- Danny is upset that Maria is going out with Richard.
- Richard says Maria will have to face up to Danny's disapproval eventually.
Maria tells Richard that it's an insoluable problem but Richard says that she must do something - or their relationship will always be based around Danny. Maria says that she hasn't thought about what she herself wants for nearly twenty years - it's always been about the family.
Just then, Danny comes in. Richard calls him over saying he wants to talk to him. He offers to give Danny driving lessons - they could start on Sunday. Danny is quite pleased. He says they could drive out a rock concert about 30 miles away. Danny cons Richard into giving him money for tickets to the rock concert!
Danny comes in and tells Scott that Richard is paying for them to go to the rock concert on Sunday. Scott says it doesn't seem right, but Danny says that Richard offered. Then he tells Scott that he's driving Richard's car to the concert and Scott chokes on his lemonade!
Maria and Richard are saying goodnight when Danny comes back. When Danny has gone to bed, Maria and Richard have a pash. But before they can get into it, Danny interrupts them again(!)
When Richard has gone, Maria tells Danny off for taking the money off Richard. Danny moans that Richard is buying him off - he doesn't care about Danny himself.
Daphne's housesitting place
Daphne is just getting up. She sees that a window is open and scary music plays. She suts the window and goes into the kitchen.
Daphne is in the kitchen now and I'm scared for her. Blimey, some toast has just popped out and I jumped a mile. So did Daphne! She goes back into the living room to find a standing lamp on its side on the sofa. Then Daphne hears a noise and the chandalier shakes. She looks round and then goes out of the back door, still in her nightdress.
In the garden by the gate, she bumps into the milkman. She asks him to come in and check the house, but he thinks she's propositioning him and runs away saying the wife would kill him if she found out(!)
Max's bedsit
Shane is telling Daphne that there must be a perfectly reasonable explanation. The only one I can think of is hungry ghosts making toast for their breakfast. He tells Daphne to call the police and he'll come over straight away.
Daphne's payphone
A lady knocks on the glass
Max's bedsit
Shane is departing to Daphne's place. Terry asks Shane if he and Daphne will be getting married. But he says his relationship with Daphne is just fun, no strings attached. Terry's not sure Daphne sees it that way.
When Shane has gone Max tells Terry that Daphne is probably exaggerating the stuff at the house!
Daphne's housesitting place
A man looks over the fence and dess Daphne sitting in her night clothes. She tells him that there's someone in the house. He offers her to come next door to their place, but she says she'd better wait for the police. They have a chat and it turns out he's living in such a nice area because his father was a pools winner. He invites Daphne to come over after she's finished with the police.
Front porch
The police and Shane have arrived. The police have a look around but don't find anything. Daphne doesn't think that the police believe her - the person could have hidden properly while Daphne was outside. Shane pooh-poohs this and Daphne gets very cross. She asks Shane to stay with her tonight - he could stay in a spare bedroom. He agrees to come over after work.
Daphne goes back into the house.
Inside the house
Daphne looks round, scared.
Garden of the Ramsays
Maria says that Danny is right - she has been using him to shield herself from Richard. She says they both have to learn to lead their own lives. Danny isn't pleased. Maria says she doesn't know what will happen with Richard. Danny says he's appalled - Maria isn't even divorced yet. But Maria says she wants to be with Richard. Danny stomps off to school.
Front of the Ramsays
Max and Terry are loading up the van. Max sees Danny and chats to him. Danny asks Max if he can have a word with him. Max tells him to come round tonight.
Max and Maria chat about Danny. Maria tells him about her theory of letting Danny go. Max asks if there's anything he can do to help. Maria asks Max to talk to Danny as a father. Max thinks he's let Danny down a lot, but Maria says that Max is a good man, and a good father too.
MAX: I suppose we've done the right thing?
Max asks what Richard is like and Maria says he's a bit like Max but not quite so rough round the edges. Maria tells Max that she hopes he'll find someone who loves her as much as she does.
MARIA: I still love you, Max. Nothing will take this away.
Max looks a bit takenaback.
MAX: I suppose we've done the right thing, splitting up.
He takes Maria's hand and says he'll always love her too.
Max's bedsit
Max asks Shane what Richard Morrison is like. Shane says Danny doesn't like him much. He says that Max will say the right things to Danny - he's made a good shot of his life since he left Maria. He says Max should concentrate on his own positives, not the negatives.
Max tells Shane that Amy looked rough(!) so he took off!
Daphne's housesitting place - evening
Shane tells Daphne he's just got to go and pick someone up from the airport then he'll be back. Before he goes though, Daphne wants to ask him about their relationship. She wants to know where she stands. Shane says he's avoided talking about it - he doesn't want their relationship to stop being fun. He wants them to take things slow and wants to be very careful before he makes any commitment. Daphne is disappointed, but they agree they both like each other very much. They have a bit of a pash.
Shane leaves for the airport telling Daphne to scream if the boogeyman comes back. I am screaming already - why doesn't Daphne go to the airport with Shane?!
When Shane has gone, Daphne puts a tape in and I can hardly bear to watch. I hate scary things. Yikes, the door has opened a bit. Daphne hasn't noticed. She sits down on the sofa with a book. The door opens a bit more, but there's no-one on the other side. Suddenly some glass shatters on the mantlepiece. Thank goodness, it's the end of the eppy!