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Neighbours Episode 6410 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6409 - 6411>>
Episode title: 6410
Australian airdate: 25/05/12
UK airdate: 22/06/12
Writer: Ben Michael
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Griffin O'Donahue: William Ewing
Sheila Canning - Colette Mann
Ajay Kapoor: Sachin Joab
Dr Adrian Pearce: Christopher Waters
Summary/Images by: Neil (The Waterhole)/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Andrew cancelled Red Cotton's Gigs
- The right prescription still arguing over their direction
- Kate discovers the $8k missing from Dial- a- kyle
- Kate admits to Sophie she likes Kyle
- Sheila tells Kate to tell Kyle how she feels about him at the picnic/date
- Kyle walks out on date to go with Jade to Sydney
Outside Harold's
As Kate is walking past, Sheila comes out, hugs Kate and tells says "oh love, I am so sorry" and hugs her, telling Kate, "Sydney with Sporty Spice over you, the boy has rocks in his head." Kate says she is still going to tell Kyle how she feels to get it out of her system, and Sheila encourages this, also asking if she has anything to do this afternoon to take her mind off things. Kate says she will think of something. Sheila tells Kate to help her out at Kyle's office to stop Kate from wallowing. Telling Kate "to get the books, and she will meet her there". Kate's Face Drops, and questions about the books. Sheila says "The accounts. Kate asks Sheila why she needs to look at the books, and Sheila says that she wants to look at the software that Kyle has been going on about.
Number 22
Kate reminds Lou that the situation is NOT under control. Lou tells Kate to calm down, as she is panicking. Lou tells Kate to say she forgot the books and that if Sheila gets cross for forgetting them, she can handle it. Kate and Lou both agree that Kate should not be dealing with this, and Lou has come up with an idea to pay the money back. Lou then talks about the average life span of males and females, how there are lonely ladies out there
The Lake
Summer and Griffin are lying down having a picnic, Andrew is walking behind them on the phone. Griffin explains to Summer why the can't hang out tonight, as he has his band stuff going on. Andrew sits on the bench behind them still on the phone. Andrew gets his folder out looks around and clocks Summer and Griffin, just before Summer looks behind her and spots Andrew. Summer ask Griffin if he wants to go into The City to see and art exhibition tomorrow, Griffin replies, "let me guess, feminism through the ages?" Summer asks him what is wrong with that, Griffin tells her nothing and that he looks forward to hanging out with her. Summer and Andrew keep looking at each other. Summer tell Griffin that things are still bad between them, asking her if she is ok about things. She is worried about the conflict of interests between Andrew/summer - Andrew/Red Cotton. Griffin reassures her it wont cause problems and kisses summer. Andrew looks hurt over the kiss and walks off.
Andrew is at a table stirring his drink, Karl walks over telling him, the are going to band rehearsals at the Men's shed as there is no room at Karl's house now Tash has moved in. Karl then asks Andrew if there is any more booking lined up for them. Andrew tells him there isn't after tomorrow night. Griffin walks in and Andrew cuts his and Karl's conversation short as he has a meeting with Griffin. There is an awkward atmosphere between Griffin and Andrew as Griffin asks Andrew "what do you want". Andrew replies "we need to sort things out for the sake of the band". Griffin tells Andrew that "bumping us off for a group of old men wasn't your wisest move". Andrew tells Griffin it was a one of and that Red Cotton are his top priority. Andrew tells Griffin about all the hard work he puts into the band. Griffin says other managers could claim they would have done a lot more. Andrew asks Griffin how is it meant to work between them if he keeps threatening him with other management. Griffin then sits down. Griffin tells Andrew, it is stupid letting him book them gigs in suburban bars. Andrews says he is aware of that which is why he has been talking to record labels. They love the look, demo, footage of the last gig and are serious about signing the band. They shake hands and make arrange another meeting for the afternoon. As Griffin leaves Charlie's, Andrew tells him Summer isn't to come between him and the band. Griffin tells him, his personal life and band life are separate
Men shed
Karl's band are setting up, talking about being away from women and their mess, and how they get caught up in the beauty products, magazines etc. Karl and Ajay are comparing Rani and Tash with Karl saying Rani can't be as bad as Tash. Ajay replies Rani is 14 going on 24, and then they start trying to score points as to who has it the worst dealing with their daughters. Adrian wants to start with "Cry me a river" but Karl tells Ajay and Adrian he has written some more songs, and wants to start with a more soulful song. Ajay says they should play something that involves all 3 of them "like a real band" Karl looks put out and says "sure".
Summer asks Chris how things are back at his parents. Chris replies "Boring, but it's what I need right now". Summers looks distracted whilst Chris explains his home life. Chris asks Summer what is wrong as she is smiling none stop the walk to the counter and Chris tells her she "doesn't have to pretend not to be happy as me and Aidan have broken up". Summer tells Chris That her and Griffin have a connection and that he gets her. Which is exactly what she needs right now. Chris says it sounds serious, and asks Summer if she really wants another relationship so soon after Andrew. Summer tells him she really likes Griffin.
Outside Erinsborough News
Andrew is on the phone to Ajay confirming their gig tomorrow. Andrew tells Ajay the band has to stick to their original stuff. Walking towards the car park Andrew sees Griffin kissing another girl. Andrew goes over to speak to Griffin, and the girl says they need to go as her parents are back Europe tonight. The girl then gets into the car, Griffin and Andrew walk away. Andrew tells Griffin that Summer is still delicate, and he is cheating on her. Griffin tells Andrew they are not exclusive. They are both free to see whoever they both want and Summer feels the same way. Griffin tells Andrew it is none of his business, tell Andrew they will see each other at the meeting, then gets in the car with the other girl.
Sheila is sweeping the floor outside. Kate walks up and Sheila comments how long it took Kate to get changed. Kate apologises says she has been busy. Sheila asks where the books are. Kate says she forgot them as her head has been all over the place. Sheila says not to worry, she'll look at them some other time. Sheila decides to have a look at the accounts on the computer, Kate backs out by saying she feels awkward being around Kyle's business as she is still keen on him. Sheila decides to take Kate out for a drink to cheer her up.
Men's Shed
The band are rehearsing a song called "oh yeah(?)". After the song has finished, Karl tell Ajay the drums sounded flat/off and that the snare needs tightening. Karl and Ajay start nit picking about each other's mistakes in the song. Karl then goes onto describe how they are on stage, comparing it to a sell out arena tour and bases it all about him. How Ajay and Adrian wait in the wings to build tension and during the second song the other two come on stage one by one as it is all about building dynamics. Ajay and Adrian tell Karl to forget it. Karl and Ajay then go on to argue about the format of their performance. Adrian loses his temper and tells Ajay and Karl to "give it a rest". To keep the peace, Adrian tells them to do it both ways to see what works out the best.
Sheila comments to Kate how she lives in a strange household and questions about living with Lou. Kate defends Lou by saying he is a sweet old guy. Sheila says "he is a crook who wouldn't have second thoughts ripping off a widow". Sheila says she doesn't want to get to know him or touch him with a 10 foot pole. Kate says she is sure Lou is someone's type. Sheila knows what Lou's latest plan is, and that he is dreaming. Kate asks Sheila who her type is. Sheila tells her the older you get, the fussier you get and that she is no exception. "Looks help, although he doesn't have to be a stunner, he has to be well groomed. Decent manners as a woman likes to feel special even at my age".
Number 22
Chris asks Andrew if he really believes there is an audience out there for Karl and his nerdy mates. Andrew tells him there is, and tells him he is shooting the next gig. Andrew joking denies trying to keep Chris busy after his split with Aidan as he doesn't care about his feelings. They both laugh and grab a drink each out the fridge. Andrew then tell Chris he can shoot Red Cottons next gig too, and manipulates Chris into getting Summer involved. Andrew asks Chris about Summer's open casual relationship. Chris says it is more than that and the way Summer has been talking, she sounds kind of serious. Andrew looks upset for Summer.
Number 24
Lou sets up his camera to take photos of himself dressed in a tuxedo. Kate walks in just as a photo is being taken and asks Lou what he is doing. Lou explains what he is doing, and says "my debt, my plan, and my way". Kate says she has paid the $8k back. Lou tells her off for doing so. Kate tells Lou she is getting sick of the lies etc, and Lou says forget Sheila. Kate tells Lou he doesn't understand women if he thinks that is what women want. Lou tells Kate it is none of her business, Kate replies it is as he now owes her the $8k.
Men's shed
Karl is performing a solo. Adrian and Ajay look at each other as if to say, "what is he doing??" Ajay starts banging on the drums. Once again Ajay and Karl argue about the way songs are played. Adrian has had enough of all the in-fighting within the band and quits, as he has got precious little time as it is and doesn't want to waste what little time he has got. He walks out saying he is "sure a duo of fighting idiots will be a great success".
Number 22
Andrew tells Griffin not to get too carried away as you can't make the same money on record sales anymore, but boasts about how big Red Cotton are about to come. Griffin then gets really excited about all the good things that are going to come the band's way especially the hot babes who Andrew will bring back stage. Andrew then tells Griffin they need to talk about Summer and how the non exclusive thing is "crap" and that Summer thinks it is a lot more than a bit of fun, and that she has no idea about the other girls. Griffin tells Andrew he is not going to stop seeing Summer or the other girls. Griffin tells Andrew if he still wants to manage the band, he will have to stop talking about it. Andrew tells Griffin he is acting like an idiot and if he tells Summer he will shut up. Andrew makes it clear he will put Summer over Red Cotton. Griffin says he will do what he wants. Andrew tells him that they have lost their manager. Griffin tells Andrew he is an idiot and that when he talks to other musos no one will be interested in having Andrew as their manager. Just as Griffin is leaving, Andrew calls him back and tells him he made everything up and that the label thinks the lead singer is rubbish.
Summer and Griffin are having a drink. Griffin has told Summer he cancelled seeing the band tonight to see her. Griffin tells Summer that Andrew is no longer their manager as he can't trust what he says. Andrew walks in and sits at the other side of the bar. Griffin tells Summer that Andrew lied about having a label interested in the band. Summer says it is pathetic. Griffin tells her it won't stop him playing music. Summer tells Griffin that she will help in, Griffin kisses her, and Andrew sees it.
Monday on Neighbours
- Summer confronts Andrew.
- Kate trains Lou in dating etiquette
- Andrew gets Karl's band a residency at Charlie's.
- Paul suggests Sophie as the new bassist.
- A mystery new neighbour.
<<6409 - 6411>>
Kate Ramsay, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6410
Kate Ramsay, Sheila Canning

Lou Carpenter, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6410
Lou Carpenter, Kate Ramsay

Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Griffin O’Donahue in Neighbours Episode 6410
Andrew Robinson, Summer Hoyland, Griffin O’Donahue

Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6410
Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson

Griffin O’Donahue, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6410
Griffin O’Donahue, Andrew Robinson

Ajay Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6410
Ajay Kapoor

Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6410
Summer Hoyland, Chris Pappas

Griffin O’Donahue, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6410
Griffin O’Donahue, Summer Hoyland

Griffin O’Donahue, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6410
Griffin O’Donahue, Andrew Robinson

Kate Ramsay, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6410
Kate Ramsay, Sheila Canning

Dr Adrian Pearce, Ajay Kapoor, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6410
Dr Adrian Pearce, Ajay Kapoor, Karl Kennedy

Kate Ramsay, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6410
Kate Ramsay, Sheila Canning

Andrew Robinson, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6410
Andrew Robinson, Chris Pappas

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6410
Lou Carpenter

Lou Carpenter, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6410
Lou Carpenter, Kate Ramsay

Dr Adrian Pearce in Neighbours Episode 6410
Dr Adrian Pearce

Griffin O’Donahue, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6410
Griffin O’Donahue, Andrew Robinson

Summer Hoyland, Griffin O’Donahue in Neighbours Episode 6410
Summer Hoyland, Griffin O’Donahue

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6410
Andrew Robinson

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