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Neighbours Episode 0231 from 1986 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0230 - 0232>>
Episode title: 0231
Australian airdate: 14/04/86
UK airdate: 23/09/87
UK Gold: 20/09/93
Writer: Nicholas Langton
Director: Mark Callan
Guests: Jack Lassiter – Alan Hopgood
Summary/Images by: Carly/David
- Jim slapping Paul across the face
Number 26
Lucy rushes to Paul and clings to him, begging him not to leave. Helen, Scott and Nikki walk out and are shocked to learn what transpired. They tell Jim to talk some sense into Paul (who has left to pack his bags), but Jim angrily retorts that he's sick of people telling him what to do. He understands that Paul's had a rough trot lately but he draws the line at people interfering in his life. Jim then leaves to check up on Zoe, leaving his family in stunned silence.
Later, Lucy sadly asks Paul to stay once again but Paul says it's about time he left anyway. He tells her that even though he and Jim are fighting it doesn't mean they don't love one another. Lucy wisely replies that Paul may treat her like a little kid but she knows more than he thinks! After what Terri did to Paul, they're all the family he's got left, and now that's being torn apart too!
Number 28
Des goes to fetch Zoe at Jim's request and both are gobsmacked when Jim tells them that Paul's decided to leave home. Des thinks that Paul and Jim are making a big mistake, and Zoe frets about breaking up his family. Jim reassures Zoe that it's not 'her' per say - his family would protest about *any* woman he was seeing. Des exits and Jim confesses that he hit Paul. Zoe's shocked and becomes concerned that Jim always stands by her instead of his family - are they in too deep too soon? But Jim says he knows how he feels about her and he doesn't want anyone to spoil it for him.
Number 26
Taking his bags into the lounge room, Paul announces to his family that he's going to stay at Lassiter's. Scott and Lucy are dark on Jim, but Helen says that no matter what happened they shouldn't undermine Jim's authority as a parent. Lucy starts to cry so Paul hugs her and says he'll still be around all the time for her. They sad music swells as Paul reluctantly leaves and Lucy yells that she hates her dad.
Lassiter's - Paul's Room
Paul checks out his new digs and tips the bellboy (all for opening up the door and switching on a lamp - I'd love to know what Max Ramsay would make of that!). Paul makes out that he's happy to be there but the loneliness quickly hits him.
Number 28
Zoe's worried that Paul might give her a hard time at work after everything that's happened. Jim says that Zoe should tell him if anything unfair happens, but Zoe smiles and says she'll be able to handle it. Relationship talk ensues and they both agree that they don't quite know how to define what they have together - but they both want it to continue. Zoe thinks that Jim should ask Paul back home. Jim says that he will, just as soon as Paul stops acting so selfishly.
Number 26
The kids and Helen are having a chat and Helen says to Lucy and Scott that they need to consider other people's feelings and points of view. Lucy doesn't care what her Gran says, however, because she *knows* that it's not right that her daddy is dating Zoe and she definitely knows it's not right that he hit Paul. Right on! To echo a favourite TV show of mine, "I Love Lucy!"
Number 28
Jim thanks Zoe for all her support and head back home to face the music. Des emerges from the hall to chat with Zoe. He hates to stick his nose in where it's not wanted... but does Zoe really know what she's letting herself in for? Zoe lightly retorts that Des isn't exactly the go-to guy for relationship advice at the moment. Smiling, Des gives her a hug and says that he's just worried about Paul, but Zoe says he needn't bother.
Lassiter's - Paul's Room
After aimlessly flicking through every TV channel on offer, Paul rings up room service and orders up big. He looks quite pleased with himself, but his smile soon fades.
Number 26
Helen informs Jim about where Paul's staying and thinks that the least he can do is try and patch things up with his son. But Jim is tired of his family's interference. He starts to head into the hallway to find Lucy, but Scott gruffly tells him that she's asleep and to leave her alone. Jim's a little startled and Helen tells him that he's going to have to handle his relationship with Zoe very carefully - not just for his family's sake, but for Zoe's as well. Jim wants to know what Helen really thinks of everything and Helen replies that she's not 100% behind it, but ultimately it's up to what Jim wants.
JIM: I want the relationship to work.
HELEN: Are you absolutely sure?
JIM: I couldn't be surer.
Lassiter's Complex - Next Morning
Paul wanders around and gets chatting to a bloke sweeping out the front of The Waterhole (who just happens to be Jack Lassiter - the bloke Clive, Shane and Mike did a gardening job for the other day). He offers to get Paul a coffee, just as Des walks by. He stops to chat to Paul and asks how he's doing, but Paul says he's fine - moving out was probably the best thing he's ever done. Jack brings out the coffee and Des introduces Paul properly to Jack (Jack is a client of his at the bank). Jack tells Paul a bit of his life story about how he got Lassiter's up and running, but things took a turn when he hit some women troubles. Des and Paul sympathise, each experiencing women troubles of their own.
Number 26
Lucy mopes her way to the kitchen table and says that she doesn't want any breakfast. Jim gently chides her for eating Easter eggs beforehand (he can see the chocolate on her face), but Lucy's all, "Well what are you going to do? Hit me too?" Lucy walks out and Nikki says that she's acting very silly, but Scott quickly tells her to mind her own business. Taking Scott aside, Jim says that he needs understanding from him not attitude. He knows it might be an embarrassing situation for the family, but he will not let it determine who he does and doesn't see.
Lassiter's - Paul's Room
Paul has brought Des up to check out the room but Des thinks it's a bit pokey looking. Paul tries to talk up the room's good points - like the room service, the air conditioning and the mini-bar - but Des doesn't look convinced. Paul wants Des to hang out for the day but Des says he's too busy and quickly leaves (Paul Keane accidentally smacking right into the door on his way out - I can't believe they didn't cut that out!). Stefan does a good job looking sad instead of cracking up as I would have done.
Number 26
Lucy answers the door to Zoe and is far from impressed. Zoe wants to know if the two of them can be friends but Lucy says that she hates her - their whole family does. She just wants Zoe to go away and leave them alone. Perturbed, Zoe leaves and Lucy smirks to herself, thinking that she's won the battle.
<<0230 - 0232>>
Jim Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Jim Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0231
Helen Daniels

Nikki Dennison, Paul Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Nikki Dennison, Paul Robinson, Scott Robinson

Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Jim Robinson

Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson

Zoe Davis, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Zoe Davis, Jim Robinson

Nikki Dennison, Scott Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0231
Nikki Dennison, Scott Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels

Scott Robinson, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Scott Robinson, Lucy Robinson

Helen Daniels, Nikki Dennison in Neighbours Episode 0231
Helen Daniels, Nikki Dennison

Zoe Davis, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0231
Zoe Davis, Des Clarke

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Paul Robinson

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0231
Helen Daniels

Jack Lassiter, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Jack Lassiter, Paul Robinson

Jack Lassiter, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Jack Lassiter, Paul Robinson

Jack Lassiter in Neighbours Episode 0231
Jack Lassiter

Paul Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0231
Paul Robinson, Des Clarke

Jack Lassiter, Des Clarke, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Jack Lassiter, Des Clarke, Paul Robinson

Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Lucy Robinson

Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Jim Robinson, Scott Robinson

Paul Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0231
Paul Robinson, Des Clarke

Zoe Davis in Neighbours Episode 0231
Zoe Davis

Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0231
Lucy Robinson

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