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Neighbours Episode 0353 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0352 - 0354>>
Episode title: 0353
Australian airdate: 01/10/86
UK airdate: 15/03/88
UK Gold: 09/03/94
Writer: Rick Maier
Director: Paul Moloney
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Brian Hanson tells Charlene that she has a great voice.
The Office
Paul tells Madge that the former housekeeper is coming back today - Hilda Meuler and Paul wants Madge to be polite to her. Apparently she's the best housekeeper they've ever had.
Helen tells Paul that Laura's Multiple Sclerosis is under control, and she and Nikki are coming to stay. Helen's not sure where they'll all sleep with Ruth there too! Helen invites Paul for dinner, but he refuses.
Helen tells Paul that he's bitter about the supermarket deal and that if they're willing to forget, he should be too.
*Excuse me while I fall about laughing*
Charlene is dressed up in a small top and short skirt. She is covered in jewellery and is wearing far too much makeup! Madge comes in.
MADGE: Good grief!
Charlene tells her that Molly Meldrum and Brian Hanson want to see her tonight about her voice. Madge tells Charlene that she's not going.
MADGE: No daughter of mine is leaving this house dressed in her underwear!
Scott comes in through the backdoor and Madge scowls at him for getting Charlene into singing for the first place. Scott and Charlene bicker and Scott says she only sounded good because she had a great song to sing!
When Scott has gone, Madge forbids Charlene to go out tonight, but Charlene says she'll just go tomorrow instead. She suggests that Madge comes along to accompany her. If not, she'll go anyway.
Scott is brooding about Charlene's lucky break and doesn't think she'll want to know him once she's famous. Clive says he could go over to Molly Meldrum's and tell him that he's Charlene's manager(!)
Charlene and Madge have arrived. Molly Meldrum and Brian Hanson meet them. Brian takes Charlene off to the recording studio.
Daphne is cooking the dinner but Des seems in a world of his own. He is positively drooling over Daphne and can't take his eyes off her, much to her disquiet. She tells him to stop staring!
The Robinsons and Ruth have just finished dinner. Helen and Ruth seem to be getting on much better now.
In the sitting room, Helen brings up the subject of where Laura and Nikki will sleep. She suggests that Ruth moves to Lassiter's for a while, but Jim says Ruth won't like that much. When Ruth comes in, Jim explains the situation and says that Scott will sleep on the sofa. Ruth looks worried, but agrees.
Daphne is just serving up a kiwi fruit pie, and Des is still drooling over Daphne and almost falling asleep. She thinks he's sickening for something!
The phone rings and it's Eileen. She tells Daphne that she mixed up a sleeping potion with the love potion! Just then Des collapses asleep on the dining room table!
Clive has arrived to check Des over. Clive says that all this stress is too much for Des and Daphne - they must just be patient on the baby front. Daphne agrees and says she'll talk to Eileen too. Clive eats Des's dessert as he continues to sleep!
Ramsays, the following morning
Madge and Charlene are quite exhausted after the previous night - Charlene has nearly lost her voice! Apparently Charlene has been offered a job as a backing singer with some more training and some dance lessons. But Charlene isn't very keen - she doesn't want to live out of a suitcase.
Scott comes in. He tells Charlene he doesn't want to lose her because she was jealous. But Charlene says she's going straight back to school to finish her HSC. Scott says when they've finished their HSC he'll write a hit song and she can sing it!
The Office
Paul comes in wearing an awful orange jacket and is surprised to see Helen there on a Saturday. She's finishing some work off before Laura and Nikki arrive.
Paul opens a letter and finds it's from Ruth's financial people - they've sent a cheque to cover the cost of the hotel room she had. Helen is shocked - Jim has already paid the bill. Paul says that their struggling overseas guest isn't as struggling as they thought. Helen wonders why Ruth didn't tell Jim she had money.
Ruth is admiring Helen's paintings. She tells Jim that she can't let Scott sleep on the couch, but Jim says they'll mange - he doesn't want Ruth getting any further into debt.
Jim suggests that they play tennis this afternoon, but just then Paul comes in and asks Ruth why she hasn't told them she's got money. He explains about the cheque he retrieved.
PAUL: She's been conning you, Dad.
Jim asks Paul to leave and apologises to Ruth. But Ruth tells him tearfully that everything Paul said was true.
<<0352 - 0354>>
Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0353
Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels, Madge Mitchell

Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0353
Madge Mitchell, Charlene Mitchell

Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0353
Charlene Mitchell

Clive Gibbons, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0353
Clive Gibbons, Scott Robinson

Brian Hanson, Charlene Mitchell, Madge Mitchell, Molly Meldrum in Neighbours Episode 0353
Brian Hanson, Charlene Mitchell, Madge Mitchell, Molly Meldrum

Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0353
Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke

Jim Robinson, Ruth Wilson, Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0353
Jim Robinson, Ruth Wilson, Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels

Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0353
Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke

Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0353
Daphne Clarke, Des Clarke

Des Clarke, Daphne Clarke, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 0353
Des Clarke, Daphne Clarke, Clive Gibbons

Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0353
Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson

Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0353
Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0353
Helen Daniels

Jim Robinson, Ruth Wilson in Neighbours Episode 0353
Jim Robinson, Ruth Wilson

Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson, Ruth Wilson in Neighbours Episode 0353
Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson, Ruth Wilson

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