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Neighbours Episode 3902 from 2001 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3901 - 3903>>
Episode title: 3902
Australian airdate: 20/11/01
UK airdate: 21/01/02
Writer: Martin McKenna
Director: Nicholas Bufalo
Guests: "Mitch" Foster: Hugh Sexton
Betty Sinclair: Bobby Connelly
Hugh Sinclair: Bill Charles
Nadia Costello: Sandra Rucins
Jane Sinclair: Brenna Glazebrook
Summary/Images by: Emily/Jamie
Mitch tells Steph to call him if she changes her mind. Tad, Paul and Flick arrive at the party, Tad heads off to organise the music.
Secret Party Location
The party is in full swing, when Paul mentions to Tad and Flick that he saw two 'old wrinklies' coming up the driveway. Tad turns the music down and calls out a warning to everyone, which is replied by a girl in the party who tells everyone to bail. Tad rushes to grab his music, but is not quick enough as they turn around to meet an elderly couple, who demand to know what is going on.
Number 24
Harold is telling Lou of the news that the new Mayor in town wishes to change the name of the street to Ramsbottom, after a historic discoverer who trecked through the area and camped at Lassiters Lake. Lou thinks it's outrageous but believes everything that Harold is telling him. He wonders how Harold is going to persuade the Mayor to pick another road besides Ramsay Street.
HAROLD: All that's needed for evil to prosper, is for good men to do nothing.
Drew and Libby's Flat
Libby and her co-workers for the magazine are busy working, trying to get it all ready for the publishers. Drew walks through with Audrey, but it is clearly not a good time as Lib is running madly around the place. Steph arrives for a chat, but seeing the chaos, tells Lib she'll come back another time. Drew heads out to take Audrey for a walk. Steph asks him if he's had a chance to talk to Lib about Scotty and the financial issues. Drew admits it's important, and jokes that he may have to submit an article for the magazine to get the message through to Lib.
Number 32
Leo is looking through the ads in the paper. He spots the ad that Evan put in for their car and points out to Matt that Evan didn't mention the CD player which is probably why it hasn't sold yet. Matt asks if he told Evan to mention it, but Leo tells him they're not talking much at the moment. Matt tells him it's his own fault then as he asked for the space, and realises it's because Leo doesn't like Evan being everywhere at school too. Matt points out that Libby got through it fine, and he would've done too, but Leo claims he finds it hard.
Number 24
Harold has found evidence that a late Ramsbottom, became nicknamed 'Ramsbum', and plans to use it as proof to stop the name changing of the street. Lou tells him he'll join in, as he doesn't wish to live on a road that gets called 'Ramsbum'. The boys arrive back, explaining how the party was invaded by one of their piers, refering to Harold and Lou. Paul heads off to bed, but Tad decides to stay up; he is surprised that Harold is staying up so late with the Lassiters waiters race the next morning. Harold invites Lou to stay and watch the western film with him, for which Tad predicts the storyline to. Realising it's going to be a three hour film, Lou goes to put the kettle on, while Tad heads to bed.
Number 26
Flick is annoyed at Tad for inviting him along to a party which never happened, but Steph tells her to lay off as Tad didn't know it was going to turn out like that. She points out that Flick didn't have to go, but Flick tells her she didn't see the point in hanging around at home with Lyn and Michelle, when Steph was out herself. Steph tells her that she wasn't out that night, and Flick is surprised to hear that she wasn't out with spunky Mitch playing pool like she was the other night. Steph denies that she fancies Mitch, but admits that he is quite spunky. At that moment Joe arrives with Mitch in tow!
Number 24
Lou wakes up from spending the night on the sofa. The boys ask Harold if he's all prepared for the waiters race, too which he replies a definate yes. He tells them that he will need some help with the letter drop though regarding the changing of the street's name. Harold asks Lou if he's up for the race, but Lou tells him he'll have to wait and see, though he appears confident. Lou heads off, and Tad inquires as to how he's coping with Lolly. Harold reveals that Lou didn't say much last night, but Paul comes across a notepad with a list of presents for Lolly that Lou has written, including a new bike.
Drew and Libby's Flat
Lib comes through to the kitchen to find Drew already up. He asks what time she finished on the work last night, and Lib admits it was well after 1am. She tells him they are close to finishing but that Nadia is going to be coming over later to put the finishing touches to it. Drew mentions that he misses spending time with her, and that they haven't talked for ages. She asks if he's got something on his mind, which leads him to tell her about Scotty's request for money. Lib realises that Scotty's request for $10,000 was the reason they didn't go ahead with the purchase on the house, and they agree that it is bad timing for them, wanting to get settled before the baby arrives. Drew tells her he'll ring Scotty to tell him their answer is no.
Number 26
Mitch tells Joe that he's been doing well with the truck driving, but needs to keep and eye on his speed or the boss will come down on him. Steph wanders through and Mitch asks if she's still hung up on what Flick had said earlier. He tells her he's got two younger sisters of his own, and he knows what it's like. Joe leaves, pointing out a letter to Steph on the way.
Number 32
Leo walks in to find Matt staring at a letter. He tells him it's from Moco, but Leo asks him why he hasn't opened it. Matt tells him it's an offer for the job, and on one hand he wants the job to be offered to him, but at the same time doing a full time job at Moco and part time evenings at the pub is going to be hard. Leo tells him he won't find out unless he opens it. Matt eventually opens the letter.
Number 26
Steph opens her letter to find Moco have sent her a formal letter or rejection.
Number 32
Matt screws up the letter, shaking his head.
Lou's Place
Lou is on the phone to John, saying he'll be able to talk to 'her' whenever, but has to be reasonable.
Coffee Shop
Flick is giving Tad and Paul some tips for the waiter's race. She tells them to keep their eyes up and forwards the whole time and to keep their back straight. Paul recons that Matt isn't going to win anyway; so they've got the advantage.
Lou's Place
Lou is getting annoyed that he has gone from a full time father to a part time carer, and warns John that he will be taking it up at the appeal hearing.
Coffee Shop
With the tactic talk finished, the guys are ready so they head outside to start the race. Steph wishes them luck from the far side of the shop.
Lou's Place
Matt and Lou head outside to meet their competition.
Coffee Shop
Steph tells Mitch that she'll be annoyed to find out if Matt has got the job, but Mitch recons they probably already had someone lined up within the company for it, and had to run interviews as a formality. He has to prepare for a job to Adelaide and heads off. As he leaves, Flick runs in. She asks Steph if anything happened between her and Mitch, and comments that there's chemistry. Steph recons that it's too soon after Woody, but Flick tells her it's definitely there.
Drew and Libby's Flat
Drew is puzzled as to why Scotty isn't answering his phone, but Libby recons it's because he knows they're going to say no and is avoiding them. Drew heads back to work leaving Libby to continue working on the magazine.
Lassiter's Waiters Race
Lou pumps Matt up as he stands on the start line, where Matt and a random silent extra, who probably goes by the name of Steve, are representing the pub, whilst Tad and Paul are representing the Coffee Shop. Steph is surprised to see Mitch is still about, but he comments that he couldn't head off before seeing the race. The race starts, and Paul immediately drops behind, but soon catches up. Tad is the first to pick up a drink on his tray and takes the lead around the first bend. Tad takes the second drink and continues in the lead. Steph asks Mitch if he'd like to go out for a meal when he comes back from Adelaide. Over the bridge goes Tad, followed by Matt, Paul and random silent extra guy 'Steve'. They all place their trays down on the table, and the judge declares the Coffee Shop the winner. Harold teases Lou, about the win, telling him they'll beat them again next year, as well.
Drew and Libby's Flat
Libby is sitting on the sofa looking concerned. Drew arrives home and Libby tells him that Scotty just turned up and is in the bathroom. Drew is shocked.
<<3901 - 3903>>
Tad Reeves, Paul McClain in Neighbours Episode 3902
Tad Reeves, Paul McClain

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3902
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop

Drew Kirk, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3902
Drew Kirk, Steph Scully

Matt Hancock, Leo Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3902
Matt Hancock, Leo Hancock

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Tad Reeves in Neighbours Episode 3902
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Tad Reeves

Joe Scully, Mitch Foster in Neighbours Episode 3902
Joe Scully, Mitch Foster

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3902
Steph Scully

Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3902
Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy

Mitch Foster, Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 3902
Mitch Foster, Joe Scully

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3902
Lou Carpenter

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3902
Steph Scully

Mitch Foster, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3902
Mitch Foster, Steph Scully

Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3902
Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy

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