At the Robinsons
Helen reads the riot act to Henry, Madge, Harold and Lucy. She thinks they're all behaving like children and deserve to be treated accordingly. Harold is first in line - Helen is disgusted that he won't marry Madge and points out he could marry her tomorrow if he'd let her sell the car. He (perhaps realising this is true) storms out. Madge jumps to his defence so is next in line for a tongue bashing. Helen attacks her temper (pot, kettle, black!) then moves on to Henry's clumsiness and untidiness. She spots Lucy sniggering and yells at her for leaving her bedroom in a mess. Oops.
At the Ramsays
Scott is panicking about Jim's comments that he won't get a cadetship. Charlene tries to calm him down again and says it's in the parent's rulebook not to have faith in your kids. She tells him that Madge almost fell over when she got her apprenticeship and Scott teases her about being the only mechanic in Australia with pink toenails (she is painting them as she watches him stress out). She tells him to stop worrying and go outside for a swim. He agrees then runs off to open the door to Jane, who's come to escape her nan's cleaning binge. They decide to have a barbie in the back yard.
At the Robinsons
Lucy accuses Helen of being cranky, which makes Helen much crankier! Lucy runs off to her room, leaving Helen to start on Jim. She accuses Jim of being too negative towards Scott earlier. Madge interrupts and decides it's her turn to get her two pence worth in. She tells Helen that she and Henry have been walking on egg shells ever since they moved in. Warming to her subject she accuses Helen of being patronising and turning into a "right royal pain". Henry cheers her on as she tells him to pack his bags - they're going.
At the Mangels
Harold is upset at how unpopular he's made himself. Mrs Mangel listens eagerly to the gossip, picking for more details. She doesn't think his good intentions would ever work on a street like this, revealing that she long ago made it her policy to always keep her opinions to herself, and never - ever - to interfere. Harold chokes on his cup of tea.
At the Robinsons
Jim congratulates Helen on her performance. She laments the fact that she's ruined everything. Jim suggests that she apologise - it'll be easier than losing her best friend. She agrees, if he'll apologise to Henry. Madge charges in and is reluctant to accept Helen's apology but Helen grovels a bit and Madge gives in. They tearfully hug and Madge agrees she and Henry will stay.
At the Mangels
Mrs Mangel is very put out that Harold choked at her earlier statement and thinks he's accusing her of being a busybody. Jane comes home and reveals to Harold that his honesty idea isn't making him very popular... then tries to reassure him that it'll all blow over in a few days. This doesn't really work so she tells him his singing in church was beautiful (tut tut Jane! We heard the singing the other episode, remember?). Harold is delighted.
At the Robinsons
Domestic bliss has broken out. Jim tells Henry he resented him because he reminded him how much he misses his kids. Now that things are calmer, Madge thinks the time is perfect to discuss more driving lessons - Henry doesn't!
In the Ramsays back yard
Despite saying earlier this episode that they were going out back for a swim, neither Scott or Charlene are dressed for swimming. Scott tries to throw Charlene in after she tells him it's too cold, but she is saved by the phone ringing. Scott runs inside to answer it leaving Jane and Charlene to talk about Jane's modelling. Jane hasn't heard anything back from the States yet. Jane asks how Scott's going. Charlene tells her he has an interview with the Erinsborough News tomorrow - based on his story about Tony. Scott runs out and says Mike's invited them all out for a thrilling night at a jazz club. Strangely, Jane and Charlene are excited at the prospect.
At the Robinsons
Everyone is being very polite while they eat their dinner at the dining table. This is almost as bad as the arguing earlier! The politeness eventually leads to another argument and Madge points out that the only way they can remain friends is if she and Henry move home.
At the Ramsays
Henry gives a huge sigh of relief to be back home, but Madge is worried that she hasn't had a chance to talk to Charlene. Henry says she'll find out soon enough and toddles off to bed. Madge follows (to her own bed!).
Scott and Charlene return home from the jazz club, laughing at what a great night they've had. Charlene announces that she has an idea and Scott grabs her saying he does too. She laughs and pushes him away, then tells him they should have a party the next night to celebrate his new job. He worries that he hasn't got the job yet but she answers that he'll get it no worries. He tells her they have to go to bed, then wistfully dreams that he wishes it could be like this all the time, just the two of them. She quickly bursts his bubble saying it'll all be over in a few days. He points out that in that case they'll just have to make the most of the time they've got left, before dragging her off to bed (I hope Henry told Melanie the truth about those thick walls!).
At the Mangels
Mrs Mangel is surprised to see Jane up so early considering the time she got home... They discuss their plans for the day and Nel bemoans the fact that Eileen Clarke no longer has any time for her now that she's getting married again. Jane tells her she should be pleased her friend has a second chance at happiness but Nel dismisses it as romantic claptrap! Harold comes in and brightly asks them how they are - they look at him confused and ask what's changed his mood so suddenly? He tells them he's been thinking and now intends to marry Madge as first planned.
At the Robinsons
Jim, Helen and Lucy miss all the good points about Madge and Henry. Helen says it's silly - they couldn't wait for them to leave and now they're moaning that they've gone! Even worse, she can't help but think they've let Scott and Charlene down...
At the Ramsays
Scott is planning the party while Charlene tries to wake up. He runs outside to put the pool filter on, leaving Charlene to make him toast. She wanders off out of the front door to pick up the paper and Henry comes in and takes the bread she's just put into the toaster back out of it. He hears her coming back in and hides behind the couch. A hungry Scott comes back in and asks Charlene where the toast is. She accuses him of eating it, then looks round in confusion as he protests his innocence. The suspense is ended as Henry pops up from behind the counter holding up the pieces of toast, asking if that's what they're looking for. Scott and Charlene stare at him in amazement, Charlene stating "you're supposed to have an invitation, you didn't even knock!". Things get even better as Madge breezes in and asks where the two of them were last night. Charlene stammers "At the jazz club..." as Henry asks "What's wrong? Aren't you glad to see us?" Scott and Charlene stare at each other in disbelief.