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Neighbours Episode 0557 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0556 - 0558>>
Episode title: 0557
Australian airdate: 18/08/87
UK airdate: 28/12/88
UK Gold: 20/12/94
Summary/Images by: Sue Parker/Graham
At the Clarkes:
Des tries to calm the situation but Daphne storms out. He tells Eileen that she's just worn out but Eileen continues to criticise. Des snaps and shouts that maybe Daph's right after all - she should go home.
At the Ramsays:
Scott is shocked to find Charlene up and dressed and cooking him breakfast. He thinks she must be sick. She thinks he needs fattening up so has cooked enough breakfast to feed the whole of Ramsay Street. Scott worries about putting on weight so she suggests maybe he could take up jogging. Scott laughs that he doesn't get enough sleep as it is (insert own newly wed joke here), then ruins our jokes by clarifying his good night's sleep is ruined by having to share a single bed and his wife's wriggling. She counteracts that at least she doesn't snore but Scott quickly sets her straight. She throws a towel at his head as Harold comes in to see Madge, but she's still asleep. Charlene asks how Jane and her mum are getting on and he says Mrs Harris is a charming lady. Scott says from what they've heard Mrs Harris hasn't been much of a mother. Harold disagrees then warns Charlene that Mrs Clarke will probably be coming into work. She moans but then says Daphne will probably be glad of a break.
At the Clarkes:
Beverly has come to pay Daphne a visit and Daphne is obviously upset. She tells Bev she hasn't slept since she came home from hospital because of Jamie's crying and she can't cope.
At the coffee shop:
Harold and Charlene are cooking nicely in the kitchen when Eileen blows in bringing chaos and commotion as she goes. Charlene gives Harold a look of despair.
At the Clarkes:
Beverly reassures Daphne that Jamie is fine and that the tension in the house won't be helping matters. Her advice is to hang the housework and let the neighbours help. Daphne thinks things will be better now Eileen's gone.
Outside the workshop Jim's thinking of buying:
Jim has arranged a nice picnic for him and Beverly at this lovely location. He wants to buy another engineering works for him to tinker in. Beverly asks who will look after his current business and he says Ross will take care of that. She reveals that she's thinking of buying real estate too - Clive's surgery. Jim is pleased. She asks if he wants to come to Adelaide with her that weekend to pick up her things and Jim gladly agrees. It should be delightful.
At the coffee shop:
Scott and Charlene are snogging in the kitchen, much to Eileen's disgust. Scott - "Fair go Mrs Clarke, we haven't seen each other since breakfast." Charlene tells him his dinner's in the fridge, and she's saved him a piece of chocolate cake.
EILEEN: Just a moment, this is not a soup kitchen.
SCOTT: I'm not having soup, Mrs Clarke.
She is not amused so Scott tells her he's a paying customer. Charlene butts in that he isn't - she's entitled to one free meal a day and can give it to him if she wants. Eileen is furious at the way she's spoken to and they have a huge row, bringing Harold in. Eileen insists that he dismiss Charlene immediately but he refuses. She smugly warns - "If she stays, I go." This plan quickly backfires when Harold realises it's an excellent way to get rid of her and agrees.
At the Robinsons:
Lucy runs in all excited because she's been picked for the netball team. Jim and Helen will come and watch won't they? Jim assures her he wouldn't miss it for the world. Oh, except it's tomorrow and he'll be in Adelaide with Beverly... He expects Lucy to be upset but she's suddenly changed her mind about netball - a trip to Adelaide sounds much more fun. Jim gently breaks it to her that she's not invited and amazingly she takes the hint that he wants to be alone with Beverly. "Honestly dad, sometimes you'd think I was a little kid."
Outside the pub:
Des is trying to comfort Eileen who's upset at the way she's been treated today by Harold, Charlene and most of all Daphne. She refuses to go home with him to try and clear the air with Daphne. She cries and says she thought Jamie would bring the family closer together but she feels more shut out than ever, then tells him she went to see Mrs Mangel at the hospital today - Nell was all alone and she is frightened the same could happen to her.
At the Clarkes:
Daphne talks to Jamie and tells him being his mum is a lot harder than she thought it would be.
At the Ramsays:
Charlene tells Scott she's bought him a present for their one month anniversary - a double bed, king size! He is furious and demands to know where she got the money for it. She reassures him that it wasn't that expensive and it's what they need more than anything at the moment. Reluctantly he agrees and heads off to the bedroom to have a look. She calls him back and tells him the bed's on the settee - it's inflatable. He laughs and asks if it doubles as a raincoat.
Lucy asks Jim if he and Beverly are going to get married, as Beverly walks up. Jim sends her off to practise her flute. Beverly is relieved she doesn't mind them going away together, then tells Jim she's booked them a lovely place in the hills. They laugh as they hear Lucy playing "Here comes the bride" on her flute.
At the Ramsays:
Charlene is lying on her new bed (mattress) on the living room floor as Scott does a flying leap off the settee onto it. He says it's not bad at all and her wriggling won't be a problem anymore, although he'll have to get earmuffs for her snoring... She sighs that she doesn't snore but Scott isn't having any of it. He tickles her, then rolls on top of her to thank her for such a great present. Harold walks in to the pair of them kissing and is most distressed, blustering how sorry he is. Charlene chats to him about how Madge is out shopping while Harold talks to the ceiling and Scott laughs into her shoulder. Harold quickly leaves and Scott teases that he's gone off to give the gossip to Mrs Mangel. Charlene protests that it's none of her business but Scott reminds her that they have bigger worries - how will they get the bed into the bedroom without deflating it?
At the Clarkes:
Daphne is sitting on the settee staring forlornly at a stuffed koala when Des comes home and apologises for being home late. He recounts his conversation with Eileen and says how upset and lonely she was, and asks if Daphne will ring her later and let her know they all still love her? She agrees but doesn't look at him. He asks about Jamie then asks if he can help with dinner? He suggests takeaway and starts looking through leaflets, ignoring Daphne calling his name. He eventually hears her and she tells him she's not coping with running the house and looking after Jamie. He sits next to her and says that's okay, but she won't have it. She wanted to be the perfect wife and mother but she can't, and she feels like a total failure.
<<0556 - 0558>>
Daphne Clarke, Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Daphne Clarke, Jamie Clarke

Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke

Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0557
Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson

Daphne Clarke, Beverly Marshall in Neighbours Episode 0557
Daphne Clarke, Beverly Marshall

Harold Bishop, Charlene Robinson, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Harold Bishop, Charlene Robinson, Eileen Clarke

Beverly Marshall, Daphne Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Beverly Marshall, Daphne Clarke

Beverly Marshall, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0557
Beverly Marshall, Jim Robinson

Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson, Harold Bishop, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson, Harold Bishop, Eileen Clarke

Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Eileen Clarke

Lucy Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0557
Lucy Robinson, Jim Robinson

Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Des Clarke, Eileen Clarke

Daphne Clarke, Jamie Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Daphne Clarke, Jamie Clarke

Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0557
Charlene Robinson, Scott Robinson

Lucy Robinson, Beverly Marshall, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0557
Lucy Robinson, Beverly Marshall, Jim Robinson

Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0557
Scott Robinson, Charlene Robinson

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0557
Harold Bishop

Des Clarke, Daphne Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Des Clarke, Daphne Clarke

Daphne Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0557
Daphne Clarke

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