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Neighbours Episode 0464 from 1987 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0463 - 0465>>
Episode title: 0464
Australian airdate: 09/04/87
UK airdate: 17/08/88
UK Gold: 11/08/94
Writer: Ysabelle Dean
Director: Chris Sheil
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/David
Harold and Madge come in to find Scott and Charlene kissing on the sofa. Harold tells her that now he's engaged to Madge, he has some things to say about how she lives her life - and Madge agrees!
Charlene tells Harold that he can't order her around - he's not her father. Harold says she has to be more responsible because her behaviour makes Madge worry about her. Charlene says she's old enough to know she loves Scott - and anyway, Harold himself wasn't much older when her proposed to Madge the first time! Harold says it's important the Charlene should go out with other boys so that she has something to compare to(!) Madge suggests backing off from Scott because she'll be off to Brisbane soon. Charlene is not impressed.
HAROLD: Whether you go to Brisbane or not, I intend to nip this unhealthy obsession with Scott Robinson right in the bud. You can either do as you ask, or I'll ban you from seeing him altogether.
CHARLENE: You can't!
HAROLD: I can, and I will. It's up to you, Charlene.
No.26 (Outside), the following morning
Scott is getting in his car when he sees Charlene coming across the road. She tells him about Harold's lecture about their "unhealthy relationship". Charlene thinks she'll have to play along and to her surprise, Scott agrees. He reckons that after a while Harold will settle down. In the meantime, he suggests Charlene tries Rob Lewis's garage about an apprenticeship.
They see Harold in the garden of No.32 and hide behind Scott's car. Scott says Charlene should pretend to be interested in a few other guys just to keep Harold sweet.
Charlene tells Henry about Harold's ultimatum - Henry is dressed in a superhero costume for work today(!)
Harold brings Charlene some flowers from his garden and hopes he wasn't too stern with her last night - although he did mean everything he said. Charlene says she's thought it over and agrees with him that she and Scott are getting too serious(!) Madge is utterly gobsmacked and then suspicious.
When Charlene has left to go jobhunting, Madge says she's never known Charlene to be so reasonable about anything in her entire life(!)
Charlene introduces herself to Rob and tells him she's looking for a job as a motor mechanic. He turns her down point- blank and tells her that mending cars is mens' work! Charlene swallows her anger and says:
CHARLENE: People don't think like that these days, Mr Lewis. In fact, there's laws about discriminating against women.
ROB: You cheeky young...don't you come around here telling me my business! If I was looking for an apprentice - which I'm not - there's no way I'd hire a girl. I wouldn't even let my own daughter do it.
CHARLENE: Well, I'm glad I'm not Gail, then. Living with a chauvinist like you must be hell!
ROB: Go on, get away from here and don't come back!
The Office
Paul and Gail are heading out when Henry comes in, still dressed as a superhero. He says business is slow this morning, so he's brought Jane an icecream. He asks Jane to come with him to the Ice Cream Company dinner tonight - it's only once a year and he needs someone with him - he hardly knows his boss or any of the others, so it would be awkward on his own. He starts laying it on thick that being in prison has really knocked his self- confidence(!) Jane finally relents and says she'll think about it. Henry takes this as a "yes" and says he'll pick her up at 7.30pm!
The Garage
Gail tells Rob that the hotel is thinking of buying a minibus to pick guests up from the airport and so on. Rob says they'll need a proper mechanic to service them! Gail says that's between Rob and Paul, but suggests he makes an appointment with Paul.
Coffee Shop
Mike asks Jane to go out tonight, but she tells him she's already going out with Henry for a work thing. Mike isn't pleased, but Jane reminds him that they agreed to give each other some space. She assures him that there's nothing in it.
The Office
Rob has come to ask Paul about being the official car servicer for Lassiter's. Paul says he's definitely interested, but wants a day or two more to think about it.
Henry and Charlene are chatting about Harold. Charlene says the best way out is for her to find a job. Charlene has heard from Jane that Jane and Henry are going out tonight. Henry thinks Jane is a great catch, but Charlene warns him that Mike won't be happy! She doesn't think Henry should get his hopes up.
HENRY: One night in my irresistable company - she'll forget Mike even exists!
(Later, that evening)
Henry is dressed in a suit for his date with Jane. Charlene warns Henry again not to get romantic ideas with Jane - she might not be interested. Jane arrives and they leave.
Madge asks Charlene if she's going out with Scott tonight. Charlene says she won't be as she's going to see Mike instead. Harold suggests that Charlene could go out with Luke Sampson, the minister's son. Charlene protests that Luke is a real brain and she wouldn't know how to start a conversation with him! She makes a hasty exit to Mike's house. Madge looks even more suspicious and tells Harold that Charlene is having him on. Harold insists that they must give Charlene the benefit of the doubt!
Rob and Jim are having a beer. Rob wants Jim to have a word to Paul about the hotel servicing contract, but Jim says Paul doesn't like people interfering in business decisions. Rob asks Jim if he'd like to invest in the garage and Jim says he might be interested. But they'd probably need a third partner to get enough money together.
Jim is introducing Rob to Harold. Harold isn't impressed when Rob asks for a beer and says that there isn't any alcohol in the house. Rob is surprised that Madge, a barmaid, is going out with a teetotaller. Jim tries to drag Rob off before he can incriminate himself further. Rob invites Harold to join him at the Waterhole one afternoon for a chat over a lemon squash(!)
When Rob has gone, Harold says Rob is riff- raff and he wants her to leave her job at the pub as soon as they're married!
Scott and Charlene are hanging out at Mike's place. Scott laughs at the thought of Charlene going out with Luke Sampson. Along with Mike, they tuck into cakes and discuss the situation. Charlene says that Scott should get a new girlfriend too - maybe Sue Parker! Mike is worried about Jane and Henry - he thinks Henry is pretty smooth when he wants to be.
Henry and Jane have arrived back. Henry makes her a juice and tells Jane he thinks she's beautiful. He quickly kisses her and Jane gets all flustered and goes to leave, telling him she can't go out with him again - she still likes Mike a lot.
JANE: Henry, I can't go out with you again, so please don't even ask me.
She leaves, shutting the door behind her.
<<0463 - 0465>>
Harold Bishop, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Harold Bishop, Charlene Mitchell

Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell

Henry Mitchell, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Henry Mitchell, Madge Mitchell

Madge Mitchell, Harold Bishop, Henry Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Madge Mitchell, Harold Bishop, Henry Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell

Charlene Mitchell, Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0464
Charlene Mitchell, Rob Lewis

Jane Harris, Paul Robinson, Gail Lewis, Henry Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Jane Harris, Paul Robinson, Gail Lewis, Henry Mitchell

Jane Harris, Henry Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Jane Harris, Henry Mitchell

Gail Lewis, Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0464
Gail Lewis, Rob Lewis

Jane Harris, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0464
Jane Harris, Mike Young

Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0464
Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson

Charlene Mitchell, Henry Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Charlene Mitchell, Henry Mitchell

Charlene Mitchell, Madge Mitchell, Henry Mitchell, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0464
Charlene Mitchell, Madge Mitchell, Henry Mitchell, Harold Bishop

Charlene Mitchell, Jane Harris, Henry Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Charlene Mitchell, Jane Harris, Henry Mitchell

Madge Mitchell, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 0464
Madge Mitchell, Harold Bishop

Rob Lewis, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0464
Rob Lewis, Jim Robinson

Harold Bishop, Madge Mitchell, Jim Robinson, Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0464
Harold Bishop, Madge Mitchell, Jim Robinson, Rob Lewis

Harold Bishop, Rob Lewis in Neighbours Episode 0464
Harold Bishop, Rob Lewis

Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell

Jane Harris, Henry Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Jane Harris, Henry Mitchell

Henry Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0464
Henry Mitchell

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