Mike with a solution. She suggests that Jenny goes into a centre where they teach disabled people to cope. It's not an institution, it's a teaching centre. Jenny will have to work hard and Mike has to convince her that it's worth the effort.
The Coffee Shop
Gail comes in and Paul invites her to join him for lunch. But she says she's busy.
Todd sits at a table with some boys and starts selling magazine centrefolds for money.
The Pub
Betty is sitting outside at a table. Madge comes up and apologises to her. She tells Betty that she was trying to compete with her. Betty is generous and tells Madge that she doesn't need to compete. She's had three husbands, but she envies Madge for her stability - she's got a sweet man for a husband and two great children who love her. Betty is going back to Brisbane this afternoon. They part on good terms. Before she goes, Betty gives Madge her plastic surgeon's business card(!) Madge says no thanks! and they hug goodbye.
The Coffee Shop
Todd and his mates are still giggling over photos. Harold comes up so Todd hides the photo in a folder on the counter. The vicar comes in to collect Harold's magazine article and picks up the folder. Harold says he's included some appropriate photos(!) The vicar takes the article straight off to the printers. Todd sits at his table in despair.
Todd admits to Harold that there was something in the folder that was not supposed to be there. He shows Harold some of the similar magazine centrefolds and he is aghast!