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Neighbours Episode 8060 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8059 - 8061>>
Episode title: 8060
Australian and UK airdate: 15/03/19
Writer: Wendy Hanna
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Finn Kelly: Rob Mills
Shaun Watkins: Brad Moller
Rachel Chen: Shirong Woo
- "Grace" by Lewis Capaldi
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Melissa Lohan sets the garage on fire in order to prompt a sale to Robinson Pines
- Unbeknownst to Mel, Bea is asleep in the garage van; but Ned tackles the flames and rescues her
- Later, Bea and Ned see Mel handing over a large envelope of cash to garage manager Heath
- Ned's asked to move Mel's files into the hotel, and tells Bea he'll raid them for evidence against her
- Elly tearfully tells Mark on their wedding day that she slept with Chloe
- Mark is upset to learn that Chloe is in love with Elly
- Elly tells Chloe that she loves Mark, not her
- Finn is visited by Bea, and quizzes her about the nature of their friendship, causing her to walk out
- Finn tells Susan he has amnesia but is not stupid; what isn't he being told?
Erinsborough Hospital
Susan continues to evade Finn's questions, saying it's better he speaks to the doctors about his situation rather than her.
FINN: I've spoken to doctor after doctor after doctor - no-one will tell me anything!
Karl is lingering outside, and comes in as Finn starts shouting.
FINN: How did this happen? Why is the guard at my door? Am I in danger?!
KARL: You have a severe brain injury.
FINN: So I'm not allowed to know what happened to me?
KARL: The hospital's booked in interstate specialist to see you in a couple of weeks. They'll go through everything with you. We should head off.
SUSAN: I understand your frustration, I do. But for now, it's best if you can just get some rest.
But Finn shouts after Susan as they leave, asking if she could do him a favour.
FINN: My brother, Shaun - he's meant to be coming to visit me today. You'd like him; he's a good kid.
SUSAN: Yes. I've met Shaun.
FINN: That's perfect. The doctors will fill him in on what's happening, but it'd be great if a friendly face could check in, too. Amnesia is so full-on, and he's so young.
SUSAN: I don't think I should get involved...
FINN: Look, I understand you can't be open with me. But please, I'm begging - can you just help out with Shaun? He's my little brother.
SUSAN: ... Alright, I'll speak to him.
FINN: Thank you.
But Karl doesn't look impressed!
No 24
Mark comes in, and finds Chloe in the kitchen. She asks where he was last night.
MARK: Honeymoon suite.
CHLOE: On your own?
Mark doesn't answer. Chloe offers to make him breakfast. He ignores her.
CHLOE: Mum gave me a proper slap last night! Full palm, right across the face. Hurt like hell.
MARK: ...
CHLOE: And Elly's made it pretty clear that... she's not into me. Not now, or ever. She's only ever been into you.
MARK: ... You need to move out. Today.
Mark leaves the room, and Chloe looks upset.
No 28
Elly and Bea are in the garden. Bea suggests Mark might be ready to talk now he's slept on it, but a tearful Elly doubts it - she hasn't had much sleep, and she expects Mark was the same.
ELLY: What have I done? We got married yesterday! I've hurt him so bad.
BEA: Elly, he's hurt you too.
ELLY: It doesn't compare.
BEA: That's debatable. Hey - you guys promised that you'd be there for each other, through better or worse. That's got to count for something.
But Elly isn't sure. Bea suggests she talk to Mark.
BEA: If you believe there's a future for you guys, you just can't give up.
ELLY: Yeah.
Bea goes back indoors, where Ned is waiting. She tells him Elly's heartbroken. Ned asks how Bea is coping with the Finn situation. She says she'll be alright; she's trying not to think about Finn, and to concentrate on Elly instead. Ned kisses her and leaves, just as Susan and Karl come in. It's clear they've been arguing, and Karl soon explains to Bea that Susan has agreed to see Shaun again.
SUSAN: Oh, good on ya, Karl!
BEA: What?!
Karl tells Susan she's just going to put herself under stress by getting involved with Shaun and Finn.
KARL: All for a bloke who'll be hauled off to jail, the moment he slips up.
SUSAN: He'll only slip up if he's faking the amnesia. And being close to him is a way to work that out.
KARL: That is a job for a neuropsychologist, not for you!
SUSAN: You know, all through this, I keep thinking, 'what would Sonya do?' And I know that she would want us to show compassion.
KARL: I know she'd want you to take care of yourself! (...) None of us owe Finn anything!
Karl tells Susan that if she's going to see Shaun, then he is going with her.
KARL: I don't want you alone with any member of that family.
No 22
Ned is talking to Terese about his concern for Bea over Finn's awakening; it's the last thing she needs after the garage getting burned down.
NED: Why aren't the police doing more to track down Mel? Bea could've died in that fire!
Ned pointedly remarks that Paul must be pretty disappointed that Lucas didn't decide to sell him the garage. Terese warns Ned not to blame Paul for the fire. Ned reminds her that Paul seemed pretty desperate to move the files from her office into the hotel. But Terese says that doesn't prove anything.
NED: He's no saint. Come on, Terese. Is it really that difficult to imagine Paul being involved in Mel's plans?
TERESE: Look, I admit he was a little flustered when he found out you were going through her office.
NED: Yeah. Which means he might be hiding something.
TERESE: Or he's just trying to ensure that his investment doesn't get ruined by a rogue contractor.
Terese tells Ned to leave it up to the police to find Mel; but in the other room, he's already busy sifting through some of the files he's secretly kept from the office clear-out. Terese shouts through from the kitchen that Paul will be here soon, and she doesn't want any dramas. But Ned sneaks out with the files...
Ramsay Street
Elly heads into the street, and looks across at Mark's house. She hesitates, and prepares herself...
No 24
Elly arrives, and Mark grudgingly lets her in.
ELLY: How are you?
MARK: ... I spent the night at the honeymoon suite. Needed space to think.
ELLY: I came here to tell you I haven't given up on us. I don't care how long it takes. Yesterday was difficult - but I meant every word I said in our vows. We've made a commitment to each other; I know that stands for something. To both of us.
But Mark just takes off his wedding ring and holds it out to her.
ELLY: I can't take that.
MARK: Yes, you can.
MARK: You tricked me into this!
ELLY: No, I didn't! Mark, I love you!
MARK: You need to leave. Now.
Erinsborough Hospital
Susan and Karl are at reception, when Shaun turns up - he seems grateful that she's prepared to see him.
SHAUN: I'm sorry I couldn't get back any sooner. Afghanistan's a hard place to get out of!
SUSAN: Oh, was that where you've been working?
SHAUN: Yeah, in a refugee camp.
Karl grudgingly shakes Shaun's hand, and Susan briefs him on Finn. She says it's important when he speaks to him not to make reference to 'recent events', as it could affect his recovery. They all head towards Finn's room...
The Waterhole
Chloe is having a drink at the bar. Shane notices she has a load of suitcases with her.
CHLOE: I just decided it might be better if I stay somewhere else for a bit.
SHANE: (...) Listen, I know it's none of my business - but whatever's happened between you and your family, I'm sure they'd want you to be safe.
CHLOE: Yeah, I know. I am.
Elly comes in, and also clocks the suitcases. She sits down next to Chloe.
ELLY: Wow, he's kicked you out.
CHLOE: I can't say I didn't expect it.
ELLY: Well, don't worry - he can't stand the sight of me either! He can't even look me in the eye - even when I tried to tell him that I loved him.
CHLOE: Elly, stop! You told me you regretted everything that happened between us - that you were just using me to make yourself feel better!
ELLY: Sorry. You must hate me.
CHLOE: You know how I feel about you! You can't expect me to sit here and listen to you go on about someone else!
ELLY: I just thought that maybe we could still be friends...
CHLOE: It's not fair. In fact, it's mean.
Chloe hurries out.
Erinsborough Hospital
Finn's thrilled to see Shaun, while purporting to be surprised by his appearance - he's no longer the 'pimply sixteen-year-old' he knew. They hug, and Susan and Karl watch; Susan can't help smiling, but Karl looks deeply uncomfortable.
SHAUN: I'm still me. And you - you seem like *you*. The *old* you.
FINN: ... What's that supposed to mean?
SHAUN: Oh... nothing. Just... younger, or something.
Finn asks if Shaun's spoken to their mum; Shaun says he's been out of contact due to being in the desert. But he promises to 'touch base with the rest of the family' and 'fill them in' on Finn's condition.
FINN: I'm glad you've got to meet Susan, at least. She's been so good to me.
Karl suggests to Susan that they leave, but she's keen to stay, so Karl reluctantly leaves without her. Finn explains that Susan's a teacher and that they worked together. Shaun says he studied teaching for a while, too.
SHAUN: I was going to follow in your footsteps, until, umm... Mum made me drop out and take a job in Geneva, so...
FINN: That sucks.
SHAUN: Yeah, I know, right?
FINN: Anyway - Susan's been the only friendly face till you got here.
SHAUN (to Susan): It's really big of you to put yourself out for my brother.
SUSAN: Err, no, not exactly. I do understand what you're going through. I've had retrograde amnesia for myself.
Finn looks surprised.
No 22
On the patio, Ned is confronting Paul with one of Mel's bank statements. It shows various large sums of money being paid into her account by Paul, for 'expenses'. Paul says that the payments are entirely legitimate, and is annoyed that Ned has pilfered files from Mel's office.
NED: Did you pay Mel to start that fire?
PAUL: Oh, don't be ridiculous! Of course I didn't!
Terese tells them to stop arguing, and Ned shows her the bank statement, pointing out a $10,000 withdrawal on the day he and Bea saw Mel handing Heath the 'fat envelope'. But Terese tries to calm the situation, saying the statement doesn't prove Paul had anything to do with the fire.
Ned storms off; and Terese quietly points out to Paul that he did seem concerned when he found out Ned was the one moving the files.
PAUL: Because I thought he was too close to this. And it looks like I was right!
TERESE: He's angry. And he just wants justice for what happened to Bea.
PAUL: So do I!
But Terese doesn't look sure...
Erinsborough Hospital
In the waiting area, Shaun is enthusing to Karl and Susan about how positive his chat with Finn was. Karl cautiously reminds him that Finn hasn't officially been diagnosed with amnesia yet.
SHAUN: To be honest, I was worried that he might be faking it. But now I've actually spoken with him, I felt like I was talking to Finn again - the Finn before Colombia.
KARL: That doesn't prove anything, I'm afraid.
SHAUN: Well if Susan's had it, I don't see why Finn couldn't?
Karl is concerned that Susan's told Shaun and Finn about her past amnesia. And he's even more upset when she suggests that Shaun come round to their house when he's finished filling in the hospital paperwork. As Karl and Susan leave...
KARL: Why'd you invite him to our home?! Shaun and Finn have each other now; we don't have to be involved!
SUSAN: I'm not doing this lightly, Karl. I have been in Finn's situation. I know exactly how he feels right now!
KARL: You don't know he's got what you had!
SUSAN: I will never forget how frightening it was to feel so alone, and so unsure - and have everyone questioning you all the time!
KARL: That's if he's telling the truth; and if he's not, you've just played into his hands. I'm terrified where this could lead! I'm worried you're just being blinded by your own guilt!
SUSAN: Well, of course I feel guilty! But I'm the only one who knows how he feels! I can't ignore that!
No 28
Ned is busy telling Bea that Paul is a criminal, and up to his neck in dodgy dealings with Mel; he just needs to get more evidence. Bea queries whether that's a good idea, but Ned points out that the police have done barely anything to find Mel.
NED: And they haven't even interviewed Finn yet! People keep getting away with what they've done to you!
BEA: If you're gonna keep digging, I just really want you to be careful.
Bea gets a text from Elly, who's still at the pub. She leaves to meet up with her, promising to call Ned later. Ned is just about to leave too, when Karl comes in.
NED: How's our favourite psychopath doing?
KARL: Haha. As charming and convincing as ever.
NED: You know, I'm surprised you haven't decked him yet!
KARL: Yeah. I'm trying to stay calm, for Susan's sake.
NED: It's not easy. So many people in this world just looking out for themselves.
KARL: I hear you. There's nothing we can do about it, though, is there?
NED: Well, there might be. All these mongrels playing dirty - maybe it's time we stopped being Mr Nice Guy.
Ned leaves, and Karl looks thoughtful.
Chloe is in a hotel room, pretending to inspect the cleaning work of one of the maids, Rachel. She says she's very impressed with the quality of the clean, and claims that Terese has just asked her to do some additional checks on some of the rooms.
However, Chloe has her cases with her, and it's clear this was just a pretext to stay in the room. Rachel notices the cases, but Chloe just claims it's because she's been staying with the bridal party after the wedding. Chloe tells the maid she'll take it from here.
The maid leaves, and Chloe remains in the room, relieved to have secured a place to sleep.
The Waterhole
Elly is drowning her sorrows at the bar, and has another glass of wine on order from Shane, when Bea turns up. She asks how things went with Mark; Elly explains that it wasn't good, and that Mark asked her to leave. Elly apologises for dragging Bea along to hear all this. Bea just hugs her.
BEA: You deserve support, and I want to be here for you.
ELLY (tipsy): You're too good to me, Bea.
Elly adds that Mark tried to give her his ring back, which she feels is a pretty clear sign he's done with her.
BEA: And he's not owning any of his mistakes? He wasn't thinking about your feelings when he ran off.
ELLY: But this is different. He treated me bad, yes - he didn't cheat on me.
BEA: So, you both did the wrong thing. That's all I'm saying.
ELLY: The thought of losing him kills me. I love him so much. How do I fix this, Bea? How do I make this better?
No 22
Terese is still working on the patio, while Paul rants on the phone to a scurrilous journo from the West Waratah Star.
PAUL: No, I will not be commenting on such a baseless and defamatory insinuation! Oh, and unless you want a lawsuit on your hands, there'd better not be anything in your trashy newspaper about it, either. Goodbye.
Paul throws his phone at the table, and then explains to Terese that the Star is planning on running an article tomorrow implying a connection between Robinson Pines and the fire at the garage.
PAUL: Ned sent them a copy of that bank statement, didn't he?
TERESE: Did they tell you that?
PAUL: How else would they have got it, hey? No amount of denial from me was ever gonna be enough for that hothead!
TERESE: Paul... I really need you to be honest with me. Is this issue something that I should worry about?
PAUL: No! No, absolutely not, Terese. You have to believe me; I had nothing to do with that fire!
Terese looks somewhat reassured.
Erinsborough Hospital
Karl comes into the reception, looking sneaky, and makes a beeline for Finn's room - flashing a badge at the police guard outside the door, before going in.
FINN: I thought there weren't any more scans today?
KARL: This is about Susan.
FINN: Okay...
KARL: I don't want you to ask for her anymore. Don't accept her visits if she comes on her own.
FINN: But I thought she wanted to help?
KARL: She doesn't have her own best interests at heart.
FINN: But she's been so kind and understand -
KARL: Yeah, and it's misplaced! If you really are the innocent young man you say you are, you'll have no problem doing the right thing, will you?
Karl prepares to leave, but Finn shouts after him.
FINN: Susan had the same amnesia - she's the only one I've been able to talk to about this! I don't know what I'd do without her!
KARL: You tried to poison her! You spent the best part of two years terrorising my wife and my family, by any means available to you!
FINN: I don't understand!
Karl smiles at him cynically, and closes the door, gradually getting closer and closer to Finn until he is right in his face.
KARL: Just tell me something. What ruse are you most proud of? Would it be faking your identity - living as a paraplegic for so long? Or framing a young woman for a near-fatal hit and run? Or maybe trying to poison an entire school full of children? No - no, you like it personal, don't you? So it would be when you tricked Susan and the others to go into the bush, so you could torture them? But then, I think, you've committed so many horrendous acts of cruelty, you couldn't choose any one, could you?
FINN: No - no! None of this is true!
KARL: I know this amnesia is just a vindictive scheme!
FINN: Why are you saying all of this?!
KARL: Because you're a degenerate, manipulative monster! And it's time to drop the act!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Finn is still in his hospital bed, looking at himself in a mirror
- Karl angrily asks Clive if he's supposed to just let Finn play out his fantasy until he attacks someone
- More tension between Ned and Paul, as Ned claims Paul commissioned arson to expand his empire
- Piper and Leo are lying on a bed together, apparently just hanging out, but getting closer
- Terese walks into the café to see Leo and Piper hanging out, and looks awkward
<<8059 - 8061>>
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8060
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8060
Finn Kelly

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8060
Mark Brennan

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8060
Chloe Brennan

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8060
Bea Nilsson

Elly Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8060
Elly Brennan

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8060
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8060
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Bea Nilsson

Ned Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8060
Ned Willis, Terese Willis

Elly Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8060
Elly Brennan

Elly Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8060
Elly Brennan, Mark Brennan

Karl Kennedy, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8060
Karl Kennedy, Shaun Watkins

Shane Rebecchi, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8060
Shane Rebecchi, Chloe Brennan

Elly Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8060
Elly Brennan

Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8060
Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8060
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Ned Willis

Shaun Watkins, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8060
Shaun Watkins, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8060
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Karl Kennedy, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8060
Karl Kennedy, Ned Willis

Rachel Chen, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8060
Rachel Chen, Chloe Brennan

Elly Brennan, Shane Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8060
Elly Brennan, Shane Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8060
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8060
Karl Kennedy

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8060
Finn Kelly

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8060
Karl Kennedy

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