- Maria rants at Danny for his part in Max crashing her dinner party.
- Daphne is angry with Shane for staying out all night with Liz.
Max's bedsit
Daphne rants at Shane for keeping secrets, but he says he isn't - he would have told her. He said it was no big deal, he had a few drinks and a coffee with Liz. Then he fell asleep on her sofa - nothing happened. He tells Daphne that she doesn't own him(!)
Daphne is still upset and tells Shane to go out with whoever he wants but not to expect to have her there to come back to. Then she storms out.
Maria has come to apologise to Jim for the things Max said to him last night. Jim explains that he lied to Max on the phone about the dinner party - that's why Max was so mad.
They talk about Danny's hatred for Richard and Maria tells Jim about Danny sending Max around. Maria says she feels like she's being pulled apart. Jim offers to have a word with him.
Des's (front garden)
Daphne is gardening furiously. She tells Des through gritted teeth what happened with Shane.
Just then Shane comes up. He doesn't apologise and says he's going to go on seeing Liz - he didn't make Daphne any promises. Shane can't understand why they can't see other people. Daphne says that either they have a relationship or they don't. Shane asks if they're still going on the picnic.
Des's (inside)
Des is trying to calm Daphne down. Des says it was only only night that Shane spent away. Daphne is mad and says that if she'd spent the night somewhere else, Shane would have hit the roof! She says all men are the same - they stick together.
Des says that Daphne should just listen to Shane - he cares about her. Daphne starts to cry and says she doesn't care if Shane cares or not.
Ramsay Street
Jim sees Danny and tackles him about the Richard situation. He tells Danny he should talk things over if he has a problem - Jim is always available. Anyway, Danny is only hurting Maria. Jim tells him to shape up and start acting his age. Danny protests - Jim should mind his own business.
Des comes up and tells Jim that he tried to talk to Danny too, but it fell on deaf ears.
Des sees Maria and tells her about Danny being at his place during the dinner party and planning his scheme from there without Des fully realising. She tells Des that it's not his fault.
When Maria has gone, Shane comes out. Des asks him for a word, but Shane says he isn't going to talk to Des about Daphne. He says Daphne is making too much out of things - he's not spending the rest of his life pussy-footing around Daphne. Des isn't impressed - he says Shane should set the ground rules first if he isn't interested in a serious relationship.
The Bank
Julie tells Des she'll come over and cook him a meal, but Des says that Eileen is coming over. Des takes offence when Julie implies that his mother runs his life and he's under Daphne's thumb.
Des takes offence and says that just because he respects women, it doesn't make him a wimp!
Daphne is doing aerobics when Eileen calls round with some shopping. Daphne helps her to carry in her groceries.
Eileen fusses round the house and is pleased to see her ornament on display(!) She and Daphne potter round the kitchen. They talk about dancing and exercise. Daphne offers Eileen to try out her aerobics routine and says she could lend her a leotard. She says she and Eileen must be about the same size. Eileen is delighted at this and starts doing gentle aerobics in the kitchen.
The Bank
A new employee of the bank is telling Des that he's on his own now - his wife passed away some time ago. Des is concerned and invites him round for a meal tonight. He gratefully accepts.
Des introduces the new employee to Julie as Mr Young, but he tells them to call him George.
Maria tells Danny that she wants to talk to him about what's worrying him. Danny says he's not saying sorry - because he isn't.
Max comes round to get his business messages. Maria gives him an invitation to Paul and Terry's wedding. Max is still cross with Jim and starts ranting again. He tears up the invitation and storms out.
Paul is looking through the paper for houses again and isn't having much luck. He still won't budge on allowing Terry to work after they're married. Terry tells Julie privately that she hopes Paul will change his mind after they're married.
Jim asks Terry how Max was today. Terry says that he's had another row with Maria.
Jim comes to see how Maria is. She is crying in the kitchen and shows Jim the ripped up invitation.
Everyone is surprised that Max has ripped up his invitation, but Paul says he doesn't care. Terry is a bit upset but Jim says Max will get over it. Terry has an idea and says she'll do something about Max.
Eileen nervously comes out in Daphne's leotard with a robe over her. She's nervous to take her robe off as the leotard is very tight. Daphne tells her again that she can't be any bigger than Daphne is. Eileen takes off her robe and Daphne tells her she looks great. They start to do exercises and Eileen is laughing her head off with enjoyment.
Paul is steamed up about Max's recent behaviour.
Des's (outside)
Des arrives home with George. He tells George that Eileen is a bit old-fashioned and stuck in her ways, but she's alright. He says that Eileen definitely isn't the liberated type. As they approach the door, they hear exercise music playing.
Des's (inside)
Des and George come in and are stunned to find Eileen and Daphne doing exercises in leotards. Eileen tries to hide behind Daphne's jumper!