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Neighbours Episode 0899 from 1989 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0898 - 0900>>
Episode title: 0899
Australian airdate: 16/02/89
UK airdate: 24/04/90
UK Gold: 11/04/96
Writer: ?
Director: ?
Guests: ?
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
The Pub
Henry just sits on the floor following the punch and Mike calmly gets on with drinking his drink.
Bronwyn comes in and is surprised to see Henry on the floor. He tells her that Mike hit him and asks Mike if he's gone nuts. Mike says he deserved it - he warned Henry to keep his distance. Henry tells Mike that he used to be a fun guy and he doesn't know what happened to him. Mike stalks off.
When Mike has gone, Bronwyn says she doesn't know what she ever saw in Mike. She's worried about them all having to live under the same roof though. Henry says they'll just have ignore Mike - he won't let Mike mess his and Bronwyn's relationship up.
Katie now has two rabbits - she hasn't told Joe about the mix-up with the rabbit yet. Jim isn't keen on having yet another animal, but Helen says he won't take up much room. Katie is delighted.
The Pub
Henry is holding an icepack to his chin when Jane comes in to sort out some paperwork. He tells her what happened with Mike and she is very surprised. Jane says she'll arrange cover for Henry to have a bit of time off to recover. Henry gratefully accepts.
Outside the Pub
Scott is at a table talking to a woman about her father's murder case. Scott says he's fascinated by investigative journalism. She says the fact that he came from Erinsborough helped him to get the job - he has local knowledge. She wants Scott to help her prove her father innocent of murdering a teenage girl. They decide to start tomorrow, but the investigation will run indefinitely. Scott invites her to have dinner with his family tonight.
Mike is polishing his saxophone and being very mono-syllabic. Henry has decided to spend the evening at the Bishops.
Des and Bronwyn chat about the baby competition. Des thinks Jamie is the most beautiful baby in the world! Bronwyn asks Des to get a few groceries.
When Des has gone, Bronwyn sits down with Mike and tries to reason with him. She tells him off for being rude and aggressive and wants to know what happened to him while he was away. Mike tells her to mind her own business.
The Coffee Shop
Harold is clearing up and tells Jane that he's looking forward to babysitting Sky that evening.
They chat about the baby competition. Harold says that Sky is the most beautiful baby in the world. Jane suggests that he enters Sky in the competition. Harold says that maybe he will!
Des tells Mike that he say Henry in the street and knows about the fight that afternoon. Des says that he thought Mike wouldn't mind Henry moving in and Mike says it doesn't. Des tentatively raises the subject about Mike not going back to Uni. Mike says he's still trying to sort himself out. Des says he's there is Mike wants to talk.
Harold is examining Henry's chin. Harold says he must try to make up with Mike, like he did with Kerry and Sky.
Harold asks Henry to take a photo of Sky later for the baby competition.
Helen tells Katie to take the rabbits outside because Scott's boss is coming for dinner. Jim wonders if the new rabbit is female and says they don't want a crowded hutch. Katie is confused by this so Jim is forced to give "the rabbits and the bees" talk! Katie seems fairly knowledgeable on the subject already, however!
Harold tells Mike off for hitting Henry but Mike says it takes two to have an argument. Harold asks if he can borrow Des's camera to take a photo of Sky for the baby competition.
Harold says it's a good thing that Des isn't entering Jamie - he wouldn't have a chance against Sky(!) Des is quite insulted by this and says that Jamie would beat Sky easily. He shows Harold to the door.
When Harold has gone, Des tells Bronwyn that he's entering Jamie for the baby competition after all!
Scott introduces Madeleine (his new boss) to Jim, Helen, Todd and Katie. They sit down for a quick glass of wine. Madeleine says that Jim reminds her of her father a bit. Jim says he's read her book and says he was impressed by it. They chat about Madeleine's father's case. Helen says she vaguely remembers it being front page news, but Jim doesn't remember - he was overseas in Vietnam at that time. Madeleine says that Jim has a striking physical resemblance to her father. She says Jim looks just like him.
Henry and Harold are setting up the camera to take a photo of Sky.
Everyone is sitting down to a roast lamb dinner and chatting about the case. Helen says that Madeleine will have her work cut out - the evidence was strongly against her father. Madeleine becomes extremely defensive and says angrily that her father was innocent and she's fed up of people "blindly assuming" that he wasn't. She stands up and storms out.
Following a stunned silence, Jim tells Scott that he suspects that it won't be easy working with Madeleine.
<<0898 - 0900>>
Henry Ramsay, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 0899
Henry Ramsay, Bronwyn Davies

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0899
Mike Young

Todd Landers, Helen Daniels, Katie Landers, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0899
Todd Landers, Helen Daniels, Katie Landers, Jim Robinson

Henry Ramsay, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0899
Henry Ramsay, Jane Harris

Scott Robinson, Madeline Price in Neighbours Episode 0899
Scott Robinson, Madeline Price

Bronwyn Davies, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0899
Bronwyn Davies, Des Clarke

Bronwyn Davies, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0899
Bronwyn Davies, Mike Young

Harold Bishop, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0899
Harold Bishop, Jane Harris

Des Clarke, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0899
Des Clarke, Mike Young

Henry Ramsay, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0899
Henry Ramsay, Harold Bishop

Jim Robinson, Rupert, Katie Landers in Neighbours Episode 0899
Jim Robinson, Rupert, Katie Landers

Des Clarke, Harold Bishop, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0899
Des Clarke, Harold Bishop, Mike Young

Madeline Price, Scott Robinson, Katie Landers, Jim Robinson, Todd Landers, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0899
Madeline Price, Scott Robinson, Katie Landers, Jim Robinson, Todd Landers, Helen Daniels

Jim Robinson, Madeline Price in Neighbours Episode 0899
Jim Robinson, Madeline Price

Harold Bishop, Sky Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0899
Harold Bishop, Sky Bishop

Madeline Price in Neighbours Episode 0899
Madeline Price

Katie Landers, Jim Robinson, Todd Landers, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0899
Katie Landers, Jim Robinson, Todd Landers, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson

Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0899
Scott Robinson

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