Henry picks weights up, drops weights on floor, falls on floor, bangs his head and knocks himself out cold. Sally rushes over and tells everyone he isn't breathing.
At Sally and Tony's
Sally gives Henry the kiss of life and he quickly comes round and asks for more. He tries to stand up but can't - his back's shot.
At the Robinsons
Jim tries to wrestle Bev's pager off her so there'll be no interruptions at the wedding. Lucy is embarrassed and tells them to keep it down so she can watch TV. Madge runs in and asks Bev to have a look at Henry's back. Bev runs out with her and Jim despairs.
Scott is filling Paul in on Henry's accident when Bev and Madge walk past. They chorus "Hi mum" to Bev who doesn't look pleased! Left alone, they plot what they can do to Jim that afternoon.
At the Ramsays
Beverly asks Henry to hold still because she needs to examine his head. Charlene quips that that's a good idea, he needs his head examining. Madge shushes her because she's worried. Luckily for Henry Beverly can find nothing seriously wrong, although he won't be able to work for a while. Oh-oh - what about the new round he's just bought? Charlene reminds him that it's the new round "we've" just bought - and now Scott will have to do all the work.
Henry is already taking advantage of his invalid status asking Madge for chicken noodle soup, and tiger balm rubbed on his back. The others are in the kitchen discussing how Scott can do three jobs at work. Charlene offers to do his share of chores and he says he'll manage the rest somehow. Madge invites everyone to stay the night so they don't have to spend the night sleeping in paint fumes.
At the Robinsons
Paul arrives to pick Jim up and take him to the pub. Lucy comes in with a consent form for Helen to sign so she can go on a school trip. Helen says that's Beverly's job now - but Beverly is panicked about signing it. And she's not sure about Helen moving out either. Helen reassures her (again) that she'll be fine and says she couldn't have picked anyone better for Jim.
Outside the pub
Jim speculates on how the three of them are about to all be happily married men -and how proud of them he is. They ask if he'll always think that and he agrees. Just then, two doctors come up and ask if he's Jim Robinson, before carting him off.
At Sally and Tony's
Tony and Sally are packing up to stay at the Ramsays when they hear a noise from upstairs (that sounds suspiciously like a cat to me). They discuss how it must be a freaky ghost and how Helen must be game to take on a flat like that.
At the Robinsons
Cleaning is finally over and Scott and Paul think it's safe to come round asking for Jim. They tell Helen and Bev he got carried away at the pub... Jim bangs on the door and they answer it to find him dressed in a surgical gown with "This man needs attention" written on it. He fumes at them that he's had to pass everyone in the Neighbourhood out for their Saturday nights, including Harold and Mrs Mangel. They laugh hysterically until he points out that kidnapping is illegal and picks up the phone to call the police. They calm down quickly until they realise he was joking. Jim - "well I had to have the last laugh didn't I". Helen points out that he hasn't had the last laugh - his gown has a split all the way up the back.
In a big garden somewhere
Scott and Henry roll up in Bertha laughing about Jim and his joke about the police. Scott quickly stops laughing when he sees how much gardening he has to do. The garden is huge.
At the Robinsons
Madge has come over with a gift for Jim and Bev. She teases Jim about his hospital gown then gives him a hug and kiss, looking a bit wistful. Helen commiserates with her about this being her wedding day too until Harold called things off. She sadly says that she thinks Harold has forgotten all about it.
At the Ramsays
Charlene wakes Sally up off the sofa and calls her for breakfast. She tells her Scott has been up since the crack of dawn doing Henry's work. Madge comes in with Pete Baxter - he offers to go and give Scott a hand.
At the big garden
Henry is smelling flowers sitting against a wall criticising Scott's gardening techniques. Scott has a good old rant, then realises Henry has fallen asleep. He yells at him even more. Luckily world war three is averted when the cavalry arrives in the form of Charlene and Pete.
At the Robinsons
Lucy is watching TV waiting for the flowers - they're late and so is Hilary. Helen goes to ring Beverly to see if she's gone straight there. She tries to reassure Jim that things always go wrong with weddings then work out right in the end. Paul helpfully mentions Eileen's wedding the other day... Jim looks worried but comments that he's sure everything will be fine.