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Neighbours Episode 0465 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0464 - 0466>>
Episode title: 0465
Australian airdate: 10/04/87
UK airdate: 18/08/88
Writer: Reg Watson
Director: Chris Sheil
Summary/Images by: Carly/David
Henry kisses Jane, but Jane ain't all that enthused about it. She's still very much on the Mike-train.
Number 24
Charlene wakes to make Madge breakfast in bed, only to find Henry doing a headstand in the lounge room; it helps him think. Charlene wants to know how things went with Jane, getting angry when she (correctly) guesses Henry 'tried something on'. Henry claims nothing happened, and then gets all mopey, telling Charlene he likes Jane but it doesn't seem to be mutual. Charlene gives him the 'plenty more fish in the sea' pep talk, but Henry's not convinced. He perks up a little though when she mentions there are heaps of other Ramsay Street-ites who'd be interested in him. I'll say. Who could resist that curly mullet?
Number 26
Scott... oh dear. Lets take a moment to fully appreciate the tragic 80s fashion and another quality mullet.
Okay, Scott asks Helen for a quick chat but Helen's in a snappy mood because she's behind schedule for an art exhibition. Scott then moves to the kitchen to chinwag with Jim, letting his dad know that if Charlene has to move to Brisbane to work, Scott's going with her. Jim's shocked and rants his bad mood at Helen, but Helen's still too busy with art stuff. More shouting ensues, with Helen telling Jim he's been impossible to live with ever since he broke his leg. Helen orders Jim back into the kitchen before she lays a smackdown on him. Or something a bit more ladylike. Whatever.
Ramsay Street
Mike jogs up and down the front of #32 until Jane comments on it, asking if something's wrong. Mike says no, then 'casually' asks how "everything" went last night with Henry. Jane's on to Mike's game and cheekily talks Henry up, saying how fantastic he was and how everyone liked him.
MIKE: What about you? Do you like him?
JANE: Mike, like him? He's... he's...
MIKE: (downtrodden) Sensational.
JANE: No, more like unreal. And romantic. He's asked me out again.
MIKE: Well... great. See you later then.
Mike starts to jog away but Jane holds him back and kisses him, letting him know he's her boyfriend and she's not interested in Henry.
Number 26
Helen helps Scott get Jim settled before getting back to her artwork. I sure hope this artwork is going to solve global warming or something considering how 'important' it is. Jim brings up his Brisbane concerns with Scott again, letting him know he's just worried about Scott's education and whether or not he'll be able to get a job. Scott's saved by the phone ringing, telling Helen it's a telegram for her. Hanging up, Helen tells the guys that some American agent called Chris Wilten is coming to see her exhibition. Helen looks a teeny bit stressed.
Later on...
Helen (and her very high-waisted jeans) answers the door to Rob, who is there to see Jim. I have no idea what went down the night before but it appears Rob had an altercation of sorts with Harold.
ROB: The trouble is we're like chalk and cheese. I mean, you've seen him, Jim. He looks like he's got a bad smell under his nose all the time! I wouldn't say the man's a wowser, but I just can't imagine him as a business partner.
Hee. Wowser.
Rob asks if Jim would be interested in co-owning his garage with him, then offering a 3-person partnership as an alternative. Jim thinks it over while Scott speeds out with some coffee then zooms off again to do grocery shopping, but not before Jim asks him to deliberate on the Brisbane idea some more.
Coffee Shop
Henry grabs a strawberry milkshake from Mike, letting him know that he knows where he stands with Jane. Mrs. Mangel appears for a quiet word with Mike, asking if he was with Jane last night. Henry loudly interrupts and tells Mrs. Mangel that Jane was with him. Mrs. Mangel is most displeased!
MRS. MANGEL: It's quite incredible. First that Shane Ramsay and now this... this... person.
Mrs. Mangel can't believe Mike let Jane go out with a "bad influence" like Henry. Hiding a smirk, Henry says he really likes and respects Jane, but just hopes she doesn't turn out like her relatives.
MRS. MANGEL: Relatives? (clocks the insinuation) How dare you! You impertinent young ruffian!
Mike tries to stifle his giggling while Mrs. Mangel glares at him.
Petrol Station
Paul looks like he belongs in Miami Vice! Hee! Anyway, Paul and Gail share some banter with Gail letting Paul that she's helping out her dad... ah, who turns out to be Rob. You learn something new every day. Paul's here on business and tells Rob that if he thinks he can handle all the clientele Lassiter's could put his way, he's got a deal. Rob's thrilled and takes Paul inside to sign the contracts. Gail's happy as well and has the shiniest, whitest teeth I've ever seen.
Number 26
Helen lugs a frame inside; hoping her portrait of Mrs. Mangel will impress the critics tonight. Scott unloads the groceries and I ponder whether or not Helen's wearing two different coloured shoes... intriguing. Mrs. Mangel stops by to see how Helen's doing after seeing Jim being carted away by the police. This is news to Helen, and me, as Helen calls out for Scott in alarm. Mrs. Mangel explains that Jim was hobbling down the drive with a cop on either side of him.
MRS. MANGEL: I did think I would ask if everything was all right but one doesn't like to interfere, does one?
No. Unless one's name is Mrs. Mangel of course.
Petrol Station
Gail's delighted that Paul's giving her dad such a good deal. Paul asks Gail out to lunch, Rob encouraging his daughter to go. Paul and Gail look very cute together.
Ramsay Street
A policeman drives Jim home as Scott and Helen rush out to see what's going on. Jim explains he went down to the station to help identify the vandals who ran him off the road. Helen and Scott are glad the "hooligans" have been caught. Scott dashes off again (I swear this kid has ants in his pants), this time to the Coffee Shop. He reminds Helen to tell Jim about Lucy before he speeds away. Jim's concerned as Helen tells him Jack Lassiter rang and Helen made a decision on Jim's behalf. Ruth wanted to take Lucy back to England for a few weeks and Helen said yes. Jim's sad, he was looking forward to seeing Lucy again, but concedes it'll be a good opportunity for her.
Coffee Shop
Charlene appears to be wearing thick, white cookie cutters for earrings. I am not getting over this 80s fashion! Charlene has a giggle about people trying to get her to go out with other guys, and thinks her and Scott should have another showdown with Madge and Harold about it. Scott, however, thinks they should play Madge at her own game and have Charlene go out with a guy Madge will hate. Warren Murphy! No idea who he is, but sounds like a wowser (hee!) by all accounts. The best thing though? Warren's dad once tried to crack on to Madge! Charlene delightedly realises Harold will be very jealous to learn this, resulting in annoying Madge and Harold. She gives her genius boyfriend a hug.
Number 28
Jane brings in some flowers left on the doorstep, telling Mike they're from Daphne's father. Mike asks Jane about her own dad, noting that she doesn't talk much about him. Jane admits he dad's just like her mum, "never around when I need them", but is thankful to have her Nan around. Jane comments on how lovely the flowers are but Mike reckons Daphne won't be happy to receive them; she doesn't like her father too much.
Number 26
Rob's talking up the garage some more with Jim when Mrs. Mangel calls around, again, much to Helen's annoyance. Mrs. Mangel wanted to stickybeak after seeing the police drop Jim back, but quickly becomes distracted when she sees Helen carrying her portrait. Helen agrees to show it to Mrs. Mangel now it's framed. Mrs. Mangel takes one look at it and gasps in shock.
<<0464 - 0466>>
Henry Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0465
Henry Mitchell

Charlene Mitchell, Henry Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0465
Charlene Mitchell, Henry Mitchell

Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0465
Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0465
Jim Robinson

Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0465
Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0465
Mike Young

Mike Young, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 0465
Mike Young, Jane Harris

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0465
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson

Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0465
Rob Lewis

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0465
Jim Robinson

Mike Young, Henry Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0465
Mike Young, Henry Mitchell

Mike Young, Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0465
Mike Young, Nell Mangel

Paul Robinson, Gail Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0465
Paul Robinson, Gail Lewis

Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0465
Rob Lewis

Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0465
Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson

Nell Mangel, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0465
Nell Mangel, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson

Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson, Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0465
Gail Lewis, Paul Robinson, Rob Lewis

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0465
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson

Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0465
Charlene Mitchell

Jane Harris, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0465
Jane Harris, Mike Young

Rob Lewis, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0465
Rob Lewis, Jim Robinson

Nell Mangel, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0465
Nell Mangel, Helen Daniels

Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0465
Nell Mangel

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