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Neighbours Episode 0925 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0924 - 0926>>
Episode title: 0925
Australian airdate: 24/03/89
UK airdate: 30/05/90
UK Gold: 17/05/96
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Des and Jane break their kiss. Des starts apologising but then says that he isn't really sorry. They sit awkwardly on the sofa and try to take in what's just happened. Presently, Des turns to Jane and says that they should be totally honest with each other. He tells Jane that he didn't realise how he felt about her and he's spun out. Jane asks him to make sure whatever happns next is what he wants.
DES: Don't worry, I'm just as scared of hurting you as you are of being hurt.
They start to laugh and Des takes Jane's hand. Jane tells Des that she loves him and if they can work things out she will make him happier than he's ever been before.
Mike and Jenny come in through the back door, so Jane makes a swift exit.
MIKE: What's up Des? You look like you've been hit by a ten-ton truck or something.
DES: (dazed) Mmm. Haven't got the rego number, mate. Think I'll go lie out in the street and wait for it to hit me again.
Toby and Katie are reading and whispering to each other than Nolene and Joe still aren't talking. They start discussing Easter Egg painting when Jane comes in. Joe teases Jane about kissing Des. Jane doesn't say much. She goes off to bed. Nolene and Joe bicker about nail polish. Nolene says that Joe hasn't changed a bit and stalks off to her room. Toby tells Joe that Nolene is only crabby because she doesn't feel well. Toby and Katie start singing Nolene's praises to Joe.
KATIE: (to Joe) She likes you heaps, really! She told us before that you were much nicer than any of the other blokes she's been out with.
TOBY: Yeah, and she's been out with heaps!
Helen is pleased that Nick has rung them - she's relieved that he's alright. Jim says that Nick shouldn't have taken Sharon with him.
Katie comes in and asks Helen if she'll help her to paint her egg, but Helen says it might be a bit hard now she's had her stroke. Katie begs her but Helen says she's not capable of it anymore.
Henry and Scott are talking about Madeleine's nuttiness. Scott says he'll probably go back to Brisbane now that he hasn't got a job.
Mike and Jenny come in through the back door to ask if they want to go to Luna Park tomorrow. Henry says that Bronwyn won't be able to come, but he'll come and so will Scott. Mike tells Henry that he hopes that he's forgiven him for punching him. Henry says he has.
Katie is painting Easter Eggs but Helen sends her off to bed. Katie wants Helen to help her - Katie says she's too scared to even try to paint after her stroke.
Robinsons, the following morning
Helen is asleep at the kitchen table surrounded by some fantastic painted eggs. Helen says she's proud of herself for managing it - she'd given up hope of ever painting again.
Luna Park
Scott, Henry, Jenny, Jane and Mike are at Luna Park. Jane is a bit quiet and they tease her that she must be in love(!)
Garden of the Mangels
Katie is showing Toby and Nolene her painted eggs. Joe is just off to work, but Toby wants him to stay and paint eggs with him. Joe tells him that Nolene will sort him out.
When Joe has gone, Toby despairs of getting Joe and Nolene back together. Katie says they need to get them to go out to dinner alone or something.
Luna Park
The guys are having a great time on the rides and playing about with the cardboard cutouts. Henry bows to a cardboard cutout of the Queen and then kisses it on the lips! The guys go on the Big Dipper and scream loudly. A good time is had by all.
Toby and Katie are still painting eggs when Joe comes in. Joe gives Katie a meat pie to put in the kitchen but Katie "accidentally" spills paint water on it. She suggests that Joe and Nolene could eat out instead, but Nolene comes in and says she's seen some steaks in the freezer - they could have a barbecue. Katie and Toby are in despair!
The guys are back from Luna Park. Des will be off to London shortly so they wish him well on his trip.
HENRY: While you're over there, Des, try to see if you can do something about the Aussie image, will you? Most of the English tourists I meet at Lassiters seem to think we're all ex-convicts.
DES: You ARE an ex-convict, Henry!
When the guys have wandered off, Des and Jane quietly have a hug and tell each other they'll miss each other. Des says it's bad timing him going away right now, but when he gets back they'll have a long talk - a very long talk.
Toby runs in and says that he's dropped the steaks on the ground and Katie says that Bouncer licked them too! Katie says they'll have to revert to their original plan of eating out, and Toby can eat at Katie's house. Joe agrees, much to the delight of Katie and Toby.
Jenny says that she had a fantastic day. Mike says he'll be around as long as she needs him, but Jenny says he's got his own life to lead. Mike suddenly asks her to marry him and Jenny accepts. She hugs him happily.
<<0924 - 0926>>
Des Clarke, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0925
Des Clarke, Jane Harris

Katie Landers, Toby Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0925
Katie Landers, Toby Mangel

Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Jenny Owens, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0925
Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Jenny Owens, Henry Ramsay

Todd Landers, Katie Landers, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0925
Todd Landers, Katie Landers, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Jane Harris, Henry Ramsay, Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Jenny Owens in Neighbours Episode 0925
Jane Harris, Henry Ramsay, Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Jenny Owens

Toby Mangel, Katie Landers, Noelene Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0925
Toby Mangel, Katie Landers, Noelene Mangel

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0925
Jane Harris

Jenny Owens, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0925
Jenny Owens, Mike Young

Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0925
Henry Ramsay

Jane Harris, Henry Ramsay, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0925
Jane Harris, Henry Ramsay, Scott Robinson

Katie Landers, Joe Mangel, Toby Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0925
Katie Landers, Joe Mangel, Toby Mangel

Jane Harris, Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Jenny Owens, Henry Ramsay, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0925
Jane Harris, Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Jenny Owens, Henry Ramsay, Des Clarke

Joe Mangel, Noelene Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0925
Joe Mangel, Noelene Mangel

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0925
Mike Young

Jenny Owens, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0925
Jenny Owens, Mike Young

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