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Neighbours Episode 0123 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0122 - 0124>>
Episode title: 0123
Australian airdate: 04/09/85
UK airdate: 21/04/87
UK Gold: 21/04/93
Writer: John Smythe
Director: Russell Webb
Guests: Eileen Clarke: Myra de Groot
George Young: Alan Cassell
Terry Inglis: Maxine Klibingaitis
Wally Walters: Reg Gorman
Simon Walters: Shane Lee
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Jim tells Danny off for causing trouble for Maria and Richard.
- Des and his colleague George walk in on Daphne and Eileen doing aerobics.
Daphne laughs and suggests that Des and his mate join in the aerobics(!) Des starts to introduces George to Eileen, and she quickly puts on her wrap. Des says that Eileen reminded him of Madonna, but George says she was more like Ginger Rogers! Eileen tries to go off to change, but Des insists that she has a sherry with George!
Paul is annoyed that Terry has gone to see Max. Jim suggests going over there, but Helen tells them firmly that Terry can sort her own affairs out, so they decide to stay home and have a beer(!)
Max's bedsit
Terry is trying to reason with Max. She says that Richard hasn't even been invited - and she wants her boss there. Max says that things are bad between Jim and him, but Terry says she's inviting him personally and give him an invitation. Terry won't take no for an answer, saying that Max is the closest thing she has to family in Erinsborough. Max starts to soften.
TERRY: Besides, I don't just want you there, I need you there.
MAX: You'll be better off without me...
TERRY: I won't! And I won't accept that for an answer.
MAX: Why not?
TERRY: Cos I want you to give me away.
Max isn't sure - it's not a proper wedding, as it's not in a church, so Terry doesn't need anyone to give her away. But Terry says she wants a few trimmings this time because she didn't have any the first time. Max eventually agrees.
MAX: Terry. Thanks for asking.
They hug.
Eileen is dressed now and back on form as Des and George tuck into their dinner. They chat about how good Eileen's cooking is and George says that he hasn't had a casserole since his wife died. He explains that his wife passed away about two years ago. He inquires after Eileen's situation and to her horror Des blurts out that she's divorced.
Terry comes back and says she's sorted things out with Max. Paul says he doesn't want Max to come to the wedding now. He's in a right grumpy mood. Jim says Max is coming to the wedding and there's nothing more to be said about it.
Eileen and George are getting on well. They discover a mutual liking for opera.
When George has gone to the bathroom (a rare event in Neighbours!) Des tells Eileen that he never knew she was interested in opera! Eileen says she loves Gilbert and Sullivan. Des thinks George fancies Eileen, but she says that George is just a gentleman.
George comes back from the bathroom and says he should be leaving to finish off his work. Des offers him a lift, but George says he can easily walk. He says goodnight to Eileen. They awkwardly shake hands. Then George asks if he can take Eileen out to dinner one night next week to repay her hospitality.
EILEEN: Next week...oh, well, I'm rather busy next week.
GEORGE: Oh, well. It was just a thought.
EILEEN: However, I am free tomorrow night!
Des's the following morning
Daphne and Terry are having breakfast and chatting about the wedding. Daphne is in a bad mood and tells Terry that she and Shane have had a bit of a snag.
Ramsay Street
Scott tells Jim that he'll be at the Coffee Shop after school. Jim isn't very pleased, saying that Scott should be studying. But Scott said he told the owner he'd do it and he can't let him down.
Danny comes up and Jim talks to them about different opinions (parent view and child view). But the most important thing is that they must remember they love their parents and vice versa. Jim tells Danny to think about being a bit nicer to Maria.
The Bank
George and Des are chatting about Eileen. Des suggests that George takes Eileen out to a restaurant he knows and goes to make a booking.
Ramsay Street
Jim sees Max driving up in his van and goes over to talk to him. He tells him that he's had enough of them fighting and wants to make up. They shake hands.
Jim tells Max he's pleased he's coming to the wedding. Max says he's doing it mostly for Terry. They also chat about Danny, and Max tells Him not to stick his nose in.
Max starts going on about his favourite spanner and how Jim hasn't given it back yet. Jim says he'll have a look for it and looks a bit disappointed.
Shane comes in while Terry is trying on her wedding dress. Shane helps himself to a sandwich. Terry wants to know if he and Daphne are over. Shane says he doesn't know yet. He helps Terry to undo a hook on her dress and she's obviously moved by this. Shane wishes her and Paul a lot of luck. Terry starts to cry.
Coffee Shop
The manager is just leaving and giving Scott his last minute orders. His son, Simon is going to help Scott out.
When the manager has gone, Simon immediately downs tools.
SCOTT: I'm Scott.
SIMON: I'm off! Got better things to do than hang around here!
Smuggler's Bar
Eileen and George are having dinner. They chat about children. Eileen has strong views on the subject saying that parenthood is lifelong commitment. George thinks Des is very lucky to have Eileen so close to hand.
Danny answers the phone to Scott. He shouts down the phone that he has to help him. He tells Danny to get down the Coffee Shop quick.
<<0122 - 0124>>
Eileen Clarke, George Young in Neighbours Episode 0123
Eileen Clarke, George Young

George Young, Eileen Clarke, Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0123
George Young, Eileen Clarke, Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke

Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0123
Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels

Max Ramsay, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0123
Max Ramsay, Terry Inglis

Max Ramsay, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0123
Max Ramsay, Terry Inglis

Eileen Clarke, Des Clarke, George Young in Neighbours Episode 0123
Eileen Clarke, Des Clarke, George Young

Paul Robinson, Terry Inglis, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0123
Paul Robinson, Terry Inglis, Jim Robinson, Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson

George Young, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0123
George Young, Eileen Clarke

Eileen Clarke, George Young in Neighbours Episode 0123
Eileen Clarke, George Young

Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0123
Terry Inglis, Daphne Lawrence

Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0123
Danny Ramsay, Scott Robinson, Jim Robinson

Des Clarke, George Young in Neighbours Episode 0123
Des Clarke, George Young

Max Ramsay, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0123
Max Ramsay, Jim Robinson

Shane Ramsay, Terry Inglis in Neighbours Episode 0123
Shane Ramsay, Terry Inglis

Wally Walters, Simon Walters, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0123
Wally Walters, Simon Walters, Scott Robinson

George Young, Eileen Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0123
George Young, Eileen Clarke

Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0123
Danny Ramsay

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