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Neighbours Episode 0729 from 1988 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0728 - 0730>>
Episode title: 0729
Australian airdate: 19/05/88
UK airdate: 25/08/89
UK Gold: 17/08/95
Summary/Images by: Donna (glittergal)/Graham
Helen arrives to look after Jamie. The house is a mess and Des feels guilty for lumbering it all on Helen. She says it's fine and has a fun day planned for she and Jamie.
The Office
Jim tells Paul he didn't get the job, he was told he was over qualified for the job and they were worried he may want to move on too quickly.
As Madge arrives Jim leaves. Madge has been working on the rosters but Paul tells her she's still on holiday and shouldn't be here yet. He tells her to go and enjoy her honeymoon.
The Coffee Shop
Helen brings Jamie to see Mike. Des arrives and announces he is getting a nanny. Mike isn't keen but Des thinks they should give it a go. Des has applicants coming in the evening and asks Helen if she would be there too.
Outside The Coffee Shop
Todd is having a drink with a friend. Beverly and Katie arrive. Katie has been to the opticians and tells Todd all about it. Beverly tells the kids that Jim didn't get the job. She goes to get lunch and Katie tells Todd he has to tell Jim and Beverly about his birthday as it's only in two days time. He tells Katie not to tell anyone about it.
Helen and Madge are washing up and Helen says she's relieved that Des is getting a nanny as she's exhausted. Helen asks Madge if she's happy having married Harold. Madge says it's perfect and Helen looks a little wistful, perhaps wishing she had someone special in her life.
Beverly arrives home and Jim is doing his best to be upbeat. He asks how Katie got on at the opticians and Beverly says fine, she thinks the headaches Katie has been having are due to tension. Beverly asks how he feels about the job. Jim says he's glad he didn't get it. He's realised that he doesn't want to just do one thing in his life - he wants to try something new.
Jamie has gone to sleep and Des is upset, as he wanted Jamie to meet the nanny. Paul arrives and invites Des for a beer he says he can't as the nanny applicants will be arriving soon. The first applicant arrives. She's a stern looking woman and Paul hastily exits.
Jim and Beverly wonder why the kids are being so quiet. They call them for dinner and Katie tells Jim she's sorry he didn't get the job. Jim tells them to leave the worrying to the adults and promises he'll have a new job soon. Todd and Katie set the table and Katie again prompts Todd to tell Jim and Beverly about his birthday.
A new nanny is being interviewed. Carol is a nurse but wants the freedom that the nanny life offers her. Des is impressed and hires her on the spot. They agree she will start tomorrow.
It's morning and Katie is up early. She's wrapping a present for Todd and hides it when Jim and Beverly appear. They ask her what it is and she says Todd didn't want her to tell them. She says it's Todd's birthday tomorrow and she brought him a pen and pencil set. Katie says Todd didn't want to worry them as Jim didn't get the job. Beverly decides they need to celebrate.
Des introduces Carol to Jamie. Des gives Carol a list of Jamie's routine and tells her that Jamie usually eats what they eat when they eat. She's not impressed and says Jamie should have his own meal times instead of eating with the adults. Carol takes Jamie to his room and Mike feels a bit left out. He tells Des he wanted them to cope on their own; he feels anything less is letting Daphne down.
Todd and Katie go to school. Jim and Beverly are angry that Annette and Bob didn't even let them know about Todd's birthday. She says there are no excuses for ignoring his birthday. They decide they need to make the day special and Jim thinks they should get Todd a bike. Beverly is going to make a cake but Jim thinks it would be better to let Helen make it!
The Office
Paul is showing Helen some Home James figures. Helen says she is at a loose end at the moment; the business is doing well and the exhibition is over. She confides in Paul that being away from Ramsay Street is not as appealing as she thought it would be. Paul tells her to move back in with Jim and Beverly but Helen says no, they wouldn't want her back.
Outside The Coffee Shop
Des tells Mike that the bank computers have gone down so he can't go home for lunch. Mike says he will go home and check on Jamie. Des tells him there's no need; Carol and Jamie will be fine.
Jamie is in his playpen screaming! Carol tells him to give up as he's only going to give himself a sore throat. She tells him lunch isn't for a while yet and that they do things now when she says, no when Jamie wants.
<<0728 - 0730>>
Des Clarke, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0729
Des Clarke, Helen Daniels

Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0729
Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0729
Madge Bishop

Mike Young, Jamie Clarke, Des Clarke, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0729
Mike Young, Jamie Clarke, Des Clarke, Helen Daniels

Todd Landers, Katie Landers, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0729
Todd Landers, Katie Landers, Beverly Robinson

Madge Bishop, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0729
Madge Bishop, Helen Daniels

Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0729
Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson

Des Clarke, Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0729
Des Clarke, Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson

Mike Young, Mrs. McCray in Neighbours Episode 0729
Mike Young, Mrs. McCray

Katie Landers, Todd Landers, Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0729
Katie Landers, Todd Landers, Jim Robinson, Beverly Robinson

Carol Barker in Neighbours Episode 0729
Carol Barker

Des Clarke, Helen Daniels, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0729
Des Clarke, Helen Daniels, Mike Young

Jim Robinson, Katie Landers, Beverly Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0729
Jim Robinson, Katie Landers, Beverly Robinson

Des Clarke, Carol Barker, Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0729
Des Clarke, Carol Barker, Jamie Clarke

Todd Landers, Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson, Katie Landers in Neighbours Episode 0729
Todd Landers, Beverly Robinson, Jim Robinson, Katie Landers

Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0729
Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson

Des Clarke, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0729
Des Clarke, Mike Young

Jamie Clarke, Carol Barker in Neighbours Episode 0729
Jamie Clarke, Carol Barker

Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0729
Jamie Clarke

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