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Neighbours Episode 0902 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0901 - 0903>>
Episode title: 0902
Australian airdate: 21/02/89
UK airdate: 27/04/90
UK Gold: 16/04/96
Writer: Jeff Truman
Director: Andrew Friedman
Guests: Rosemary Daniels: Joy Chambers
Kenneth Muir: Roger Boyce
Bruce Zadro: Myles Collins
- "My Hearts On Fire" by Machinations
- "Breakaway" by Big Pig
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Des is about to go and pick up Jamie's photo from the chemist. Bronwyn says that she's fed up of people tearing strips off Henry - Des, Mike and Mrs Chubb for a start. Des admits that Henry's had it rough, but that he doesn't know what's wrong with Mike himeslf. When Henry gets back from Brisbane, he'll try to help to sort out the situation between him and Mike.
Des says he's looking forward to showing Jamie's picture to Harold.
The Coffee Shop
Harold is looking at his pictures of Sky for the competition when Kerry and Sky come in. They are on their way to have a walk in the park with Bronwyn and Jamie. Harold says it will be good for Sky's skin to get out in the fresh air. Kerry looks a little confused but smiles happily at Harold's enthusiasm.
Harold awkwardly starts to ask Kerry about the competition, but she doesn't have time to talk because she's off to meet Bronwyn. Sky waves goodbye to Harold (Awww!!)
Paul is telling Helen that Gail's not bluffing after all but it's been blown out of all proportion. Helen tells Paul to make an effort to see things from Gail's point of view. He says he'll try. Suddenly he gets a bit of an idea and leaves thoughtfully.
Sharon and Nick are talking in the living room. Sharon says they should make Zadro own up. She says she could use her feminine wiles - let Zadro think she's interested in him after all. She says that Zadro won't get away with framing Nick.
The Office
Paul is on the phone when Des comes in and zaps something on the computer by mistake. He quickly pulls the dustsheet over it(!)
Paul comes off the phone and tells Des that he and Gail are back on the IVF program - it's the only way to save his marriage.
Coffee Shop Kitchen
Des and Harold are bickering about the baby contest. They show each other their photos. Des says Sky is like the rest of the Bishops - pudgey(!)
Harold says that Jamie resembles Des a lot - particularly around the ears(!)
Paul and Gail's
Gail is packing up some things when Jane calls round - she saw Gail's car. Jane asks if Gail can give Paul one last try, but Gail says it's too late. She tells Jane that it's just the way things have to be now. Jane asks her to keep in touch and that she'll really miss her. They hug goodbye tearfully and Jane wishes Gail luck.
When Jane has gone, Gail picks up her stuff and has a last look around. Then she leaves, closing the door behind her.
The Coffee Shop
Harold and Des are still bickering. Des tells Harold to cut out his cutting remarks about him and Jamie and the baby competition. Bronwyn and Kerry are there with the kids and overhear this. Kerry looks very cross and demands to know what they're going on about. Harold admits that he's entered Sky and Kerry isn't pleased. Kerry refuses to let Sky enter the contest. Bronwyn tells Des that he's just as bad - it's wrong to judge babies like sheep. Harold and Des reluctantly allow that they've been acting like idiots and apologise to each other. They shake hands.
Sharon approaches Zadro on his detention. She tells him that she's "back on the market" now that Nick has been expelled.
Mr Muir comes up and tells Sharon off for being on school premises on the weekend.
The Office
Paul asks Jane if she's seen Gail. Jane says Gail is packing to go to the USA. Paul is appalled and runs off to intercept her. Jane shouts after him that unless he's prepared to apologise, he hasn't got a hope. Paul says he's done better than that - he's put them back on the IVF program.
Mr Muir's Office
Mr Muir wants to know the real reason why Sharon is on school premises talking to Zadro. Sharon claims she was looking for a dog. Zadro says he was helping her look for the dog(!) Mr Muir doesn't believe them.
Just then the phone rings and Mr Muir is called away. He tells them to wait in his office until he gets back.
Sharon flirts with Zadro and says she needs someone with guts. She says she liked Nick because he had so much courage to graffiti Mr Muir's car! Zadro says that Nick didn't do it - he did. Sharon surreptiously turns on the school tannoy and Mr Muir hears Zadro confessing to framing Nick.
Paul and Gail's
Paul comes in shouting Gail's name, but she isn't there. He finds a note on the coffee table.
In the letter, Gail says his ambition to run the company overran everything else and now she's just a business associate who happens to share the same house as him. She's arranging for the house to be transferred to his name. She says by the time he reads the letter she'll be on the plane to New York.
Paul looks stricken. He runs out.
Mr Muir's Office
Mr Muir has called Nick in to apologise to him for doubting his word. He expels Zadro instead. Nick says he's not sure he wants to come back to school, even though his own expulsion has been lifted.
Paul's car
Paul is stuck in traffic on the way to the airport.
Helen is making a last-ditch attempt to get Gail to reconsider but Gail says it's too late.
Paul's car
Paul speeds down a road, looking at his watch.
Helen hugs Rosemary goodbye and then Gail. Gail is crying her heart out. She and Rosemary go through the gate.
Paul's car speeds up to the terminal and he runs in looking for Gail. He sees Helen and frantically runs up to her. Helen tells him that it's too late - Gail has gone.
<<0901 - 0903>>
Des Clarke, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 0902
Des Clarke, Bronwyn Davies

Sky Bishop, Harold Bishop, Kerry Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0902
Sky Bishop, Harold Bishop, Kerry Bishop

Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0902
Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson

Nick Page, Sharon Davies in Neighbours Episode 0902
Nick Page, Sharon Davies

Paul Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0902
Paul Robinson, Des Clarke

Harold Bishop, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0902
Harold Bishop, Des Clarke

Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0902
Jamie Clarke

Sky Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0902
Sky Bishop

Gail Robinson, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0902
Gail Robinson, Jane Harris

Harold Bishop, Des Clarke, Bronwyn Davies, Kerry Bishop, Sky Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0902
Harold Bishop, Des Clarke, Bronwyn Davies, Kerry Bishop, Sky Bishop

Bruce Zadro, Sharon Davies, Kenneth Muir in Neighbours Episode 0902
Bruce Zadro, Sharon Davies, Kenneth Muir

Paul Robinson, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0902
Paul Robinson, Jane Harris

Sharon Davies, Bruce Zadro, Kenneth Muir in Neighbours Episode 0902
Sharon Davies, Bruce Zadro, Kenneth Muir

Kenneth Muir in Neighbours Episode 0902
Kenneth Muir

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0902
Paul Robinson

Bruce Zadro, Nick Page, Sharon Davies in Neighbours Episode 0902
Bruce Zadro, Nick Page, Sharon Davies

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0902
Paul Robinson

Gail Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0902
Gail Robinson, Helen Daniels

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0902
Paul Robinson

Helen Daniels, Rosemary Daniels, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0902
Helen Daniels, Rosemary Daniels, Gail Robinson

Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0902
Gail Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0902
Paul Robinson

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