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Neighbours Episode 8764 from 2022 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8763 - 8765>>
Episode title: 8764 (Aftermath of the Flamingo Bar accident)
Australian airdate: 24/01/22
UK airdate: 19/01/22
Writer: Emma J Steele
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: Glen Donnelly: Richard Huggett
Britney Barnes: Montana Cox
Sharon Canning: Natasha Herbert
Annie Barnes: Melanie Beddie
George Barnes: Mick Alford
Celebrant Ruby Fulton: Elizabeth Sandy
Isla Tanaka-Brennan: Mary Finn
Abigail Tanaka: Axelle Austin
- "Like A River Runs" by Bleachers Feat Sia
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Ramsay Street residents having fun at The Flamingo Bar after the wedding, interspersed with fades to black
- Kyle, Roxy, Aaron, David, Nic, Hendrix, Mack, Levi, Sheila, Amy, Ned, Leo, Britney and Abigail are present
- Paul looks out of the door of the bar, perhaps on the lookout for Terese
A simple logo-on-black title card follows, in lieu of the opening titles, and the entire regular cast is credited in the closing sequence instead for the second consecutive episode.
The Flamingo Bar
We see yesterday's final scene again, of Terese arriving outside the bar amidst the storm. The telegraph pole topples and collapses onto the bar, sending electrical sparks everywhere and prompting screams from within. Terese runs towards the bar and then stops, horrified at the sight before her. We fade out, and in again on Terese, with a caption - '7 days later'. She's in the same spot, but in the daylight.
The weather is calm and the sunshine out, as she assesses the wreckage of the Flamingo Bar. The impact of the telegraph pole has gutted the place. A baby's pram lies ominously under the debris. Next to it is a makeshift shrine of flowers, cards and a solitary teddy bear. Terese only vaguely hears a voice behind her.
CHLOE: Any idea when it's going to be cleared up? Terese?
Keen to turn from the haunting sight, Terese begins walking back towards the hotel, and Chloe follows.
TERESE: In a couple of days, once the investigation's wrapped up.
CHLOE: At least it'll be after the memorial.
TERESE (upset): When they clean up, I want the area totally screened off. So it's discreet for everybody that's involved.
As they arrive back at the hotel lobby, Terese looks anxiously towards the door to the left of the main entrance, that she was briefly distracted by last night as she called Jim the maintenance man.
CHLOE: Terese?
TERESE (upset): I'll see you later.
Chloe looks concerned as Terese walks off.
No 22
A box labelled 'Roxy' is seen in the lounge, containing some of her possessions, as Glen irons some clothes nearby. Terese comes in.
GLEN: I was thinking, if you didn't want to drive to the memorial, I could give you a lift.
TERESE: No, I'm actually heading to the hospital first, so I'll just go from there.
There's an awkward silence between them as neither knows what to say. Terese looks at the 'Roxy' box.
TERESE (sadly): I'm supposed to box this stuff up.
GLEN: I can give you a hand.
TERESE: No. I can do it. But thank you anyway.
Glen looks worried as Terese walks into the kitchen.
Erinsborough Hospital
An EKG machine bleeps as Harlow sits by somebody's bedside - we're not yet sure whose. Harlow's looking wistfully at photos from Roxy and Kyle's wedding on her phone. Terese appears at the door; we see her approach the person in the hospital bed from that person's perspective.
TERESE: Hey. How are you feeling?
The person in the bed is revealed to be Paul, looking very dishevelled and disoriented.
PAUL: Yeah, well enough to go home.
HARLOW: That's up to the doctors.
PAUL: I have to go. The memorial is today.
HARLOW: You know you're not up for it. We've discussed this.
Karl comes in, as Paul insists that if he's well enough to be discharged, he wants to be at the memorial. Karl says Paul can go home 'under strict conditions', but not the memorial.
KARL: I understand how important today is to you, but your liver was severely lacerated. You almost died. Now, the operation was a success but you can't jeopardise that. Your recovery could take up to six months. For that to happen, you have to relax.
Terese is looking troubled - and at this point we flash back in time to a week prior, and the aftermath of the Flamingo Bar disaster.
The Flamingo Bar
Terese rushes towards the wreckage, screaming Paul's name. Nicolette is on the phone nearby, telling the emergency services that the building has collapsed and they need an ambulance and the State Emergency Service. She tells them there are live electrical wires everywhere. Kyle appears, and asks Terese if he's seen Roxy. Terese hasn't, and asks him how many people are hurt.
Kyle rushes off to look for Roxy, as Nicolette tells the emergency services to hurry. Terese then sees Paul lying on the ground under the rubble, and rushes over to him. He's unconscious and looks badly hurt. Terese frantically tries to revive him.
TERESE: Paul, wake up! Wake up! (...) Help! Somebody, help!
Nicolette rushes over to assist.
Erinsborough Hospital
Back in the present day, Terese continues to look troubled by the traumatic memories.
No 32
We join Aaron, Nicolette, Jane and Isla, dressed sombrely as they prepare for the mystery memorial, flanked by a curiously revamped kitchen!
JANE: We're lucky the entire roof didn't collapse in the storm.
AARON: Yeah, I think that's the last thing David would've needed. He's got enough on his plate at the moment.
JANE: We'll all be there for him today.
AARON: Yeah, thanks Jane.
But there's still no explanation as to whose memorial everyone is heading to. Jane tells Aaron he also needs to take it easy, but he replies that his headache (concussion from the accident, perhaps?) went away a few days ago. A sombre-looking David comes in.
DAVID: Dad just called. He's devastated he can't come. I know it's too risky, but I just really need him today.
Baby Isla starts crying. Everyone looks sad.
Erinsborough Hospital
Glen is looking pensively through the window of a sleeping Paul's hospital room.
INTERCOM: Dr Herbison to A&E, Dr Herbison to A&E!
Harlow turns up and stands next to Glen.
GLEN: I didn't want to intrude. Just wanted to see how he's doing.
HARLOW: He's coming home today.
GLEN: That's good. That's really good.
HARLOW: It's probably best he doesn't see you when he wakes. He doesn't need to get worked up just before he's discharged.
GLEN: Yeah, that's why I've kept my distance. It doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about him, though.
Glen's about to leave, but Harlow stops him.
HARLOW: I'm gonna have my hands full between work and looking after him.
GLEN: Are you asking for help? Cos I don't think Paul will accept that from me.
HARLOW: No, the last thing I need right now is drama. So, if the truce that you offered a while ago still stands, I'd like to take you up on it.
GLEN (smiling): Of course. I'd like that, too.
Harlow smiles back.
A white hearse containing a coffin moves slowly down a road, followed by a procession of mourners. They include Aaron and David with Isla's pram, and a handful of extras. We switch to an aerial view as the party is joined by other mourners, including Chloe and Terese. Aaron puts a comforting hand on David's shoulder as they follow the hearse.
As the mourners gather for the memorial, we see they have been joined by other Ramsay Street residents - Jane, Nicolette, Kyle and Roxy. On the front row is a sombre Leo, holding baby Abigail, next to an older man and woman we don't recognise. The celebrant, Ruby Fulton, begins the service.
CELEBRANT: Thank you for coming today, as we celebrate a life taken far too young. I'll now ask Britney's parents to say a few words.
Britney's parents, we realise, are the couple sitting next to Leo, who is looking grief-stricken.
Later in the service, David and Nicolette are saying some words.
DAVID: Those who we've lost are never truly gone. They will always live on in our hearts and memories.
NICOLETTE: And as much as it hurts now, we take comfort knowing that one day, the pain will fade, to be a gentle reminder of how much Britney was loved, and respected by everyone here.
Welling up with tears, Nicolette returns to her seat with David. Leo passes baby Abigail to Annie, Britney's mum, and goes up to say a few words himself. Terese looks distressed.
LEO (emotional): When I first met Britney, she definitely made an impression. I knew she was special. She was funny, smart, sassy... She was beautiful. Things weren't always perfect between us. But the last couple of months, I saw another side of her. How much she loved being a mum, and looking after our baby, Abigail.
He struggles to hold back tears.
LEO: One day, when she's old enough, I'll tell Abi how her mum saved her life. How much she loved her.
Terese looks increasingly distressed, and we cut to another flashback to the night of the accident.
The Flamingo Bar
Terese is still trying to revive an unresponsive Paul, and Leo has appeared, frantically searching for Britney and Abigail. Terese offers to help, but Leo tells her to stay with Paul. Moving to the back of the remains of the bar, Leo sees a leg protruding from underneath the debris. He pulls some metal sheeting away to reveal Britney lying on the ground, her eyes open, evidently dead.
LEO (sobbing): Brit, please! Brit!
But to no avail. Terese appears, as we hear Abigail crying nearby. Miraculously, she's alive and well amongst the wreckage. Pulling himself away from Britney, a devastated Leo picks up the baby, while Terese watches in horror.
Back in the present, the memorial continues - but Terese can't handle any more, and leaves.
Erinsborough Hospital
Paul is not particularly pleased to see Glen enter his room.
PAUL (bitter): This is what you've been waiting for. May as well do your worst. I'm not exactly in a fit state to defend myself.
GLEN: I'm not here to have a go. I'm just glad to see you're on the mend. I thought we should sort some things out. We've both said things we regret. Well, I can't talk for you, but I have. And I want to put it all behind us.
PAUL: You were the one that came down here with a grudge.
GLEN: Yeah, I did. But after what happened a week ago, I think it's time for you and I to move on.
Paul looks sceptical. Glen goes on to tell him that he saw Harlow earlier, and that they called a truce. He admits when asked that Harlow was the one who initiated it, as she didn't want any trouble while looking after Paul.
GLEN: Which is fair enough - our family has suffered enough. And I think it would be best for everyone if... we're not at each other's throats.
Paul looks conflicted.
Leo and the other mourners watch as Britney's coffin is loaded back into the hearse. Shortly afterwards, Roxy tells Nicolette and Jane that Sheila has organised a donation website for Abigail; and Kyle adds that he and Roxy are auctioning off their honeymoon and give Leo and Abigail the proceeds, as it no longer feels right for them to go.
Meanwhile, David and Aaron are with Leo and Abigail, and Britney's parents, Annie and George.
ANNIE: It was a beautiful service.
GEORGE (to Leo): And how you spoke about our Britney showed how much you cared about her.
Annie says they've asked the funeral director to send them half of Britney's ashes, so they can scatter them on her favourite beach.
ANNIE: Maybe one day, we'll be able to show this little one where her mum's favourite place was.
It seems Leo is taking the other half of the ashes, but when George asks him what he'd like to do with them, Leo admits he hasn't thought about it yet. George tells him to take his time.
Harold's Café
Terese is sitting at a table, looking distracted. Susan comes in and greets her; she's surprised to see Terese isn't at the memorial. Terese claims she had to leave to sort out work matters - namely, the damage at The Waterhole, and dealing with the insurance. A concerned Susan says those things can wait. But Terese admits she's also occupied with the internal investigation and the coroner's report.
SUSAN: Terese, you don't need to take all that on by yourself.
TERESE: But it's my job.
SUSAN: No, you need to look after yourself.
TERESE: It's fine - I'm fine.
SUSAN: Terese, you have been through so much in the last month, let alone what happened after the wedding. Anybody would be struggling. There's nothing wrong in admitting that... When was the last time you went to a meeting?
TERESE: That's the least of my concerns right now.
Terese abruptly excuses herself, saying she has calls to make. Susan looks worried.
No 32
Nicolette, Aaron, David, Jane, Leo and the babies are back from the memorial, with a lasagne that Sheila has made for them. Nicolette appears to remark on the visibly new kitchen as she enters it, implying it was damaged in the storm and that insurance paid for the refit.
Leo has to leave again shortly to take Annie and George to the airport, and also announces he's moving back to the penthouse - evidently, he's been staying at No 32 for a few days. Jane and Nicolette make it clear he doesn't need to leave; they've loved having him and Abigail. Leo thanks them, but says he and Abigail need their own space.
David makes his own attempt to convince Leo to stay, but to no avail. Leo also remarks that they need to throw out the flowers that somebody has sent following Britney's death, saying he'll do it when he gets back from the airport. The others look concerned for him.
Lassiter's Complex
A distressed-looking Terese approaches the door to the left of the main hotel entrance again. She's approached by Kyle and Roxy, who were wondering where she went after the memorial. Terese again says she had work to take care of. Roxy says she might pop by the house and pick up the rest of her clothes; we learn that the reason her possessions were being boxed up is because she's moved in with Kyle.
Terese tells her to come whenever she wants; No 22 will always be her home. She asks how Roxy's settling in at the Cannings'; Roxy says it's not that different from before.
KYLE: Yeah, except we're married!
ROXY: Yes, we are!
As Kyle and Roxy leave, Chloe comes out of the hotel. Terese apologises for leaving her at the memorial, making the excuse that her phone's been ringing constantly the last few days.
CHLOE: It's not about work. You're not just feeling guilty about moving the party to The Flamingo Bar. I know there's something else.
Terese looks guilty, but doesn't reply...
Erinsborough Hospital
Harlow is pushing a despondent-looking Paul out of his hospital room in a wheelchair. Karl is waiting in reception, and tells Paul he's officially discharged. Karl gives Harlow some instructions for Paul's care, and tells him that sudden movements and alcohol are no-nos, and to keep up his pain medication. Karl promises to pop into the penthouse to check on Paul after work, then leaves them to it.
Harlow mentions she spoke to Glen earlier, but Paul says he's already heard about their truce from Glen.
HARLOW: What did he say?
PAUL: Enough for me to really think about what sort of relationship I want with him.
The Flamingo Bar
Chloe and Terese are at the cordoned-off wreckage of the bar. Chloe says she's read Jim the maintenance man's report from the night of the storm.
CHLOE: He said he told you to evacuate everyone into the hotel. That's why you feel guilty. But you had no idea this pole was going to come down.
TERESE: You don't know everything, Chloe.
Lassiter's Complex
Terese has another flashback to the night of the storm. While she's on the phone to Jim the maintenance man, she sees Sharon Canning emerge from the door to the left of the hotel entrance, shrieking and laughing, and obviously a little tipsy. Terese watches as Glen appears behind Sharon from the doorway, and they start to dance, distracting Terese from her conversation with Jim.
The Flamingo Bar
Back in the present...
TERESE: If only I'd listened to Jim. If only I'd ignored Glen and Sharon, and come straight here, I would've had time to get everyone out.
CHLOE: We're talking about a minute of time at the most.
TERESE: It would've made all the difference.
CHLOE: Look, Terese, even if you had come straight here, by the time you'd rounded everyone up, it still would've been too late.
TERESE (upset): Chloe, our family and friends were hurt. And Britney died - because I was jealous.
CHLOE: What? Jealous of Sharon? Terese, is there something going on between you and Glen?
TERESE: ... I thought there might've been. We didn't get a chance to talk about it. And then the accident happened... and now I can barely look at him. (tearful) I feel so stupid. No matter what anyone says, I was responsible for what happened that night.
No 32
Leo is back from the airport, and Jane asks him how it went.
LEO: Annie didn't want to let go of Abi. It was, umm... it was tough.
He explains that Annie and George are holding another memorial for Britney back in Wollongong, and have invited him to join them for it. Nicolette is first to offer to go with Leo, and David and Aaron say the same. But...
LEO: I told them I wouldn't go (...) They were clearly pretty disappointed. But they didn't push it, and I'm glad they didn't.
DAVID: It might be good for Abigail.
LEO: She's a baby. She'd have no idea what was going on. I can't go through that again.
David seems about to try to change Leo's mind, but Aaron subtly stops him from pushing the matter.
The Penthouse
Harlow is looking after Paul as he rests up on the sofa, and tells him she's going to go and buy some food for dinner. Paul's down for takeaway, but Harlow says he needs proper, home-cooked food after the rubbish they were serving in the hospital. Harlow also says she has to go to work for a while, but promises to be back for when Karl comes round.
At this point, Terese walks out of the lift. Paul's surprised to see her.
PAUL: Terese, what are you doing here?
TERESE: I'm moving in. To take care of you.
Paul and Harlow gape at her.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Paul tells Harlow he has 'absolutely no idea what this means'
- We hear Glen saying, 'I don't think it's the best idea'
- Terese comes into Paul's bedroom while he's working on his computer in bed
- Terese tells Glen, 'I saw the two of you sneaking off together... the night of the accident'
- Paul rages at Glen, saying Terese welcomed him into her house; Terese interrupts, telling Paul to rest
<<8763 - 8765>>
Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8764
Terese Willis

 in Neighbours Episode 8764

Chloe Brennan, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8764
Chloe Brennan, Terese Willis

Terese Willis, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 8764
Terese Willis, Glen Donnelly

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8764
Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8764
Karl Kennedy, Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson

Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8764
Nicolette Stone

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8764
Paul Robinson

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Jane Harris, Isla Tanaka-Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8764
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Jane Harris, Isla Tanaka-Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Glen Donnelly, Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8764
Glen Donnelly, Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 8764

Terese Willis, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8764
Terese Willis, Kyle Canning, Roxy Willis

Leo Tanaka, Abigail Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8764
Leo Tanaka, Abigail Tanaka

Celebrant Ruby Fulton in Neighbours Episode 8764
Celebrant Ruby Fulton

George Barnes, Annie Barnes in Neighbours Episode 8764
George Barnes, Annie Barnes

David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8764
David Tanaka, Nicolette Stone

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8764
Leo Tanaka

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8764
Leo Tanaka

Britney Barnes in Neighbours Episode 8764
Britney Barnes

Glen Donnelly, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8764
Glen Donnelly, Paul Robinson

Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka, Jane Harris, Aaron Brennan, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8764
Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka, Jane Harris, Aaron Brennan, Leo Tanaka

Celebrant Ruby Fulton, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, George Barnes, Annie Barnes, Leo Tanaka, Abigail Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8764
Celebrant Ruby Fulton, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, George Barnes, Annie Barnes, Leo Tanaka, Abigail Tanaka

Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8764
Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy

Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8764
Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka

Terese Willis, Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8764
Terese Willis, Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8764
Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy

Sharon Canning, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 8764
Sharon Canning, Glen Donnelly

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8764
Terese Willis

Chloe Brennan, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8764
Chloe Brennan, Terese Willis

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8764
Leo Tanaka

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8764
Terese Willis

Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8764
Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8764
Paul Robinson

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