At Mrs Mangel's:
Mike tells Amanda she is ruining Jane's life because she is jealous of her. He rages that Jane was happy before her mother turned up but now she's miserable - she has so much love to give to Amanda, maybe Amanda should look in the mirror? Pushed too far Amanda slaps him across the face, then cries when he leaves.
Outside the Clarkes:
Des asks Daphne to go out for dinner that night but she's not keen - who will babysit? He says there is a street full of people - why not Mike? Mike might not be the best choice - he's a fraction away from punching a brick wall. He fills them in on what just happened with Jane's mum. Des thinks he must have done something to provoke her and goes round to smooth the waters.
At Mrs Mangel's:
Amanda is playing up her emotions to Des and he falls for it hook, line and sinker. She shows him how her hand is shaking, then places it firmly on his knee, before crying onto his shoulder.
At the Clarkes:
Daphne tells Mike she is proud of him for standing up to Amanda. She thinks he must have hit a nerve, which is why she slapped him. Des comes in and lays a huge guilt trip on Mike and gives him ten seconds to go over and sort things out. Daphne tells him to hang on a minute - Mike was right. Mike agrees and tells Des he's fallen for Amanda's sob story. He leaves and Daphne points out to Des that Mike is a very good judge of character (unlike Des).
At the Waterhole:
Madge is showing Henry how to serve behind the bar, and warning him that Paul knows exactly how many nips are in a bottle. He is more interested in how much he can make in tips a night. He brags about how he can promote his gardening business and Madge lays down the law - the bar is to be his one and only priority while he's working. She goes off to get clean linen and Henry is straight on the phone ordering up flyers.
Outside the coffee shop:
Harold is scaring Jamie to bits, although he's supposed to be entertaining him. Madge and Daphne talk about how Lucy's doing and Harold is offended that he isn't included in the mothers club. He is pleased, however, that Eileen is helping Amanda with Mrs Mangel. He goes off to work, leaving Madge and Daphne to have a good old gossip about Amanda and Daphne is shocked at how dangerous Madge thinks Amanda is.
At Mrs Mangel's:
Mrs Mangel returns home, pleased that Amanda is there. They settle her on the sofa and Jane goes off to work, leaving Mrs Mangel free to come up with a list of jobs for Amanda who very unwillingly goes off to do them.
At the Clarkes:
Des comes home early to find Daphne cooking dinner. He is put out that she doesn't want to go out anymore, he had a client lined up to be entertained (nice romantic evening then!). Daphne tells him to go on his own. They start arguing about Amanda again when Mike comes in, and Des stubbornly refuses to see anything wrong with her.
At Mrs Mangel's:
Mrs Mangel is being an extremely fussy patient and Amanda complains to Jane when she comes home from work. She's getting out of there before she screams and tells Jane to expect her when she sees her.
At the Waterhole:
Des laughs at all the gimmicks Henry is using to promote his gardening business. Amanda comes in and asks if she can join him and he quickly says yes. Henry comes over and says the man Des is meeting for dinner can't make it (how did they know Des was in the Waterhole??) Amanda asks if she can have dinner with him instead! He agrees when she says she wants to discuss investments with him. They agree to eat at the Waterhole though instead of the restaurant.
At the Clarkes:
Jamie is sleeping like a log. Mike suggests that Daphne go and join Des for dinner - she deserves a night out and he's there to look after Jamie. I think we can see where this one's heading.
At the Waterhole:
Amanda is feeding Des bits of her dinner! And who's that in the doorway?? No prizes for guessing that Daphne witnesses the whole thing.
At Mrs Mangel's:
Nell and Jane have a little chat and Nell says how pleased she is that Jane's moved home again. She asks if her new look is to please Amanda but Jane insists it's her true personality. Harold barges in with a special visitor - Madge. Madge apologises for her behaviour towards Nell and Mrs M sanctimoniously tells her she's sure she can find it in herself to forgive and forget - eventually.
At the Clarkes:
Daphne is furious. She slams around the kitchen raging that Des had this whole situation planned all along and Amanda is out for all she can get. She locks the door and says she will call the police is Des sets a foot back inside the house. He arrives home and tries to get in, managing to open the door a couple of inches. He tells her she's acting like a child and she slams the door against his face before yelling - "I hope she was worth it Des, because you're not setting a foot back inside this house!"