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Neighbours Episode 0367 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0366 - 0368>>
Episode title: 0367
Australian airdate: 01/10/86
UK airdate: 04/04/88
UK Gold: 29/03/94
Writer: Rick Maier
Director: Gaye Arnold
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Clive's Uncle Ted sees Paul and Susan kissing.
Outside the Coffee Shop
Uncle Ted is shocked that Susan is having an affair with Paul. Ruth tries to reason with him and suggests that he talks to Clive about it. But Uncle Ted says there's no logical explanation other than an affair. He says that Susan needs a good talking to and Paul needs a knuckle sandwich. Ruth talks him out of this but he's very despondent. He says you can't trust women.
The Office
Paul and Susan are snogging on the table. Susan says she needs to ask Paul some questions - firstly, about Terri. Paul clams up and says the divorce is going through. Susan wants to know how he feels about Terri - because it affects her in the long term too. She says she needs some breathing space and time to think. Paul says they can discuss it over dinner tonight(!) - at a family restaurant so she can bring Sam. Susan agrees. They start pashing again.
The Ramsays
Scott is trying to pash Charlene so hides her English lit book until she obliges! He tells her that he thinks Warren's a moron who's always boozing. Charlene says she can't ignore him - her mother is going out with his father. Scott gets cross and says it's like she sees Warren more often than him! Charlene says that she's fed up of fighting with him. They have another pash!
Clive is doing the dusting when Uncle Ted comes in. He tells Clive he'd better sit down. He tells Clive that he's very distressed - he's witnessed that Susan is having an affair with Paul Robinson. Clive looks thoughtful and says perhaps it was a mistake. But Uncle Ted tells Clive that his marriage is a sham!
Susan comes in to face intense hostility from Uncle Ted. She is confused so Clive explains that he say she and Paul kissing. Uncle Ted says that Susan has no dignity, so Clive steps in. He explains that they aren't married and that Sam isn't his son, although he wishes he was. They are just friends. Uncle Ted is gobsmacked. Clive explains further that he was trying to look good to Uncle Ted for the sake of his father.
Ruth comes in and Lucy says Jim should be taking Ruth out for coffee, not Jim. Ruth says that she may be leaving too - to go home to England. She says that she misses her children - they can't really come to Australia because it's a long way and they're still at school. Lucy says this is much more important than Jim going to see Terri in prison!
In the kitchen, Lucy says that if Jim would only marry Ruth, she'd stay, so it's all Jim's fault! Lucy says that Jim does like Ruth, but he's playing hard to get! She thinks Ruth should give Jim more time!
Clive tells Uncle Ted that he can't blame his father - Clive is the black sheep of the family and his father doesn't think he can measure up. Uncle Ted doesn't think that Clive is a failure at all - Clive is a successful human being - prepared to make the effort to lie for his father. He says that his kids don't even remember his birthday, while Clive went to so much trouble for his own father.
Clive tells Uncle Ted that he wishes that he and Susan were married.
Uncle Ted comes round to see Ruth. Lucy isn't very pleased to see him(!) He explains what's happened with Clive and apologises for getting so upset this morning. He says that Clive has explained the whole thing and he bears no malice. But he's decided to leave today - duty calls. He's decided to look up his brother (Clive's father). He bids Ruth goodbye, saying they could meet up in London sometime.
Paul comes in looking for Jim.
LUCY: He's gone to the jail to see Terri.
PAUL: (shocked) You're joking!
Outside Clive's
Clive is cleaning Bertha while Uncle Ted bids Clive goodbye. Clive's pleased that he's going to make amends with his brother.
Uncle Ted tells Clive that he's not the type to let fate deal him bad cards. He says that Clive should give Paul Robinson a run for his money and win Susan back for himself.
Paul doesn't know what to do with himself as he waits for Jim to come home. When Paul comes home he immediately starts shouting at Jim. Jim says he had every right - until the divorce comes through, Terri is still his daughter-in-law. Terri still exists and they can't just ignore her. He reminds Paul that he did love Terri once. She is very depressed and needs to see Paul. Paul shouts that he never wants to see Terri again. He catches up one of their wedding photos and smashes it on the table.
Charlene and Scott come in to continue studying. Scott is not pleased to hear that Warren is coming around again. She says that he's going through a bad time now that his parents are divorcing - and Charlene knows how that feels. Charlene says that her own father has his faults, but she still loves him. She says that they can't write Warren off. She says that maybe Scott doesn't know how to care. Scott gets angry and storms out.
Clive is feeding Sam on apple sauce. Clive says that he and Susan made a good team over the false marriage.
CLIVE: Maybe the reason we were so convincing was...
SUSAN: Was what?
CLIVE: Doesn't matter.
SUSAN: Tell me.
CLIVE: I guess I kind of liked the idea of playing a Dad, being with a girl I cared about.
SUSAN: Sounds like you're getting a little clucky in your old age. Now all you need to do is find the right girl.
CLIVE: Yeah.
Jim tells Paul that he's sorry for not discussing going to the prison with Paul first. He says that it's not healthy for Paul to be this bitter so young. Paul says that Terri is dead to him - every second of his marriage was wasted time.
Jim answers the phone and it's the prison calling for Paul. He reluctantly takes it.
PAUL: It's Terri. She tried to commit suicide.
<<0366 - 0368>>
Ruth Wilson, Ted Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0367
Ruth Wilson, Ted Gibbons

Susan Cole, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0367
Susan Cole, Paul Robinson

Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0367
Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell

Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0367
Scott Robinson, Charlene Mitchell

Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0367
Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons

Ted Gibbons, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0367
Ted Gibbons, Clive Gibbons

Ruth Wilson, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0367
Ruth Wilson, Lucy Robinson

Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0367
Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons

Lucy Robinson, Ruth Wilson in Neighbours Episode 0367
Lucy Robinson, Ruth Wilson

Lucy Robinson, Ted Gibbons, Ruth Wilson in Neighbours Episode 0367
Lucy Robinson, Ted Gibbons, Ruth Wilson

Lucy Robinson, Ruth Wilson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0367
Lucy Robinson, Ruth Wilson, Paul Robinson

Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0367
Clive Gibbons, Ted Gibbons

Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0367
Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson

Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0367
Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0367
Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson

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