Harold demands to know what's going on but Joe says it's none of his business. Harold tells Kerry to get home, but Joe tells Kerry not to let Harold boss her around.
KERRY:(to Harold) If Sky needs me, I have to go. But I'm going because of her, not you.
Kerry walks out and Joe tells Harold off for being close-minded and uptight. Harold says he won't have his daughter mixing with riff-raff like Joe and tells Joe to keep away from her.
Paul comes round, being at a bit of a loose end without Gail at home. Paul says it's sort of their anniversary - it's the anniversary of the day they renewed their vows. Jim tells him to do something about it, but Paul says Gail won't listen to him. Jim tells Paul to tell Gail something different to what he's saying now!
Paul suggests a lunch tomorrow and Jim thinks that's a good idea. He says Paul should ring Gail and tell her how much he misses her.
Harold is ranting to Scott about Kerry and Joe's involvement. Scott can't understand what's wrong with Joe and Harold shouts that he is a loud-mouthed lout! Scott retorts that Kerry is old enough to make her own decisions.
At that moment, Kerry comes out from checking on Sky. She agrees with what Scott says. She says that Sky is fine - she doesn't understand what the problem was.
Kerry tells Harold that she likes Joe and she can choose her own friends and lovers. Harold is very angry but Kerry says that Harold can't force her to fit his mould. Harold says it's not an example to set Sky. Kerry says she hopes when Sky grows up, she'll be independent and free enough to live life as she sees fit. Kerry wishes that Harold would respect her decisions. Harold says that Kerry is a great disappointment to him.
Kerry says that she hoped time would have mellowed Harold. Harold wants Kerry to promise that she'll have nothing more to do with Joe, but she says she can't do that. She tells Harold calmly that she's not a child and he can't tell her what to do. She goes off to bed leaving Harold to stew.
Scott tells Harold that Kerry hasn't done anything wrong and doesn't mean to hurt Harold. Harold says whatever she intended, she has hurt him - deeply.
The Pub
Gloria and Gail are just closing up. Gloria says she wishes that Gail and Paul would sort out their differences. Gail says she's tired of talking about it. Paul comes in and Gloria leaves him and Gail to talk.
Paul tells Gail that he doesn't like them being apart - his life seems to be empty. Gail is unimpressed - she doesn't want to come home. She says she can't come home until things have been resolved.
The Pub, the following morning
Gail hasn't slept very well, but she's sticking to her guns on Paul. Gail can't see why she should be the only one to compromise. Gloria tries to play devil's advocate a bit - she says that Paul was really trying to sort things out last night. She says it takes two to sort these things out. Gloria suggests that the next time she sees Paul, Gail should give him a chance. Gail says she'll think about it.
The Office
Paul is telling Jim what happened with Gail last night. Jim says that he has to make a few concessions. Jim suggests a bit of romance.
Scott brings Katie round to see Joe. He apologises profusely about Rupert once again and says he wants to make it up to her. He produces a new white rabbit in a cage. Katie thanks him but looks a bit worried. Joe tells her to keep the door of the hutch shut this time.
When Joe has gone to the kitchen to get them some drinks, Katie tells Scott quietly that she got Rupert back. He tells her not to tell Joe at any cost(!)
Harold is on the phone to Madge who is apparently telling him he's over-reacted.
Kerry comes out with a bag packed. She tells Harold that she only wants to live life in harmony, so she and Sky are leaving.
The Office
Jim comes in to say hello to Gail and have a chat. He asks her to go for a stroll - they don't have to talk about Paul.
Scott and Joe come in. Scott tells Harold that he and Joe should have a talk. Joe says he just wants a fair go with Kerry. But Harold tells him that Kerry is leaving. He blames Joe for wrecking things between Joe and Kerry and unreasonably tells him to leave.
When Joe has gone, Scott says that Harold should talk Kerry into staying. Harold says he's not going to beg. Scott says if he lets them go now, he might never see either Kerry or Sky again.
Outside Lassiters
Jim and Gail are walking along and chatting. They approach the lake and Paul is there with a table and a red rose. He tells Gail that it's their anniversary and he thought they might have a little lunch together. Jim innocently(!) leaves them to it. Gail sits down with Paul.
Balcony of the Bishops
Harold is pacing around and brooding.
Ramsay Street
Harold approaches Jim and asks for a word. Jim sees he is upset, so invites him in.
Harold tells Jim that Kerry is leaving - he can't cope with the way she lives her life. He admits that Kerry was always his favourite - they got on so well when she was still a child. He feels protective of her, but they grew further and further apart.
Jim suggests that he lets Kerry make her own mistakes. He says it all boils down to how much he loves Kerry.
Kerry is just about to leave when Harold comes back. He takes Sky into his arms and gives her a hug.
HAROLD: I worry about her, you know.
KERRY: She'll be alright. I'll make sure of that.
HAROLD: I worry about you, too.
KERRY: Well, I'll keep in touch.
HAROLD: Will I see you again?
KERRY: I don't know.
HAROLD: But it seems such a pity, I mean, we were apart for so long.
KERRY: Look, we'd better go.
HAROLD: Do you have to? I mean, won't you reconsider?
KERRY: But Dad, we're not getting on.
HAROLD: I'll make a bigger effort, really, I will. Please don't go. I want you to stay.