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Neighbours Episode 0622 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0621 - 0623>>
Episode title: 0622
Australian airdate: 17/11/87
UK airdate: 29/03/89
UK Gold: 21/03/95
Summary/Images by: Sue Parker/Graham
At the Ramsays
Henry is frightened out of his wits by a returning Scott and Charlene, all loved up and back together. They tell him the war's over and he is delighted. He says he was worried that Jane was going to make things complicated again and Charlene replies so did she - "but she made me wake up to myself." Henry answers that it's better to wake up to yourself than by yourself and Scott laughingly comments "my sentiments exactly!". Henry runs to the phone, he wants to ring Madge, but Charlene stops him, pointing out that it's late - they should leave Madge and Harold to be alone. Scott adds that every couple deserves a bit of privacy... Henry gets the message and leaves them to make up for lost time alone.
At the guesthouse
Madge is reading in bed. Harold, behind the bolster, tells her she's his little pumpkin (!) She is less than overwhelmed but asks if she can kiss him goodnight, then turns the light out. He wriggles, itchy in his woolly dressing gown. "Oh blast and botheration!" Madge tells him to forget about his dressing gown but he won't hear of it, pulling it tightly around him.
Next morning
Madge wakes up, squashed to the very edge of the bed. She gets up and wickedly removes the bolster, before sneaking into the other side of the bed next to Harold. She tickles his forehead and he wakes up slightly to croak "morning Madge". She purrs "Morning darling" and he quickly realises she is on the wrong side of the bed. Not only that, the bolster is missing! He hops it out of the bed all concerned - "Where is it?! Where is it?! The thing! The thing I put down the middle!" Madge winds him up, telling him she didn't move it. He runs into the bathroom muttering "I didn't, I didn't!" Madge gets up and, laughing her head off, knocks on the bathroom door. Harold is terrified and tells her to wait a minute, he is making sure he is fully dressed. He opens the door, backing away from Madge, telling her he's straight off to reception to see if anyone checked out. Madge says fine, she'll just ring Henry and ask him to drive up with a nightie for her. Harold protests strongly that she can't - "What will he think?!" She ignores him and rings home.
At the Ramsays
Henry answers the phone and assures Madge they haven't been having a wild party, although they should have. She questions why and he says he'll put Lennie on - who, incidentally, is necking with Scottie in the background... She tells Madge her and Scott are back together then passes her back to Henry. Henry shares the phone with her and Scott and all three are amazed to hear Harold shouting in her room so early in the morning. Very innocently (not!), Madge tells them he is looking for his pyjamas. They crack up.
Henry asks Charlene if she's packed a bag for Madge - and thrown in a silky black negligee, Harold would love that. Scott laughs "Only because it won't show the dirt." Henry tells them he's going to take Sally along for the ride to cheer her up, and explains she's down because she's Des's half sister looking for her father and that things have gone disastrously wrong with Eileen finding out. Charlene tells him to spare a thought for her and Scott - Scott has to study and she has to go and apologise to Jane. He doesn't care, he's looking forward to his date with Sally, however much he pretends he's just doing her a favour. Charlene and Scott aren't fooled for a second.
At the Clarkes
Sally is feeling guilty about Eileen leaving. She tells Des she is going to move out. He tells her there is no need but she is insistent. Henry comes in, trailing marrowbone jelly all over the floor, he stood in Bouncer's bowl. Des tells him about Sally wanting to leave and asks him to help him talk her out of it. He invites her to come and stay with him! Des isn't happy with that either. They discuss how Henry could take Sally out for the day and give her chance to think. She objects to them talking over her and Henry steals Harold's moves from the day before- picking up Sally and carrying her out to the car.
At the Mangels
Jane's ironing is interrupted by Charlene at the door (She's back for a few days, how can she have ironing to do??). She asks Charlene if she understands what she was trying to do - Charlene answers "Depends. Are you talking about before or after you went necking with my husband?" Jane guiltily assures her she meant after. Charlene begrudgingly says she understands that part but the rest she never will. She tells Jane that she and Scott are back together "as completely as we ever were", much to Jane's relief.
On Ramsay Street
Sally thanks Henry for taking her out for the day but questions whether Bertha "This old heap" will actually get them there.
At the Mangels
Jane witters on about her new life in America while Charlene pretends to be interested. She tries her best to get Charlene talking but Charlene finds it difficult and tells her it's time she pushed off home. Jane sadly asks if they'll ever be close again, she and Scott are her best friends and she values that more than anything. She starts talking about having no friends when she first moved to Ramsay Street but stops herself, saying Charlene wouldn't understand because she's always been popular. Charlene answers that she does understand, and she really does want to forget what happened, but she's not sure that she can.
At the guesthouse
Harold has arranged for a stretcher to be put in the room (I think that must be the Aussie term for a pull out bed, surely it can't be a stretcher like an ambulance uses?) and is much happier, he didn't sleep a wink last night. Madge suggestively tells him "I know..." and laughs. He isn't amused, then asks her if she thinks he's too sensible. He points out that he has great difficulty in doing the "right thing" whilst he's been in such close quarters with such a desirable woman. Madge is flattered. Harold goes on to tell her how much he's looking forward to their wedding night (!) and gives her a big kiss, fully witnessed by a whooping Henry and Sally. Harold tells him to shut up and go away - "I'm in the middle of kissing your mother!"
At the Clarkes
Des is explaining the Eileen situation to Daphne. The door goes - it is Scott come to ask for help with his studying. Des tells him he has to be quick, he's off to pick up Jamie. He's hoping Jamie will help fix things between him and his mum. Scott has an idea and asks if he can borrow Jamie for a bit that night.
At the Ramsays
Charlene is hoovering up Henry's popcorn when Scott wanders in with Jamie. She goes gooey and cuddles him (Jamie) on the settee. Scott reminds her how much she enjoyed looking after Sam then tells her he's been thinking about how happy Des and Daphne are, and how Jamie's part of the reason for that. Charlene is confused, until Scott tells her he wants them to start their own family. She answers that they will one day, but Scott doesn't want to wait, he wants to do it now.
<<0621 - 0623>>
Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0622
Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson, Henry Ramsay

Harold Bishop, Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0622
Harold Bishop, Madge Ramsay

Madge Ramsay, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0622
Madge Ramsay, Harold Bishop

Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0622
Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson, Henry Ramsay

Madge Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0622
Madge Ramsay

Henry Ramsay, Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0622
Henry Ramsay, Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson

Des Clarke, Sally Wells in Neighbours Episode 0622
Des Clarke, Sally Wells

Jane Harris, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0622
Jane Harris, Charlene Robinson

Sally Wells, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0622
Sally Wells, Henry Ramsay

Jane Harris, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0622
Jane Harris, Charlene Robinson

Madge Ramsay, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0622
Madge Ramsay, Harold Bishop

Sally Wells, Henry Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0622
Sally Wells, Henry Ramsay

Des Clarke, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0622
Des Clarke, Scott Robinson

Charlene Robinson, Jamie Clarke, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0622
Charlene Robinson, Jamie Clarke, Scott Robinson

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