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Neighbours Episode 0900 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0899 - 0901>>
Episode title: 0900
Australian airdate: 17/02/89
UK airdate: 25/04/90
UK Gold: 12/04/96
Writer: ?
Director: ?
Guests: Mr Muir - Roger Boyce
Bruce Zadro - Myles Collins
Vanessa Bailey - Gretchen Zoland
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Jim catches up with Madeleine in the living room. She's quite upset but apologises for going off the deep end with Helen. Jim sympathises with her experiences and says he's prepared to listen if she wants to.
They sit on the sofa and Madeleine explains that she was always close to her father and knew he was incapable of murder. She says her mother fell apart after the conviction and committed suicide. Shortly afterwards, her father died in jail. Madeleine says that her father told her what happened - he's innocent and noone will ever convince her otherwise. She's built her whole career towards proving her father's innocence - she has the credibility now with the two books she's already written. Jim says she has the support of the Robinson clan. Madeleine says that that means a great deal to her.
Henry is playing his guitar. Mike has a go at him about tidying up. Des says he wants peace and quiet in his own home.
Just then Hilary comes to the door and Des rolls his eyes. She tells him that she's lost one of her rings - a valuable gold and diamond ring. She wants Des to open the Coffee Shop so she can have a look if it's there. Des says it's too late to go down there now - he's had a long, hard day and he'll open the shop in the morning. Hilary says that's not good enough but Des says it's as good as it's going to get. Hilary stalks out.
Robinsons, the following morning
Helen suggests that they invite Hilary to stay with them, but everyone is against this idea(!)
Scott asks Jim and Helen if he and Madeleine can work there because Madeleine's hotel room is so small. Helen says it's fine - she and Madeleine worked out their differences before they left.
Jim says he had a long talk to Madeleine and says she's virtually obsessed with proving her father's innocence. He tells Scott to be careful - it's a very emotional issue.
Outside the School
Sharon shows Nick and Todd some photos of Bertha. A bloke called Bruce Zadro comes up and tries to crack on to Sharon, but she's not having a bar of it. Nick tells him to get lost and the testosterone starts flying(!) Mr Muir sees them arguing and gives them both a detention.
When Mr Muir has gone, Zadro tells Nick that he won't be able to try out for football because of the detention and he'll get Nick for this.
The Coffee Shop
Hilary still hasn't found her ring and is trying to think where it could be. Des suggests that the ring might have gone down the sink at Helen's. But then Hilary realises that she also went to see Mrs Chubb and helped her plant some saplings. She thinks now that the ring might be in the mulch. Des tells her to calm down - he thinks he knows how to get it back, and Henry will help.
Scott and Madeleine come in with a huge box of research material. Helen sits down with them at Madeleine's request. Madeleine tells them that the story goes as follows. The murder victim was an 18 year old girl. It was claimed that she was having an affair with Madeleine's father. When she wanted Madeleine's father to leave his wife, he couldn't face the scandal and killed her. She laughs derisively and says there are huge holes in that story. For a start, the girl's ex-boyfriend, Eric Conrad. Madeleine claims that Erica Conrad was barely mentioned in the police investigation, but she's going to put all that right. She's determined to clear her father's name.
Garden of Mrs Chubb's
Des and Henry are walking around the garden while Henry uses his metal detector to look for Hilary's ring. Des asks Henry to go easy on Mike until he sorts himself out. Henry says that's easier said than done - he never knows what's going to set Mike off.
Just then the metal detector beeps. Henry starts to dig and finds the ring! Des goes off to ring Hilary to tell her the good news.
Nick, Sharon and Todd are chatting to a girl called Vanessa. They discuss Zadro and Nick says he wants to get back on-side with Mr Muir. Nick goes up to Mr Muir and suggests making a mural on one boring wall. Mr Muir doesn't like the photos of Bertha though and tells Nick no. Nick is disappointed.
Garden of Mrs Chubb's
Henry is idly using his metal detector in the garden. It soon beeps again loudly. He goes off to get a pick to investigate.
Hilary comes in looking for Henry. He's just got his pick and starts to hack away at the ground. Unfortunately Henry hits a water pipe and both he and Hilary are drenched!
Scott and Madeleine are planning their interview with Eric Conrad. Scott wonders if there really is anything to find - the police must have interviewed him at the time. Madeleine says that they didn't try hard enough. She says if Scott doesn't believe that, she'll get another assistant.
When Madeleine goes out to the car, Scott tells Helen that the book is turing into Madeleine's personal revenge against Eric Conrad.
Garden of Mrs Chubb's
Both Henry and Hilary are soaking wet and covered in mud! Hilary asks for the ring and Henry gets it out of his pocket. Hilary takes it and stomps off to get changed.
Henry has changed out of his wet clothes and Mike is sniping at him as usual. Henry answers the phone to Madge - his granddad is apparently much worse. Henry tells Madge that he'll get the first plane he can up to Brisbane. He asks Mike to tell Bronwyn where he's gone.
Someone has graffitied Mr Muir's car and he blames it on Nick. He tells Nick that he's expelled.
<<0899 - 0901>>
Madeline Price, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0900
Madeline Price, Jim Robinson

Mike Young, Henry Ramsay, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0900
Mike Young, Henry Ramsay, Des Clarke

Hilary Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0900
Hilary Robinson, Des Clarke

Nick Page, Todd Landers, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0900
Nick Page, Todd Landers, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0900
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Bruce Zadro, Todd Landers, Kenneth Muir, Nick Page, Sharon Davies in Neighbours Episode 0900
Bruce Zadro, Todd Landers, Kenneth Muir, Nick Page, Sharon Davies

Hilary Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0900
Hilary Robinson, Des Clarke

Madeline Price, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0900
Madeline Price, Helen Daniels

Henry Ramsay, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0900
Henry Ramsay, Des Clarke

Vanessa Bailey, Nick Page, Todd Landers, Sharon Davies in Neighbours Episode 0900
Vanessa Bailey, Nick Page, Todd Landers, Sharon Davies

Kenneth Muir in Neighbours Episode 0900
Kenneth Muir

Bruce Zadro in Neighbours Episode 0900
Bruce Zadro

Hilary Robinson, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0900
Hilary Robinson, Henry Ramsay

Scott Robinson, Madeline Price in Neighbours Episode 0900
Scott Robinson, Madeline Price

Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0900
Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels

Hilary Robinson, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0900
Hilary Robinson, Henry Ramsay

Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0900
Henry Ramsay

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0900
Mike Young

 in Neighbours Episode 0900

Kenneth Muir, Nick Page, Vanessa Bailey, Sharon Davies, Todd Landers in Neighbours Episode 0900
Kenneth Muir, Nick Page, Vanessa Bailey, Sharon Davies, Todd Landers

Nick Page in Neighbours Episode 0900
Nick Page

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