Country Road
Sky continues to cry and Kerry panics - if Sky doesn't get treatment, she'll die. She's definitely been bitten on the leg.
Des creeps in and is glad to see that Joe isn't there - he's feeling a bit smothered. Jane is just leaving so Mike shows her out. When Jane has gone, Mike offers Des a cold beer. Jenny comes out and Des says they should go out to a club. She's not sure, but Mike says he'll look after her so she agrees.
Harold's Car
Harold lays Sky down quietly in the back of his car and says he'll go to a house about a mile down the road. Kerry says she'll go - she can run faster.
Joe is knackered from playing hide-and-seek and collapses on the sofa. Toby and Katie decided to go down to the shop to get some lollies. They tell Joe they might need some extra money for comics(!) He reluctantly agrees. Jane says it's blackmail.
TOBY: Blackmail's an ugly word!
Country Road
Kerry has come back - there was noone in the house. Harold starts to panic too now - he tells Kerry she must run to the highway and she must hurry - Sky hasn't got the strength of an adult to combat the poison. Kerry runs off.
The Highway
Kerry has reached a highway and tries to flag down cars, but none of them will stop.
Mike asks Des if he can borrow his car to take Jenny to the club. Des says he'd be doing him a favour - if the car's gone, Joe might think he's gone out(!)
Mike answers the door to Jenny's brother (Angus) and they eye each other warily. He comes in and talks amiably to Jenny then awkwardly apologises to Mike for punching him. Mike tells him to forget it. Jenny says they were just on their way out to a jazz club and Des suggests that Angus goes along too.
The Highway
Kerry still can't flag down any cars and is crying in frustration.
Harold's car
Harold has got some water out of the engine to mop Sky's brow - she is sweating profusely. Harold tells Sky that he'd never let anything happen to her and tells her she is very precious to him.
The Highway
Kerry finally manages to flag down a car being driven by a lecherous guy. Kerry begs him to stop at the nearest phone and call an ambulance but he says he's in a hurry. The bloke says he's in a hurry but Kerry says she doesn't care about that - her baby is dying! Finally he agrees but his character seems a bit dubious so Kerry is not reassured.
Toby and Katie have come back and are blackmailing Joe to play with them again. They make him play Blind Man's Buff.
Harold's car
Kerry is telling Harold that she's not confident that the bloke will call an ambulance - an hour and a half has now gone by. But at that moment they hear a siren and Kerry starts to cry in relief. He says they're cutting it fine with the antidote, but it should be OK - they brought the antidote with them since the caller told them about the redback in his message. Sky will be fine.
Joe is at the end of his tether with the kids. Jane comes in and says Jim wants $49 from his for the taillight - apparently Hilary saw what happened through the window and told Jim!
Later at the Mangels
Katie and Toby come in and say they've had a meeting and drawn up a list of demands. Joe humours them and listens to their demands for pocket money, outings, games and food. When they've finished, Joe wants their signatures on the paper so they sign it. Joe takes the paper and says he'll show it to Jim. He says he's got demands of his own and gives them a load of chores to do. Jane tells them they should have been honest from the start and they walk off sadly.
Mike, Jenny and Angus have come back early and Jenny is crying. She shouts that she's useless and starts ranting about being in a wheelchair. She wants them all to leave her alone and let her do things in her own time and in her own way.
Kerry and Harold are having a cup of tea - the car is fixed and Sky is sleeping soundly. Kerry thanks Harold for being fantastic today.
When Harold has gone to check on Sky, Joe comes in through the back door unannounced and says he's heard what happened. He looks quite upset. She tells him tearfully that Sky is fine. Joe asks if she is OK. She says yes, but then starts crying and shakes her head. Joe envelopes her in his arms and strokes her hair as Kerry sobs that she thought Sky was going to die.
Angus is telling Mike off for pushing Jenny too hard. Mike says that Jenny has to get out and about but Angus says Jenny needs proper care. Mike says he's going to look after her, but Angus says that a few weeks isn't enough. Mike says that he's thought about it and has decided to look after Jenny - even if that does mean for the rest of his life.