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Neighbours Episode 0472 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0471 - 0473>>
Episode title: 0472
Australian airdate: 21/04/87
UK airdate: 29/08/88
Writer: Ray Harding
Director: Brendan Maher
Guests: Harold Bishop: Ian Smith
Rob Lewis: Ernie Bourne
Warren Murphy: Ben Mendelsohn
Sue Parker: Kate Gorman
Summary/Images by: Carly/David
Number 24
Harold and Madge have just enjoyed a glorious day out, but Madge wonders if it might've just been a once off. They hardly ever get time alone. Case in point: Charlene barges in just as they share a kiss, blaming them for ruining her life.
Scott's Bedroom
Jim comes in to check on Scott, who informs his Dad about his break-up with Charlene. Jim tries to give his son the 'buck up little camper' platitudes, but all Scott can think about is "that nerd, Murphy". He explains The Plan™ to Jim, who thinks it was a rotten thing to do. "I don't understand how any son of mine could do what you did to Warren."
Henry has dutifully gone to see how Warren is, and has taken it upon himself to try and cheer him up. Warren bemoans the fact that he really tried to turn over a new leaf and not act like a drunkard - but look where that got him. He really thought Charlene was special. Henry informs him that Charlene is pretty cut up with Scott about everything that went down, and that Warren should at least try and talk to her.
Number 24
Scott is trying to get past the Madge and Harold brigade to see Charlene, but isn't having much luck. Turns out Charlene doesn't want a bar of him anyway - surprise, surprise. They all argue a bit until Henry unwittingly bursts in and announces that Warren's outside waiting to chat. Clueless Madge demands to know what's going on, but Charlene only walks out, ordering Scott to leave on her way.
SCOTT: (to Madge & Harold) Well, you got what you wanted. I hope you're happy.
Number 24 - Front Porch
Warren tells Charlene that Henry explained a few things to him, and he understands her actions a little more. Scott sees them on his way out and slinks away in a foul mood. Charlene says to Warren that she's pretty mad at Scott right now, but Warren susses that she's not so mad that she'll break up with Scott permanently. Charlene admits that she just needs time to work her feelings out. Puppy dog Warren then asks if they can just hang out as friends in the meantime, wagging his tail when Charlene says yes. Good boy, have a bickie.
Number 28
Scott's venting his spleen to Daphne and Mike about the Charlene and Warren saga.
MIKE: Listen mate, if I had a buck every time you and Charlene had a bust-up, I'd be a squillionaire.
Mike just thinks that Scott needs to grow up a little. Whiny Scott retaliates by reminding Mike how immature he acted when Henry dated Jane, and about the punch-up Mike also had with Shane. His point proven, Mike leaves bratty Scott in the kitchen so he can finish getting ready for his uni outing. Daphne thinks that Mike was right about one thing: Scott and Charlene do always fight. Daphne's certain that Charlene will come around.
DAPHNE: Wasn't part of the reason she didn't go to Brisbane because she'd miss you?
SCOTT: Yeah.
DAPHNE: Well there you go.
SCOTT: Yeah, there I go and here comes flamin' Warren!
Number 26
Jim has called Rob around to talk about the garage deal. Scott angrily strums on his guitar, to the surly tune of 'Gonna Kick Murphy's Butt'. Harold joins the business meeting, which signals a hasty exit by sooky Scott (Jason Donovan accidentally smashing his guitar on the desk on his way out). The men sit down to look over some papers. Harold gets out his own trusty calculator to double-check the figures, much to Rob's chagrin.
Number 24
Madge believes that she and Harold were right to encourage Charlene to date other boys, especially given how she feels about Warren now. Charlene doesn't see how her mum could possibly know how she's feeling, but Madge begs to differ. She likens Charlene's situation to when she first broke up with Harold and then went out with Fred (Charlene and Henry's dad). It broke her heart to leave Harold, but if she didn't experience life with Fred, she wouldn't have had her kids.
CHARLENE: (cuddling up to Madge) That's fighting dirty.
MADGE: Something I learnt long ago is to take each day as it comes.
Madge thinks that Charlene should just focus on her new job and in due time all the mess will blow over. Madge can't help wondering, however, why Warren was still so upset, even when Charlene said she preferred his company to Scott's. Ominous background music plays. That can't be good.
Number 26
The boys talk shop about figures, but Harold still wants his solicitor to check over things before anything is finalised. Optimistic Rob already wants to toast to their partnership, but can't believe that Harold has never touched a drop of alcohol in his life. Jim intercepts before Rob and Harold can start bickering, suggesting they shake on the deal instead.
Number 24 - The next morning
Charlene is giving Henry a hard time about a phone call she overheard him have with a mystery woman. Henry explains that they met at his ice-cream van - I hope it's not Mabel the cranky ballerina. Madge gets in on the act, telling Henry that he should bring mystery woman home for lunch today. Henry caves and agrees; he just didn't want anyone messing things up for him. Henry departs to go and spruce himself up. Madge urges Charlene to get a wriggle on or she'll be late for her first day at work. Both kids left a giant pile of toast on the table. I hope Madge is hungry.
Exterior - Coffee Shop
Charlene bumps into Daphne setting up, who wishes her luck for her first day. Mike, who is also working, tells Charlene that Scott thinks she's really serious about them breaking up. Charlene's all 'well, maybe I am', and informs Mike to mind his own beeswax. Mike heads back inside.
Sue Parker strolls by to see if the shop is open yet and Charlene looks very unhappy to see her. Sue knows all about Charlene's garage job and can totally sympathise with the first day nerves - she's about to start a new job at the Pacific Bank with Des! Sue leaves and Daphne looks worried, "I hope she won't get up to any of her old tricks again." I wonder if Sue's somehow related to Trixie Tucker...
Exterior - Garage
Rob gets Charlene to give the car she's cleaning another once-over. Scott stops by to whine about his sleep deprivation, all due to him worrying about their fight. All he wants to do is talk to her. But Charlene can't be bothered with him, especially when it looks like he's causing her job to be in jeopardy with his presence.
ROB: (to Scott) Go on, clear off! This is a garage, not a flamin' milk bar.
Scott vamooses and Rob gets all chauvinistic, spouting nonsense about how he just knew hiring a girl was going to be trouble. Charlene bites her tongue and assures him that it won't happen again.
Coffee Shop
Mike (and his delightful un-ironed pink singlet top) can't believe that Daphne is allowing Warren to have coffee here, and wants to have "a word" with him. But Daphne reasons that if Mike really wanted to help Scott out, he would have been more of a mate to him last night instead of flitting off with his uni buddies. Mike replies that Scott wouldn't have fit in with his uni crowd, and gets a little snobby about the whole thing.
Suddenly, Scott walks in and immediately jumps on Warren, hauling him up in a move that looks like he's sniffing his armpit. They get all up in each other's faces and do the push and shove hero thing, trying to out-macho each other over Charlene. Daphne breaks up the scuffle and orders them to take it outside, but Scott just winds up leaving alone in a huff.
<<0471 - 0473>>
Harold Bishop, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0472
Harold Bishop, Madge Mitchell

Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0472
Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson

Henry Mitchell, Warren Murphy in Neighbours Episode 0472
Henry Mitchell, Warren Murphy

Scott Robinson, Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0472
Scott Robinson, Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell, Madge Mitchell

Charlene Mitchell, Warren Murphy in Neighbours Episode 0472
Charlene Mitchell, Warren Murphy

Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0472
Scott Robinson

Daphne Clarke, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0472
Daphne Clarke, Mike Young

Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson, Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0472
Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson, Rob Lewis

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0472
Harold Bishop

Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0472
Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell

Jim Robinson, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0472
Jim Robinson, Harold Bishop

Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0472
Rob Lewis

Henry Mitchell, Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0472
Henry Mitchell, Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell

Sue Parker, Daphne Clarke, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0472
Sue Parker, Daphne Clarke, Charlene Mitchell

Sue Parker in Neighbours Episode 0472
Sue Parker

Daphne Clarke, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0472
Daphne Clarke, Charlene Mitchell

Scott Robinson, Rob Lewis, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0472
Scott Robinson, Rob Lewis, Charlene Mitchell

Mike Young, Daphne Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0472
Mike Young, Daphne Clarke

Warren Murphy, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0472
Warren Murphy, Scott Robinson

Warren Murphy, Daphne Clarke, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0472
Warren Murphy, Daphne Clarke, Scott Robinson

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