- Xanthe comes up with an exercise to help Mark and Elly get rid of their baggage
- Elly says she and Mark can move on; he asks, 'together?'
- Bea admits to Elly she's been holding a lot back from her, and wants to change that
- Karl tells Chloe she's tested positive for the Huntington's gene
- Amy and Dr Rob catch Chloe taking bribes to allow games room punters to gamble
- As a result, Terese tells Chloe they're shutting down the games room
- Seeing Hugo sparks Cassius's memory - of the day he rescued kidnapped Gabe!
- Aaron tracks down Elissa Gallow in Paris, and asks if she was involved with Hamish
- Elissa explains that Hamish persuaded her to invest in a property deal then ran off with her cash
- Cassius gets a text from his mum, saying she's in Erinsborough
Harold's Café
Chloe is on the phone to Leo, apologising for the games room debacle. Ned turns up, and starts teasing her for being a 'crime lord' by encouraging illegal gambling at the hotel.
CHLOE: Haven't you got some toilets to clean or something?
But Chloe admits she's been a moron; Ned tells her just to think things through a bit more next time. He also gives Chloe a piece of paper that 'some guy' gave to him while he was packing up the games room. It's a note from Orian, one of her games room customers. Ned says that Orian wanted Chloe to call him, but again encourages her to think about it first.
NED: Bye, crime lord!
The Waterhole
Cassius is in a corner, talking furtively into his mobile.
CASSIUS: Where are you? ... Who was on the desk?... So no-one else has seen you? ... Good. Okay, well, I'm coming to you. Just stay out of sight.
Cassius hangs up and goes to leave, but Piper turns up, saying she's been trying to call him. She wants to know why he hurried off from the nursery the way he did; Cassius claims he'd forgotten he had another gardening job tonight in Eden Hills, which he booked before he got the nursery job. Cassius promises to call Sonya on the way to explain things.
As Cassius hurries out, Piper shouts that she'll see him at dinner - but Cassius says he's going to be too late. He has a fussy client who likes his hydrangeas watered after sunset, he claims! Piper seems to buy it, and they kiss, promising to catch up tomorrow.
CASSIUS: I love you. Bye.
As Cassius rushes off, Piper reels from this casually-delivered bombshell!
Cassius knocks angrily on a hotel room door - and Elissa Gallow lets him in! Elissa, viewers may or may not remember, is Hamish Roche's associate whom Aaron tracked down in Paris last year, and - major twist alert - it appears she is Cassius's mother!
CASSIUS: You can't just rock up like this, Mum.
ELISSA: I needed to talk face-to-face. And I wanted to do this.
She hugs him. He doesn't really reciprocate.
CASSIUS: Mum, you checked in here of all places!
ELISSA: I'm not stupid enough to use my own name.
CASSIUS: But Mum, even so - it's too dangerous.
ELISSA: What's dangerous is you hanging around after what you did.
CASSIUS: I've got it under control.
ELISSA: Until you make a mistake!
CASSIUS: I haven't, and I won't. You can't be here.
No 28
Karl tells Susan that there's something he needs to run by her.
SUSAN: Is it tropical fruit-related?
Fortunately, it isn't. Karl explains that having seen Bea and Elly reconnect has got him thinking about his own missing family.
SUSAN: What, your biological father's side?
KARL: Yeah. I mean, it was obviously wonderful to meet Ron before he passed away, and meeting anyone else didn't seem to be important.
SUSAN: Well, the Kennedys raised you; they're your family.
But Karl can't help wondering who else might be out there, related to his biological dad Ron. Karl hasn't been able to find much about Ron online, but Susan recommends that he tries the Ancestry website.
SUSAN: Donald Cheng at school is addicted. You should hear him going on about it at lunch time. He reckons he's part-Viking!
Karl logs on to Ancestry and begins to create an account...
Harold's Café
Chloe is on the phone to Orian, her customer, apparently arranging to meet him. Mark comes in, all dressed up, and explains he's going over to Elly's place. Chloe tells him she has a date too.
CHLOE: A real one. Not one with a neighbour.
She explains about Orian, the games room customer, who has asked her out. Mark immediately queries whether Orian is dodgy, but Chloe assures him they're meeting in a public place with plenty of exits! He tells her to be careful.
CHLOE: Don't worry. I can outrun anybody in these heels.
As Chloe leaves, Mark goes over to talk to Piper. They each ask after the other's relationship; Mark confirms all is going well with Elly, and Piper is slightly awkward when he asks her about Cassius.
MARK: Bit of a weird question coming from your ex-boyfriend's older brother, hey?
PIPER: No, no, it's alright... How is Tyler?
Mark confirms that Fay's visiting him frequently and that he's still working in the prison shop.
MARK: Aaron told me that he gave you his blessing the other week.
MARK: And, look - you're entitled to move on. So if Cassius makes you happy, for what it's worth, I'm good with it too.
PIPER: Well, it's worth a lot.
They hug.
In Elissa's hotel room...
ELISSA: You know you can't stay in Erinsborough!
CASSIUS: I told you, I'm fine.
ELISSA: You are pacing like a caged animal!
CASSIUS (shouting): Cos you're here!! I've spent the last two months trying to make s... You can't do this, Mum. I'm too close.
ELISSA: You've had long enough. You are not handling it. You have to come back to Paris with me.
CASSIUS: Mm-mm. I'm staying.
ELISSA: Because of that girl?
CASSIUS: Her name is Piper, and I love her.
ELISSA: She'll never love you. Not if she finds out what you did.
We flash back to the night of the Guy Fawkes Gala, in November 2017. Hamish Roche is in the back yard at No 26, standing by the hot tub, nursing the wound on his head that Tyler just gave him by hitting him with the gnome! Cassius appears, clad in a hoodie, and with malice in his eyes.
CASSIUS: Got to admit, I feel cheated.
HAMISH: Cassius?
Back in the present...
ELISSA: The longer you stay here, the greater the risk someone will find out the truth.
We flash back again, as Cassius approaches the hot tub.
CASSIUS: I've spent years dreaming of doing something like that myself.
HAMISH: What are you doing here?
CASSIUS: Mum's finally given up on trying to make you pay for what you did to her. To both of us. But I haven't.
Back in the present...
ELISSA: That can't happen.
In the past again...
CASSIUS: I decided a long time ago that I don't have a dad.
HAMISH: Cass...
CASSIUS: Don't you touch me! You're dead to me! Dead!
In a fit of fury, Cassius grabs Hamish by the neck and plunges him face-first into the hot tub, shaking as he holds him under the water. In the present...
ELISSA: How will Piper react if she finds out Tyler Brennan's in prison for something you did?
Cassius looks worried.
No 28
Bea is helping Elly change her bedsheets. Susan comes in to give Elly the new sheets she's bought; Elly explains it's in preparation for Mark staying over!
ELLY: Fresh relationship, fresh sheets.
BEA: Is this a normal dating ritual?
ELLY: No, but I thought since all my other relationships ended badly, I would try this. Instead of Mark coming over here as an emotionally inaccessible, grief-stricken man who's still trying to get over someone, he's coming as my boyfriend. And he's meeting my family as my boyfriend. And staying the night as my boyfriend!
Bea and Susan are less icked out by all this than by rights they ought to be, and laugh along good-naturedly. Elly says it's not about the sheets, but a clean slate.
The City™
Chloe meets up with Orian.
CHLOE: Am I pronouncing that right?
He thanks her for coming. She tells him the games room has been shut down, which he thinks is a shame. She asks why he left his number.
ORIAN: Well, we had a nice conversation at the table. You made me laugh.
CHLOE: You know, I was kind of just doing my job.
ORIAN: Look, I usually find it hard talking to people. But I feel relaxed with you.
CHLOE: Again - job!
Orian points out that she didn't have to come, and asks why she did.
CHLOE: FOMO, basically. Plus, you know, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back!
Orian laughs, and leads her to the restaurant he's booked for dinner.
No 28
Mark and Elly are pashing by the door. Elly drags him straight into the bedroom, while Bea and Susan laugh. Karl is oblivious because he's still transfixed by Ancestry.
SUSAN: I think that's the last we're gonna see of them for a while!
BEA: Yep. And I'm gonna blast some really loud music on my iPod.
SUSAN: Good idea! Would you like to close that door on your way through?
As Bea goes to drown out the sounds of Mark and Elly TITTNL™, Susan joins Karl on the couch, where he's researching the Davies-Smythes' family tree. It turns out that a distant cousin has already published much of the tree; Karl just had to add himself in. He's discovered a plethora of relatives he never knew he had.
SUSAN: How many wives did Ron have?
KARL: Oh, well, the records say he had two, but I think there might've been some love interests off the books.
SUSAN: Oh, so it runs in the family, then?
Susan says Karl could have all kinds of siblings out there. He agrees; it's just one huge puzzle waiting to be solved...
SUSAN: No wonder Don the Viking got addicted!
Meanwhile, Mark and Elly are pashing in her bedroom.
MARK: This is fun. I feel like a teenager again.
ELLY: I'm just trying to imagine what your teenage bedroom looked like.
MARK: Well, there may have been the odd Doctor Who poster on the wall.
No change there, then! He adds that his room was super-clean, especially compared to Chloe's.
MARK: I used to leave a vacuum cleaner out in the hallway - just as a suggestion, you know?
ELLY: Of course you did.
Mark is worried he may have been 'judgy' with Chloe before when they talked about her date. But they soon stop talking about that and collapse onto the bed, Elly having asked Mark to confirm that he likes the new sheets.
MARK: Oh, they look great. Yeah, great. Enough talking.
The City™
Chloe and Orian are walking along the dockside after the first course of their meal (Chloe wants three courses in three different restaurants). He admits that he's a widower; his wife died of breast cancer two years ago.
CHLOE: I'm so sorry.
ORIAN: It's fine. I mean - it's not, but we got through it.
ORIAN: I have two kids.
Chloe is momentarily worried he's going to try to employ her as their nanny! But it's clear Orian is just looking for company and variety - his life is very stratified, and spending the evening with Chloe is just what he needed. He asks her if she has any advice for mixing things up a bit.
CHLOE: I guess... try not to take things too seriously. You never know which day might be your last, so... say yes to everything!
ORIAN: Including meeting strange men who are too uptight for their own good?
CHLOE: I wouldn't have stayed if you were *too* uptight.
Cassius is still in Elissa's room.
CASSIUS: I didn't mean to upset you. I get that you're worried.
ELISSA: Worried doesn't even begin to cover it.
CASSIUS: Well, it was your idea for me to come back here in the first place.
ELISSA: To get the medallion you think you lost that night.
CASSIUS: I *did* lose it here. I just haven't found it yet.
ELISSA: I'm not surprised - all the time you spend with Piper.
CASSIUS: Well, I've looked for it, Mum. Ever since I got here.
We see a flashback to Cassius arriving at No 26 and asking Sheila and Gary for gardening work; evidently, he's been using it as a means of searching for the medallion.
ELISSA: Maybe you didn't drop the medallion in the struggle with Hamish. What if you didn't drop it on Ramsay Street at all?
CASSIUS: I had it in my pocket when I saw him. After I... I heard someone coming down the side of the house. So I went into the back yard next door to avoid being seen.
We see a flashback of Cassius leaping over the fence into the Kennedys' garden.
ELISSA: Which back yard?
CASSIUS: Number 28, 30, 32. By the time I reached the street, the medallion - it was gone.
ELISSA: And you've gone through each yard thoroughly?
We see a flashback to Cassius working in the garden of No 32, thanking the Rebecchis for the job. Dipi is briefly visible from the back. Another flash shows Cassius talking to Karl in his greenhouse.
ELISSA: And no-one else has picked it up? You could just say you lost it gardening?
CASSIUS: It's got my name on it, from when I still had Hamish's last name. It links me straight to him.
ELISSA: Then it's way too risky to hang around. You've had a good look. There's no reason to stay.
CASSIUS: Yes, there is. Piper.
Ramsay Street
Piper is walking up the drive of No 22. Ned is just heading out, but Piper tries to get him to stay for dinner; she's bought enough for two, and now Cassius is out working in Eden Hills. Ned asks if all is okay between them.
PIPER: I guess so. He told me that he loves me.
NED: Ooh.
PIPER: And he just dumped it on me, too. He was like, 'I'll see you later, I love you!' It was like he was reminding me to buy milk!
NED: Did you get milk? Cos we're out.
PIPER: Ha-ha, very funny.
NED: Seriously, though?
PIPER: Oh, yeah, I did.
NED: Well, look - maybe Cassius isn't the kind of guy who likes big declarations, so he went with spontaneous (...) It doesn't mean it wasn't sincere. In fact, I reckon the more natural and off-the-cuff, the more honest it is.
PIPER: It was pretty off-the-cuff.
NED: There you go, you see? He didn't have time to think about it, so basically, you got the truth. The guy loves you. Enjoy it.
Ned leaves, and Piper goes indoors.
The City™
Chloe and Orian are talking about his late wife. He sees the time, and says he needs to get to the airport - but says that today was exactly what he needed. He kisses Chloe goodbye, then gives her an envelope, ostensibly with money for a cab. Chloe's reluctant to take it, but Orian insists, then leaves, thanking her.
When she opens the envelope, she finds he's given her hundreds of dollars. She calls after him, saying it's too much, but he's already gone...
In Elissa's room...
ELISSA: You should never have let this happen.
CASSIUS: What? You think that I deliberately fell in love?
ELISSA: Are you sure it's love? Or guilt over Tyler?
CASSIUS: It's not guilt. It's the last thing that I wanted.
ELISSA: Then walk away.
CASSIUS: I can't.
ELISSA: What sort of future do you think you can have if she finds out?
CASSIUS: She knew the type of person Hamish was. The things that he did.
ELISSA: Do you think she'll understand what you did to him?
CASSIUS: It wasn't planned. It was years of hurt, and anger -
ELISSA: - and it boiled over. I know that, and I get it. Piper won't. Cassius, you're the reason Tyler Brennan is in prison.
CASSIUS: And I'm trying to make up for it.
Elissa reaches out to lovingly caress her son's face.
ELISSA: My beautiful boy; you saved Piper, and you rescued the baby! It's all you can do.
CASSIUS: I can look after Piper.
ELISSA: You may think that, but it's only a matter of time before you slip up. When the truth comes out, you will be locked away for who knows how long, and the woman you love will hate you. Is she worth risking all that?
Cassius has no answer.
Karl is bent over his laptop as Susan comes home.
SUSAN: Hey! Are we related to royalty yet?
KARL: No. Bad news on the half-brothers, too.
SUSAN: Oh, what? Thieves? Murderers?
KARL: No. Three of them haven't replied, and the two that have live a long way away.
Susan says she can still email them, but Karl admits he was hoping one of them might live round the corner so they could catch up. Susan gives Karl a spare DNA kit, which Donald Cheng has given her, having learned that Karl is researching his roots. Karl seems keen to give it a go.
Meanwhile, Mark is still in Elly's room, post-TITTNL™ - but he's hurriedly getting dressed, and says he's going to head home. Elly seems surprised that he didn't want to stay the night, but he makes excuses, claiming he has an early start at work and doesn't want to wake Karl and Susan when he goes. They share a goodbye kiss and Mark leaves. Elly looks confused.
Back in the living area, Mark sneaks out of the door, as Karl prepares his saliva sample so he can send it off for the DNA test.
No 24
Mark gets home to find Chloe with her wad of money, looking pensive.
CHLOE: My date gave it to me.
MARK: What for?
CHLOE: The pleasure of my company?
MARK: ...
CHLOE: Not that, you idiot! It was for a cab, but I took a train.
MARK: A cab? That's $300! A cab ride's like, what, 50 bucks?
CHLOE: He's generous.
MARK: What happened on this date, exactly?
CHLOE: He talked, I listened. It was fun. A concept you know nothing about, judging by your mood.
MARK (in a mood): I'm not in a mood!
CHLOE: Could've fooled me.
Mark asks Chloe what's going on with her; she was off the rails last week, ostensibly due to the anniversary of Russell's death, and now she's 'out with randoms' who are paying her for chatting.
MARK: Come on, something's going on. Just talk to me. Tell me what's happening.
CHLOE: Nothing's changed. I had a nice time with a guy, and I made some extra cash for Mum. Why do you have to look for problems that don't exist?
She marches out, and Mark looks baffled.
Bea turns up at the hotel, where Ned is working. She suggests they go for a walk tonight, and Ned is keen. However, Ned is taken aback when he sees Cassius leaving the hotel - and in slow motion, too! Something must be up!
NED: That's weird.
BEA: Isn't that your sister's boyfriend?
NED: Yeah. He told her he was working at Eden Hills tonight.
BEA: Why would he lie?
Coming up on Neighbours
- Elly begins to suspect that Bea and Ned know each other better than Bea's letting on
- Chloe tells Mark that 'Harrison' wants to take her out and pay for the pleasure
- Cassius tells Piper he had to see her. She asks if everything's okay
- Sheila and Gary demand that Xanthe tell them what's wrong