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Neighbours Episode 0910 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0909 - 0911>>
Episode title: 0910
Australian airdate: 03/03/89
UK airdate: 09/05/90
UK Gold: 26/04/96
Writer: Morgan Smith
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: ?
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Harold runs after Joe and tries to reason with him. He tells Joe he's acting like a child and there's nothing to be frightened of. At that moment, Des turns up and smirks at Joe. Joe says he's fine and starts back to the plane.
The Coffee Shop
Nick is still looking for jobs in art studios but not having any luck - they keep telling him to come back when he's finished school. Mike says he can have his job at the Coffee Shop if he wants - Mike is only filling in. But Nick doesn't think that Harold will give him another go. Sharon says Nick will just have to find a way to impress him. Sharon suggests that Nick cleans out the Coffee Shop fridge.
In the plane
The plane has taken off and Harold is having a great time. Joe, however, has a hand over his face(!) Harold waxes lyrical about the wonder of creation. Then he says there's a naked woman on the riverbank and Joe takes his hand away from his face to look. But Harold's trick worked - Joe looks out at the fields and feels a lot better about flying. He starts to enjoy himself. Harold says it was silly for Joe to be frightened in the first place - it was just fear of the unknown. Joe starts talking about plane crashes he's seen on the news and on films and now Harold starts to look uncomfortable.
Suddenly the engine stops and Glenn winks at Joe. Harold is having kittens in the back of the plane, even when Glenn starts the engine up again. But Joe is feeling fine. He asks Glenn if they can do a loop-the-loop(!) Harold says he wants to go home!
Helen is finishing some sewing for Katie. Katie says she's the dumbest girl in the class much to Helen's surprise. She says she's having trouble with Social Studies. Helen says she'll try to help her with her Geography tomorrow.
Joe is raving to Des about his plane flight and how scared Harold was when Glenn stopped the engine. Furthermore, Harold doesn't want to come and see Des swim the river tomorrow so Joe says he'll have to come along instead!
Mike is on the phone to his band telling them that he can't play with them - they're going on a cruise ship. Des says it's a job and Mike needs the money - Jenny will survive without him. But Mike says he can't leave her - he'd be away for weeks.
Nick is wolfing down his breakfast. He tells Helen that her leg isn't looking too good and she says she'll stay at home today to rest it. Helen tells Katie that she'll ring her teacher about Social Studies today.
When Helen has gone to ring Jane, Nick tells Katie to make sure she's home for lunch - he's got a plan.
Jenny has arrived and Des tells her she's welcome to stay at his house. Mike explains that he's put handrails in the bathroom for her and Bronwyn will keep her company. Jenny says she owes Mike but Mike says he'll never forget what he's done to her, and he'll always be there for her.
The Coffee Shop
Harold arrives to find Sharon and Nick already in the Coffee Shop. Sharon begs Harold to give Nick a chance and he reluctantly agrees. But Harold won't give Nick an hour off at lunchtime.
Harold goes into the kitchen and finds the fridge is empty because Nick has cleaned it out. Harold says that Nick is fired(!)
Jenny is moving from her wheelchair to the sofa. Mike suggests that they get a few videos out and eat popcorn. Jenny doesn't want a film about the Olympics or basketball though. She suggests something mushy and romantic.
The River
Des is in his swimming trunks and Joe is taunting him while skimming stones. Des looks terrified but eventually puts a toe in.
Nick complains to Todd and Katie that Harold wouldn't give him a chance at the Coffee Shop. Helen comes in and Nick produces a map of Australia. He says he'll kill two birds with one stone - Helen will ride the exercise bike and Katie will measure how far she travels on the map, learning the towns as she goes. They'll count 100km for every 1km Helen pedals.
Katie asks Nick how long it'll take to get to Ayer's Rock(!)
The River
Des is still on the bank. Joe is in the river swimming himself. Joe gets out and swings out over the river on a rope. He disappears below the water and doesn't come up. Des becomes alarmed when Joe doesn't surface. He shouts at him to come out and stop messing around, but the surface of the river is still.
<<0909 - 0911>>
Harold Bishop, Des Clarke, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0910
Harold Bishop, Des Clarke, Joe Mangel

Mike Young, Sharon Davies, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0910
Mike Young, Sharon Davies, Nick Page

Harold Bishop, Joe Mangel, Glen Matheson in Neighbours Episode 0910
Harold Bishop, Joe Mangel, Glen Matheson

 in Neighbours Episode 0910

Joe Mangel, Harold Bishop, Glen Matheson in Neighbours Episode 0910
Joe Mangel, Harold Bishop, Glen Matheson

Katie Landers, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0910
Katie Landers, Helen Daniels

Todd Landers, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0910
Todd Landers, Nick Page

Des Clarke, Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0910
Des Clarke, Joe Mangel

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0910
Mike Young

Nick Page, Katie Landers in Neighbours Episode 0910
Nick Page, Katie Landers

Mike Young, Jenny Owens, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0910
Mike Young, Jenny Owens, Des Clarke

Sharon Davies, Harold Bishop, Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0910
Sharon Davies, Harold Bishop, Nick Page

Jenny Owens, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0910
Jenny Owens, Mike Young

Joe Mangel, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0910
Joe Mangel, Des Clarke

Todd Landers, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0910
Todd Landers, Helen Daniels

Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0910
Joe Mangel

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0910
Des Clarke

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