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Neighbours Episode 0578 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0577 - 0579>>
Episode title: 0578
Australian airdate: 16/09/87
UK airdate: 26/01/89
UK Gold: 18/01/95
Writer: Chris McCourt
Director: Andrew Friedman
Summary/Images by: herriestopper & Sayaka/herriestopper
- Jim tells Beverly she's making a big mistake - he doesn't like Armstrong. He thinks Beverly deserves the best and he's not it. Beverly tells him that Stephen's on his way back to Adelaide for good. Beverly didn't choose him, but she didn't choose Jim either - she chose her.
- Jim asks about them and Beverly says they can talk about it over dinner.
- Gail catches Paul reading her report. She asks whether she still shouldn't think he is paranoid.
The Office
Paul says it was there (Gail: Really?), and what's the big deal, she said he could read the report. Gail asks how much he's read. Paul tells her not to worry, he didn't read anything. Gail says it's a pity, it would have cured him of his paranoia, since there is nothing but praise for Paul in the report. Paul concedes that he may have been a bit paranoid. Gail gets abgry now, saying he was acting like she and Rosemary were in some sort of grand conspiracy against Paul. She tells Paul she won't put up with it any longer and Paul should know by now that he can trust her. She says she's going to finish the report and then she is going to resign. Gail walks out. Paul looks contrite.
The Garage
Charlene has been cleaning out the garage and Jim thinks she's done a good job. She's looking forward to starting her apprenticeship tomorrow. Jim says they'll have four cars in for servicing, so they'll be really busy. He suggests Charlene goes home - he'll lock up. She tells Jim that she's cooking dinner tonight - spaghetti on toast. And a treat tomorrow night - scrambled eggs!
Scott is studying away at the kitchen table. Madge, like Jim, is worried about Scott and Charlene's diet. Henry comes in ranting about his shirt which is dirty. Madge talks him through how to use the washing machine(!)
Ramsays Street
Paul drives up the driveway of No. 22, just as Gail is leaving the house, with her weekendbag. Paul asks where she is going. Gail tells him she is moving into Lassiters. Paul then delivers one of the best lines of the epi: Are you leaving me? Gail tells Paul she is going to be a guest at the hotel for her report. Paul wants to know how long it will take. Apparently until Gail has all the info she needs.
PAUL: Do you have to leave right now? I was going to take you out to dinner, so we can sort some things out
GAIL: There's nothing to sort out. You don't trust me, and I don't like it. It's as simple as that.
Gail gets into her car and winds down the window. Paul wants him and Gail to talk about this like 2 adults . Gail tells him she'll see him in the office tomorrow, and drives off.
Lassiters restaurant
Gail is sitting at a table at Lassiters restaurant as Jim and Bev walk in. They greet. Jim asks what she's doing there on her own (you can see he is annoyed that he is lumbered with Bev). Gail says she's writing a report for Rosemary and she's now playing customer. Paul couldn't face eating at Lassiters again, so she's there alone. Gail asks them to join her. Jim jumps at the chance and he offers her to help her with her report, by giving their unbiased opinion about the service. Gail says he is too biased towards Paul. Jim: And you're not?. Gail: I can't afford to be, not for this report (nice save!). Jim asks whether everything is okay, between her and Paul (hope gleaming in Jim's eyes). Gail covers and says everything is fine.
Paul in the meantime shows up at Des' place to have a chat. He tells Des Gail had to go out, and was at home, alone, twiddling his thumbs. Some executive househusband, eh?. Interesting that he makes that connection: husband at work, and at home. Des and Paul talks about Daph and TCS a bit. And Des asks Paul whether he can help him find somebody to help in TCS kitchen. Paul can lend Des an assistant chef. Des asks Paul why Gail left him on his own. Paul: Business, you know how it is. Des goes yeah as he hands Paul a beer (after shaking it).
Lassiters restaurant
Gail is glad Jim and Bev are enjoying their meal. But she's off now for an early night. Jim asks her to stay a bit longer (I'm sure he meant to say:I'll come with you). But Gail says she's going to bed and watch a movie (cue a longing look from Jim....so close Big Jim, yet so far away!!). Bev wonders if it's not strange to spend an evening away from Paul. Gail: I imagine we'll both survive it. She leaves, and Jim and Bev spend a few seconds talking about how compatible Paul and Gail are. Bev also tells Jim that she's happy with how their relationship is at the moment - she doesn't want to rush into marriage. Jim doesn't either. They laugh that Hilary's efforts weren't entirely wated after all!
Charlene and Scott are eating spaghetti on toast which Madge and Henry are eating meat. Madge is upset that Charlene and Scott won't share their food. Henry is off to a darts game and Scott is going as well. Charlene isn't pleased that she's being left on her own this evening.
Charlene and Henry bicker about the use of the washing machine.
Beverly's place
Jim and Bev are having coffee. She tells Jim that she doesn't regret letting Steven go, and they did have some good times. She tells Jim that things have worked out rather well though. They have a pash.
Charlene is watching TV in her pyjamas when Henry and Scott come in. Charlene is eating Madge's crisps and Scott tells her off for breaking their budget. Charlene protests that she was upset. Anyway, she feels like she's turning into a giant baked bean(!)
Ramsays, the following morning
Charlene tells Henry off for keeping Scott out later. Apparently he's so tired she can't get him out of bed. Madge tells Charlene that they can all do each other favours - they're still familiy after all. But Charlene insists that she and Scott want to be independent. Charlene and Henry bicker about the tumble dryer.
The Office
Henry comes in to talk to Paul. Henry wonders if he can possibly wear his advertisement jacket for one day, as he's had laundry problems with the other one. But Paul snaps at Henry that he can't. He has to wear the correct uniform. Henry leaves as Des enters. Des comments how Gail is away for one night and he turns into an ogre. Des can sympathise, saying he always gets scratchy when he's having problems with Daph. Paul snaps at Des that he is NOT having problems with Gail. Paul having cooled down a bit tells Des that the assistant chef can start at TCS today. Des leaves. And Paul goes into the office. Madge and Gail are discusing arrangements for something. Madge also wants a word with Paul about Henry, she wants to explain about the jacket. But Paul counters saying he is not impressed with Henry, and he should wear the correct uniform while working, or he doesn't work at all. Gail takes Madge to reception. Madge grumbles a bit about Paul. But apologises to Gail once she remembers that Gail is married to Paul. Gail says it's alright, and that even she finds him difficult at times. But bear with him he's got a lot on his mind at the moment.
Des and Beverly are having a chat. Beverly says that it won't do Jamie any harm to have a change of environment, and anyway, it's good for him to have a happy mother. Bev doesn't think that Jamie will have any trouble in the Coffee Shop - but if it were her, she'd leave him at home, at least for a few months while his immune system develops. Des asks Beverly to have a word with Daphne. He says he can't compromise because he knows Daphne is wrong(!)
The Office
Gail comes back into the office. Paul is having a somewhat heated conversation on the phone, and ends up slamming it down. Gail says she knows he's still angry over the report, but it doesn't give him the right to be horrible to everyone else. Paul agrees. He tells Gail he's mostly angry with himself, for the way he's been behaving.
PAUL: You know I'm not very good with apologies, but I'm really sorry.
GAIL: Accepted.
PAUL (surprised): It is?.
GAIL: Ahun.
Paul thinks he doesn't quite deserve that. Seeing as he promotes himself as a bigtime businessman. When half the time he behaves like a little kid. Gail thinks there's nothing wrong with being childish on occasion.
GAIL: In fact, it's a part of your charm.
PAUL: I didn't think you thought I had any.
GAIL: Oh, a bit surfaces every now and then.
Paul asks whether Gail really has to stay at the hotel. Gail says she doesn't and she can move back home tonight. Paul also doesn't want her to give up her job. Gail says she won't then.
PAUL: Then it's settled?
Gail Uhms her agreement. But she says she has to go now, because there is some stuff she should be doing.
PAUL: Gail.
GAIL: Yeah?.
PAUL: I'm glad you're moving back home. I sorta got used to having you around.
GAIL: I kinda got used to being there.
Gail leaves. Paul blushes.
<<0577 - 0579>>
Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Gail Robinson, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson

Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson

Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Paul Robinson, Gail Robinson

Madge Ramsay, Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Madge Ramsay, Gail Robinson

Des Clarke, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Des Clarke, Paul Robinson

Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Gail Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Paul Robinson

Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Gail Robinson

Beverly Marshall, Gail Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Beverly Marshall, Gail Robinson, Jim Robinson

Gail Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0578
Gail Robinson

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