At Malcolm's house
Sally and Malcolm chat awkwardly, Sally almost begging her father to spend some time with her. He won't let her in the house but agrees to come with her for a chat somewhere else.
At the coffee shop
Scott and Jane eat lunch together, Jane saying it's okay now "everything" is cleared up. She tells him the modelling agency still have a contract on her and could make her work in America for a year. Scott reflects that at least she has a job, he's struggling to find something. Jane says he should have no trouble finding something with his art talent, why not draw Christmas cards?
Des goes inside to find his mother working. She fusses over him, telling him to cut his finger nails (!). Des tells Mike Bouncer has escaped again, they need to build a better fence. He then breaks the news to Eileen that Sally is back, he was thinking she could help out in the coffee shop again? Eileen frostily says that they have all the help they need.
By Lassiters lake
Sally tells her father she can tell he isn't pleased to see her. He says he's used to being on his own - he has his own house and little workshop. He likes to make things out of wood, although this is more difficult now he has arthritis. Sally eagerly suggests she could help him out but he doesn't want to know. She realises that Eileen was right - he's just selfish and only cares about himself. He protests that now she's been there, he can't pretend she hasn't.
At the coffee shop
Scott has moved on from Christmas cards to calendars. He will design a frame and Mike will take a picture to go in them. Eileen suggests they could do pictures of families, she'd certainly buy one. Jim comes in and Scott asks if the printers he uses to make the engineering firm's calendar would press an extra few hundred at the end of the run with his own frame as the template. Jim agrees but says the run is starting tomorrow, they'll have to be quick.
At the lake
Sally tells Henry he should leave her and Malcolm to it, they need time to talk. She goes back to Malcolm who tells her he often goes there to think (why haven't Des or Eileen seen him then?) Sally tells him she's dreamt of meeting him since she was a little girl but reality isn't like her dreams. They don't know each other at all and don't even know the right questions to ask. She knows he is afraid of being invaded and promises she doesn't want to take him over. Malcolm answers that although he wants to know her and Des, he doesn't want to see Eileen. She promises she'll make sure Eileen stays out of it.
At the office
Jim walks in to find Melanie crying her eyes out. It's her last day. He points out that the agency will find her lots more work and she calms down a little.
MELANIE: You're such a mature man.
JIM: Well if I wasn't by my age I'd be in trouble wouldn't I.
Melanie laughs hysterically and asks if he needs a secretary at his works. Frightened, Jim assures her that he doesn't and makes a hasty retreat.
At the coffee shop
Scott is doodling designs on a serviette much to Eileen's annoyance. Mike points out that Pablo Picasso started that way and Eileen says she'd throw his out too! Jim comes in to tell Scott he's off to the printers, commenting that he's left strange Melanie in the office. Eileen says that girl has a new boyfriend every week but Jim tells her she's set her sights on more mature men now. Scott suggests that Jim get to know her better but he's not keen...
EILEEN: It's quite frightening the number of young girls that are attracted to older men. No good will come of it. Especially, airline pilots. (Jane's ears prick up) We all know what they're like.
JANE: Tell us Mrs Clarke, what are they like?
EILEEN: Oh my goodness dear, the whole world knows if you don't.
At the Clarkes
Eileen is cleaning up and finds pizza on the floor. She hands it to Des who says Bouncer was supposed to eat it! He asks what she's doing there and she says it's obvious he can't cope on his own. Her bags are in the bedroom.
DES: No offence mum, but I wish Daph'd come home
EILEEN: Yes it'll be better for every body when Mr Lawrence dies (!!!)
Des is horrified but she points out it will end his suffering and Daphne and Jamie can come home where they belong. Sally comes to the door and tells Des she's found their father. He shushes her and she whispers that he's not as bad as she'd thought. Eileen in the background tells her it's rude to whisper. Besides, Desmond wants nothing to do with that man. Sally (unfairly?) tells her she's an interfering old dragon who has no right to control other people's lives.
At the coffee shop
Scott runs in with 2 designs for the calendar. He and Mike choose one and Mike agrees to come over later with his camera for test shots. Melanie comes in and sadly says she's here to say goodbye. She tells Scott how great his father is as Mike answers the phone to someone telling him Bouncer's escaped again. He rushes off leaving Scott to lock up, and very nervously entertain Melanie...
At the Clarkes
Des tells Eileen he won't be keeping away from Sally - he promised not to see his father but he won't be stopped from seeing his sister. Eileen barks out "Half sister" and looks sadly after him as he walks out.
At the Ramsays
Henry is shelling peas, most of which end up in his mouth, as Sally impersonates Eileen telling her to leave. He points out that she can't expect Eileen to like Malcolm - his mum was the same with his own dad. He shyly reminds her that she told him once she'd found his dad there'd be more time for "things like us" ... Sally walks away and says she doesn't want to get into anything heavy, she thinks they should call it quits. He asks if there's someone else and she admits someone's asked her out. He says that's fine - she can see other blokes and he can see other chicks, as long as they can still go out? She agrees and he unhappily goes back to shelling peas.
At the Robinsons
Scott brings his design to Jim and tells him how keen Melanie is on him. He suggests that Jim make a move on Beverly to give Melanie the message he's not interested. Jim says he had his chance and blew it.
At the Clarkes
Eileen is cooking and trying to get Des to stop brooding when Mike walks in with a wriggling box. He's found out why Bouncer's been going walkabout - he's got a lady friend and they've had gorgeous little puppies! He's got five of them to sell.