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Neighbours Episode 5595 from 2008 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5594 - 5596>>
Episode title: 5595
Australian airdate: 28/11/08
UK airdate:
Writer: Katrina Foster
Director: Jonathan Geraghty
Guests: Andrew Simpson - Peter Flanigan
- "Such A Find" by Lisa Miller
Summary/Images by: lollie782/ShadowDan
- Rebecca stripping Andrew after he tells her to "put her money where her mouth is"
- Elle asking Carmella what her hot dream was about whilst we see her kissing Oliver, Carmella denies have one although Elle doesn't believe her
- Lou overhears Karl and Susan talking about Harold needing treatment
- Lou telling Harold there's still a lot of life left in him
- Bridget realising that she can't have any distractions to become a doctor like having a baby; Miranda telling her she shouldn't give up and Bridget says its dumb
Ramsay St
Lou goes out to collect the newspaper and notices Harold's gone. Toadie spots Lou staring into space and asks if he's waiting for Santa and Lou replies that Harold's gone and that he hasn't been seen all morning. Toadie thinks he's just gone to get some breakfast. Lou almost let's slip that Harold can't eat anything before his operation but quickly covers it up by saying he's stacking on a bit of weight with life on the road. Toadie walks back in looking back at Lou as Lou stands there concerned.
General Store Kitchen
Carmella is watching a video message from Oliver saying he's in Portugal as Chloe babbles next to Carmella. On the laptop we see Oliver asking Carmella to bring herself and Chloe to join him in Portugal. He wonders if she's missing him because he's missing her.
Number 26
Steve asks Miranda if Bridget and Declan are up. He also asks if she heard anything going on in their bedroom but is quickly shushed by Miranda as Declan and Bridget come out. As Steve leaves, Bridget starts scoffing down cornflakes. Miranda says she needs to eat something healthy and asks if she's seen the preservatives in them. Bridget doesn't particularly care. Miranda gives her a list of foods she can't eat. Declan ask why she can't eat salami and we learn it has listeria? Declan says she going to have a tough time at the rafting camp which Miranda doesn't yet know about and says no. She'll be in her second trimester and Declan agrees. Bridget looks at them surprised.
The General Store
Carmella and Rebecca are sitting at a table and Rebecca says to talk about moving to Portugal. Carmella asks how he can expect her to pack her things and fly to Portugal when running the store and having Chloe to look out for and thinks its crazy. Rebecca says he wants to see her because he misses her and Chloe.
CARMELLA: Or because Elle made him feel guilty.
REBECCA: Oliver never does anything he doesn't want to do.
Carmella worries is wont work out and that she'd be dragging Chloe halfway across the world for nothing and because he said no pressure it's only when it suits him. She be taking a risk and this time there's Chloe to think about and it'd be irresponsible.
REBECCA: Well, maybe it would be irresponsible to deny her the chance to have a relationship with her father.
Pregnant Bridget is looking at her unbelievably flat stomach in the mirror in the girls changing rooms as Declan walks in. She has a go at him for walking in and feels like he's stalking her and that she's public property. She complains how people are telling her what to eat and Declan says she's not going to like what he's brought her for lunch: salad. Declan doesn't know what to do seeing as everything has listeria. Bridget says she hates her mother. Declan says he got extra mayo. Bridget seems delighted! Declan starts to say about which different types are ok and stops and apologises when he sees the look on Bridget's face. She ups and leaves but just before she gets out of the door Declan asks when she's free.
DECLAN: No, no I meant work.
BRIDGET: I know.
She leaves Declan very confused. Cue confused face number 2.
Number 24
Rebecca leaves Declan a message on his phone asking him to call her back. Poor Rebecca, she's all lonely. There's a knock on the door and Rebecca rushes up to get it and look who it is! Andrew (Simmo) Simpson! He was passing by on a jog and doesn't finish the end of his sentence.
ANDREW: There's been a development in the anti-bullying programme.
REBECCA: Oh yes, oh ok what's happening?
ANDREW: With what?
REBECCA: With the anti bullying programme?
Keep with it people!!
Andrew was thinking he and Rebecca could go out that evening but Rebecca has plans. She thinks they should talk about the Anti-Bullying Programme and invites him in.
General Store
Carmella's babbling to herself about bread as Lou walks in, flustered looking for Harold. Carmella starts having a go at him because he was meant to start work 15 minutes ago but Lou doesn't take any noticed and asks if she's seen Harold. She hasn't and she's sure she hasn't and Lou asks himself where he could have got to. Carmella says when he's finished she wants to have a meeting about the future of the General Store. Lou doesn't know who else to ring and tries to track him down. The last person he spoke to was Lucas who gave him the number of a spare parts supplier. Carmella asks if he's called them and he jumps down her throat saying he has and they're shut.
Carmella asks if he's ok but Lou just says if Harold comes in, give him a call and don't let him leave. Carmella reminds him about his shift but he keeps on walking. Carmella gives a big sigh.
Miranda says Rebecca's working hard on her exercise bike but has no time to do so herself. She just popped in to give Bridget her lunch but she's not there. Miranda looks at Rebecca suspiciously.
MIRANDA: So, who is he?
MIRANDA: Your hot date
REBECCA: Oh for goodness sake! Can't a woman work on her appearance without everyone assuming it's for some man?
MIRANDA: Is it someone from work?
REBECCA: Yeah, Toadie and I just can't keep it a secret any longer.
Miranda figures out it's someone she knows and wants to know who. Rebecca says she'll die but she's already dying to know. Rebecca admits it's Andrew Simpson and Miranda's not happy. Rebecca knows what he did was terrible but she got to know him when she was handcuffed to him. Miranda says he's the enemy but Rebecca's just having a drink with the guy. Miranda puts on her patronising voice saying about her troubles with Paul are giving her a hard time. She thinks she's throwing herself at the first guy who asks and thinks she could do better. Rebecca's insulted and states its nothing to do with Miranda.
Number 26
Bridget arrives home to Declan who's cuddling the wombat and feeding him. He asks if she wants one last hug with him before he goes to the sanctuary. Declan puts on a cute face whilst bottle feeding him. Bridget asks does he not think she's going to get sick of babies but he continues to stare at her. She tells him to give her the baby wombat. She holds him and feeds him as Declan watches her. She says he's pathetic and they smile.
Number 30
Toadie is shouting to Callum not to leave his games around or he'll be off them for good and it's not an empty threat. (No but its an empty house as Callum's not there)
Lou walks in and Toadie is obviously not in a good mood.
TOADIE: Oh Lou! Come on in. Don't bother about knocking.
Since when did anyone knock in Ramsay Street?
Lou says Harold's gone and Toadie is sure he'll be alright. Lou says he won't and eventually says Harold has prostate cancer. Toadie is completely shocked. Lou tells him he was meant to have surgery that afternoon but now done a runner and blown it.
Number 26
Bridget's still holding the baby wombat, wishing she could keep him. Declan says she's going to make a great mum and adds how Steve's not happy about Declan and Didge sharing a bed. Bridget tells him that Steve wants her to be his little girl forever. Declan understands where he's coming from and Bridget does too. Speak of the devil Steve comes in! He sees Bridget holding the wombat and takes him away from her asking if he scratched Bridget. She says no and asks what's wrong. He says the wombat carries toxicoplasmosis which can harm the baby. He says she shouldn't be around sick animals and she should stay away from the clinic too.
BRIDGET: Why don't you just lock me up in my room for the next nine months?
STEVE: Good thinking.
Bridget says its not funny so Declan says he's just playing but she tells him to shut up and then tells her dad to shut up too.
General Store
Rebecca walks in and bumps into Miranda at the counter. They say an awkward hello and Miranda walks off fast. Rebecca looks miffed and then comes Declan and asks if everything's ok, she's been trying to call. Declan says its just Didge and her dad and says she's not ok but she never lets on. Rebecca says Bridget's lucky to have Declan and he says he should be going home. Rebecca thinks it sounds funny to hear him say that; she misses him. He says he'll call her later as she's going out and doesn't know when she'll be back. She asks Declan how things are at school and if he's sorted out things with Simmo.
REBECCA: You never know, you might even end up liking him.
DECLAN: (laughs) The guy's a moron.
Rebecca looks kinda worried. Oops.
Carmella takes down one of Marco's cooking books and starts baking a cake. Rebecca peaks through the door watching her, smiling sweetly. Carmella puts the cake in the oven and suddenly Rebecca's not there anymore. Sweet little scene.
Carmella gives a piece of her fresh cake called 'Lemon Delicious' to Bridget who's surprised. Bridget asks if there's anything bad in it seeing as Miranda's driving Didge mad about things she can't have but its all good stuff and Bridget loves it. Carmella asks how it's all going.
CARMELLA: It's worth it.
BRIDGET: It's what they say!
Bridget didn't realise she liked her life so much until it started to change. Carmella remembers the feeling but she can't remember how things were before Chloe. Sure things change but she wouldn't have it any other way. Bridget doesn't think she's ready and Carmella tells her not to worry; nobody's ever ready. She reassure's Bridget. She'll be ok.
Charlie's Bar
Rebecca is waiting at a table and has a visit from Paul. He asks if he could join her for a drink. She's about to say no but Paul cuts in saying they can at least have a drink together. Rebecca asks him to go and see's Andrew at the bar ordering champagne. Andrew comes back and says Rebecca looks beautiful and says thanks and reminds him its just a drink whilst Paul listens in from the bar.
ANDREW: You're not worried I'm going to take my clothes off again? Don't worry, I only do that when I'm in my fatigues.
Rebecca laughs and says that its just a drink and after they're going home and means separately. Andrew says it must be awkward for her and she confirms it is. He bet's Declan gave her a hard time. Rebecca says its not his fault and she should go. She gets up but Simmo stops her. He can only offer one argument against it and they kiss. Paul looks on not happy. Face it man!! It's over!! Rebecca wants to be convinced but it's not that easy and the whole thing was a mistake.
Number 24
Declan is sitting on the sofa throwing the TV remote in the air and hits himself in the face with it. Oh and Rebecca comes home surprised to see him there. He hopes she doesn't mind. Bridget isn't home and Miranda's acting 'weird' (said in an American accent. Rebecca certainly doesn't mind and says he can watch some DVDs. Declan doesn't seem to like Hugh Grant and Rebecca asks how he can be so judgemental as someone knocks on the door. It's Miranda who looks like she's in her pyjamas. She came to say sorry.
MIRANDA: I was totally out of line. I was thinking of myself, not you.
MIRANDA: I mean, I can't pretend I like the man.
Declan appears at the door and asks what man. Rebecca's reluctant to tell him and looks guilty. She admits she had a drink with Andrew and Declan's not happy. But it's Miranda who gives him a telling off!
MIRANDA: When you told your mum Bridget was pregnant, did she kick you out? She deserves to be happy just as much as you do
General Store
Rebecca pops in as Carmella stacks chairs. Carmella tells her she spoke to Oliver and says she and Chloe are leaving for Lisbourne in a week. She's sure about going. Rebecca mentions the recipe books she saw earlier and Carmella says she needed to say goodbye. She can't believe she's doing it and Rebecca's happy for her and she'll help her do everything that needs to be done.
CARMELLA: What about you?
REBECCA: Oh, I'll manage.
Andrew walks in on Rebecca's request and Carmella gives them some space. She asks if they could start again. He agrees and she asks him to run by that argument he had earlier. He's obviously gunna kiss her again but all he does if stroke her face and we see nothing!
Number 26
Miranda, Steve and Lou are discussing Harold and Lou say's he's spoken to the police. There was no incident with his number plate and he's not at the hospital. Steve wonders what he would be running away from. He tells them Harold's very sick and Miranda wants to know more. He tells them he has cancer and he's meant to have a biopsy that afternoon. Miranda thinks it doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't he want to be with the people that love him? Lou tells her he's running scared as we see Bridget coming out from her bedroom with a big rucksack. She puts it down and goes to the kitchen to tell her parents she's going for a walk. Steve doesn't think it's a good idea to go out at night but Didge says she'll be fine. She goes back to get her bag and walks out. How her folks couldn't have seen her from there I don't know...
<<5594 - 5596>>
Bridget Parker, Declan Napier in Neighbours Episode 5595
Bridget Parker, Declan Napier

Miranda Parker in Neighbours Episode 5595
Miranda Parker

Miranda Parker in Neighbours Episode 5595
Miranda Parker

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5595
Rebecca Napier

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5595
Rebecca Napier

Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5595
Carmella Cammeniti

Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5595
Bridget Parker

Bridget Parker, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5595
Bridget Parker, Carmella Cammeniti

Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5595
Rebecca Napier

Andrew Simpson in Neighbours Episode 5595
Andrew Simpson

Rebecca Napier, Andrew Simpson in Neighbours Episode 5595
Rebecca Napier, Andrew Simpson

Steve Parker, Miranda Parker in Neighbours Episode 5595
Steve Parker, Miranda Parker

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