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Neighbours Episode 0305 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0304 - 0306>>
Episode title: 0305
Australian airdate: 25/07/86
UK airdate: 07/01/88
UK Gold: 31/12/93
Writer: Reg Watson
Director: Riccardo Pellizzeri
Summary/Images by: Sue Parker/David
At the Waterhole:
Shane is thrilled to finally find Alex but tells him he'll never know the trouble he caused giving him the Brandy. Paul explains that he was breathalysed and found over the limit, and is in Court tomorrow. Alex apologises and explains he went off to get help, he thought that would be more use. He agrees to go to the police as soon as he gets off. Paul says that's right now, he'll look after the bar.
At the Robinsons:
Lucy and Vicky are drooling over horses. Scott and Mike are engrossed in a magazine. Helen tells them all she's just popping next door and they all ignore her. She adds that she may never come back and is still ignored so leaves. Lucy asks Scott to turn the music down but he refuses so she turns it off. He yells at her and they start fighting. Scott and Mike tease the girls about horses so they go outside.
At the Ramsays:
Madge is still frosty with Helen, who was hoping to discuss their difference of opinion like grown ups. They continue fighting though when Helen says she can't believe Scott is responsible for any of Charlene's problems. Madge gets on the defensive but they stop fighting when Charlene comes in and asks them if they're still having a blazing row. They insist they do not have blazing rows and go into the kitchen for a civilised cup of tea. Charlene follows, arguing that if there was a war she and Scott are old enough to fight for their country. Madge counteracts that there WILL be a war if she tries to see Scott before she says she can.
At the Robinsons:
Scott and Mike are lounging around listening to music as Lucy and Vicky wander in and out with various items, then start banging in the kitchen. Scott goes in to check on them and finds Lucy hammering a mop to a wheelbarrow to make a horse. He warns her that they'd better get it out of there before Paul comes in and throws his weight around.
At Paul's new office:
Paul is admiring his new door sign when Shane and Alex return from the cop shop. Shane still has to front up in Court but he shouldn't be facing a manslaughter charge anymore, thanks to Alex. Paul thinks Shane should put it all behind him now and shows him the new door - which has Ramsay Landscaping and Gardening stencilled onto it. Shane is amazed that a bloke like him could have his name on a door like that! He gloats that Paul's name isn't on the door but Paul replies that the whole Country will know his name one day.
At the Robinsons:
Helen admires Lucy's horse and asks to see her ride it. Lucy refuses to while Scott and Mike are watching. Scott teases that she can't ride a horse so she gets on to prove him wrong. He laughs that that's not riding a horse - before tipping up the wheelbarrow and wheeling her screaming around the kitchen. Paul comes in and demands to know what's going on. Helen sets him straight but it's not long before he starts on Scott, telling him he can't go into town on a school night. Scott has had enough and asks Helen for back up but she sits on the fence saying it's between him and Paul. Scott storms out and Paul says while his dad's away Scott's going to have to play by his rules.
At the Ramsays:
Madge is telling Shane that he has to be well dressed for Court - it saved Henry's neck countless times. She asks Charlene why she's so keen to get off to school this morning and guesses that she's off to meet Scott instead. Charlene protests and Shane sticks up for her, asking how she's supposed to avoid Scott when they're in the same class? Madge is well aware of that, but they're not to see each other outside.
At the Robinsons:
Paul offers to give Scott and Mike a lift to school but Scott refuses, saying he's only doing it because he doesn't want him to see Lennie. Paul answers that he was just trying to patch things up between them, but as he's been told to keep away from Lennie he should make sure that he does. Mike and Scott leave and Paul complains to Helen that he can't even open his mouth without Scott being unreasonable. Helen points out that Scott's under a lot of pressure exams, and comments that it isn't easy being Big Daddy is it...
Charlene joins Mike and Scott to walk to school. Mrs Mangel meets them and asks if they all know Jane - her granddaughter, in their class at school. She will be coming to stay with her while her parents are overseas and she expects them to make her feel welcome. They go off to school with Charlene laughing that it's no wonder Jane's such a dag. Mike defends her but Charlene's having none of it. She gives Scott a note from her mum to give to the principle saying she won't be in school that day. Scott twigs that the note's a forgery and Mike asks why she isn't going. She refuses to tell them but says it's nothing crooked. Giving Scott a peck on the cheek she runs off leaving Mike to look at Scott in exasperation.
At the office:
Helen is taking new bookings but worries that she doesn't know if she's got a driver. Shane sticks his head round the door and very glumly tells her it looks like she's got a chauffeur on her hands. She is delighted. Madge says she has to get off home to keep an eye on Charlene but Helen thinks its time she started showing her a bit of trust. Madge replies she'd like to do that more than anything but can't.
Dodgy derelict house:
A very untrustworthy Charlene is walking down the path.
On Ramsay Street:
Scott and Mike are returning home from school and are caught up by Charlene. Scott tells her he handed her note in and Mr White bought it. She starts to head home but is stopped by Lucy wheeling her new horse. Lucy tells Scott that Helen has a shopping list for him. He tries to get her to do it for him but she's got her paper round to do. Mike offers to do it instead but Scott says he'll try and talk to Paul and tell him about all his school work. Charlene encourages him to stick up for himself and goes home.
At the Ramsays:
Madge has made Charlene a snack and quizzes her about her school and teachers while she eats it. Charlene is evasive. Madge sits with her and says she wishes they could put the whole business with Scott behind them. She wants them to talk more and realises that she used to lecture Henry a lot - and look at where he ended up. She tells Charlene she'd do anything in the world for her and Charlene starts to open up but then stops herself. She says she'll finish her snack in her room.
At the office:
Mrs Mangel has come to see Helen and remarks that she was telling Charlene and Scott about her granddaughter that morning. Paul's ears prick up and he asks if she's sure she saw Charlene and Scott. She smiles maliciously and says they're still as romantic as ever. But she didn't come here to chat about young love birds, she wants Helen to give her a reference as she's applying for a position. Helen asks what position and she hands over a letter. Helen smiles as she's applying to be a lollypop lady. Mrs Mangel would prefer to call it a school crossing monitor. Helen and Paul have to stifle their laughter.
Random street:
Lucy is doing her paper round and sees a man who looks suspiciously like Alex Carter looking suspiciously into one of the houses. She knows that the Murphy's are away as they cancelled their newspaper. She creeps closer and we see that Alex is cutting through a padlock to enter the house.
<<0304 - 0306>>
Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0305
Shane Ramsay

Alex Carter in Neighbours Episode 0305
Alex Carter

Vicki Gibbons, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0305
Vicki Gibbons, Lucy Robinson

Scott Robinson, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 0305
Scott Robinson, Mike Young

Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0305
Madge Mitchell

Charlene Mitchell, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0305
Charlene Mitchell, Helen Daniels

Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Vicki Gibbons, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0305
Mike Young, Scott Robinson, Vicki Gibbons, Lucy Robinson

Paul Robinson, Shane Ramsay, Alex Carter in Neighbours Episode 0305
Paul Robinson, Shane Ramsay, Alex Carter

Paul Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0305
Paul Robinson, Scott Robinson

Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0305
Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels

Charlene Mitchell, Madge Mitchell, Shane Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0305
Charlene Mitchell, Madge Mitchell, Shane Ramsay

Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0305
Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson, Lucy Robinson

Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 0305
Nell Mangel

Mike Young, Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0305
Mike Young, Charlene Mitchell, Scott Robinson

Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels, Shane Ramsay, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0305
Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels, Shane Ramsay, Madge Mitchell

Helen Daniels, Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0305
Helen Daniels, Madge Mitchell

Charlene Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0305
Charlene Mitchell

Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0305
Lucy Robinson

Madge Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 0305
Madge Mitchell

Nell Mangel, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0305
Nell Mangel, Helen Daniels

Basil, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0305
Basil, Lucy Robinson

Alex Carter in Neighbours Episode 0305
Alex Carter

Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0305
Lucy Robinson

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