At the Robinsons
Chrissy asks if they look okay and Scott says dressed like that they'll be the talk of Erinsborough. They dash out to go to the amusement arcade but bump into Jim. He tells Lucy they're going nowhere, she's supposed to be resting. Chrissy says she's never been to the City before, can't they go please? Scott agrees that he'll take them, he's due for a study break anyway. Jim reluctantly agrees as long as Scott doesn't let them out of his sight. He comments that they'll be hard to lose, dressed like that.
They walk past Mrs Mangel, Chrissy struggling to walk in her heels. She tells Scott she needs him to help her walk and grabs his arm. Mrs Mangel glares at them all and Chrissy asks "Who's the old duck?" Lucy shushes her and says she'll hear. Mrs Mangel shouts "I did hear!". Lucy and Chrissy laugh. Mrs Mangel goes up her drive and sees Bouncer digging up her garden. She yells and chases him away. She goes inside and tells Mike Bouncer nearly attacked her. Mike says he'll calm down when he moves back home. She says there's no hurry for him to move out, then mentions that she's just seen Scott walking down the street with a "tarted up young hussy draped all over him. I've no idea who she was but it's pretty clear what she was." Mike comments Poor Charlene, but Mrs Mangel replies that it's her Jane who's suffered the most (She's had to go and be a model remember).
At the Robinsons
Jim is worrying about Lucy. He tells Helen that if she's well enough to go to the amusement arcade she's well enough to go back to school. Grumpily he says that he thinks Chrissy is a bad influence. She's obviously boy crazy, and Scott shouldn't have had to take time off to look after her. Helen works out that his real problem is Beverly. He sulks off and answers the door to Henry. Henry tells Helen Charlene has agreed to come and talk to Scott there that night. Jim thinks it will just end up in another screaming match. Henry points out that if Helen mediates then it might not - she did brilliantly with his gardening problem. She admits she is nervous about it, but Henry charms her and says if anyone can get those two talking, it's her.
Mike asks Lucy if they can give studying a miss that night as he has a music project due in. She agrees, she's busy with Chrissy anyway. Mike leaves and Chrissy comments on how cute he is - does he have a girlfriend? Lucy quickly says yes, her. Amazingly Chrissy believes her, then says she reckons Scott's better looking anyway. Lucy warns her not to get ideas about Scott either. Jim comes home and tells Lucy to get on with her studying. He goes in the kitchen and Scott winds him up about Chrissy being a pretty wild kid. Helen shuts him up by pointing out Chrissy has been shooting the odd adoring gaze his way... Jim asks doesn't she know about Charlene? Helen says it's none of her business - besides, Scott thinks there are enough of them interfering already. She tells Scott she thinks it would be a good idea for them to have a round table discussion and Scott says fine - now all they have to do is get Charlene to be in it. He is gob smacked when Helen tells him she's already agreed.
At the Ramsays
Henry is going through the fridge eating up left overs. Madge says they will have take away for tea, after Charlene gets back from the Robinsons. Charlene says she isn't going. Madge is cross, Helen's expecting her. She tells Charlene if she's not prepared to take some responsibility for her own marriage then she's fresh out of sympathy. Charlene reluctantly agrees she'll go.
At Mrs Mangels
Mike tapes himself playing sax. Mrs Mangel is impressed. She fusses over Mike and tries to talk him into staying with her. He won't give in. Besides, Bouncer would be over every five minutes looking for him.
At the Robinsons
Charlene and Scott sit with Helen at the table but neither is willing to be the first to talk.
At Mrs Mangels
Bouncer follows Mrs Mangel into her house. She sits down for a little rest and puts Mike's tape on, quickly falling asleep.
At the Robinsons
Scott insists kissing Jane was just a mistake. When she reminds him he said he was attracted to her he replies that she's probably just as attracted to Mike. She angrily insists she is not and they quickly start shouting. Helen stops them. She says the real issue is that Charlene thinks Scott cheated on her, and that Scott says it's a mistake he won't repeat (Der!). Scott says if Charlene loves him she has to trust that he won't do it again, the way he trusts her. She argues that he's never had any reason not to. He reminds her about Warren. She gets upset and says the only reason she ever went out with Warren was because Scott told her to and she only kissed him because he fell for their trick. She walks out telling Helen if she thinks that's the same as Scott kissing Jane then this whole thing has been a waste of time.
Helen follows her to the door and says perhaps it is too late, but she didn't think Charlene would give up without a damn good try. Scott adds that no-one is saying what happened with Warren gives him any excuse for what he did, but there are some similarities. Charlene grudgingly agrees that she was attracted to Warren but loved Scott. Scott begs her to please give him another chance and she agrees to think about things. She wants them to get back together but has to be sure she can really forgive him so she doesn't throw this back in his face whenever they argue.
At the Ramsays
Charlene comes home and Henry asks her what she wants from the take away. She says she isn't hungry. Henry "Did you hear that mum? History in the making! Lennie's not hungry!" Madge realises things aren't worked out between her and Scott. Charlene says she needs more time to think. Henry is confused, she's been thinking for days. Charlene snaps that it might take a hell of a lot longer and walks out.
At the Robinsons
Helen warns Scott not to press Charlene for a decision but he answers that he knows Charlene, the more she thinks about something the more worked up she gets. Lucy comes in to ask when dinner is ready - oh no, Helen forgot to turn the oven on! Scott goes off to study, running into Lucy and Chrissy in the hall. Chrissy asks him if he wants to watch TV with them. He dismisses her, saying he'd love to watch TV with them but he has a lot of work to do. Lucy and Chrissy go to watch TV and Chrissy sulks that she thought Lucy said Scott liked her. Lucy replies "He does, he likes everyone." Chrissy asks if he'd want to go out with her if she hinted enough? Lucy tells her again not to get ideas about Scott. When Chrissy demands an explanation she says "He doesn't go out with girls that much" (In 2006 this would lead to a totally different storyline to the one that follows, I'm sure!). Lucy suggests she introduce Chrissy to another cute guy she knows instead.
At the Mangels
Mrs Mangel shrieks as she wakes to find Bouncer on her knee. She carefully gets up saying "There there, you wouldn't bite a defenceless old lady would you."
In Charlene and Scott's room
Charlene holds her wedding dress against her in front of the mirror. No flashback this time. Madge comes in and asks if she's up to seeing some visitors - Lucy and her friend are here. Charlene replies that she'll say hello but Henry will have to entertain them, she's going to see Scott. Madge feigns shock and says don't tell me you're ready to forgive him. Charlene answers that she loves him and doesn't want to spend the rest of her life without him. Madge hugs her.
In the kitchen
Lucy introduces Charlene "Scott, I mean Henry's sister." Chrissy says she and Lucy are so lucky having such good looking brothers (Madge nearly chokes in the background). Charlene says Henry's alright, as long as you don't have to live with him. Henry says to prove he's a nice guy he'll take Chrissy out and show her the local attractions while she's here. She is over the moon and asks to go to a disco, she's never been to one before. Madge looks horrified and says Lucy is too young for discos. Henry agrees, he'll meet them both at lunch time and shout them both to ice cream. Chrissy is gutted, she thought he meant a proper date. Henry, trying to let her down gently, says if she were a few years older... She interrupts and says Scott doesn't think she's too young, and he said he'd love to spend more time with her earlier on (Charlene's eyebrow raises). Lucy quietly tells Chrissy that wasn't what he meant but Chrissy won't listen. "He couldn't wait to take me to the amusement centre. And I reckon he would have kissed me if I'd have let him." Charlene is furious - "That doesn't surprise me one little bit!" She runs out leaving Chrissy in confusion.