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Neighbours Episode 3880 from 2001 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3879 - 3881>>
Episode title: 3880
Australian airdate: 19/10/01
UK airdate: 06/12/01
Writer: Glenda Hambly
Director: Richard Sarell
Guests: None
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Toadie tells the audience that as a fundraiser, neither he or Joel will change their clothes until $1000 has been raised for the Uni library.
Students come and pelt them with rotten food.
Susan tells Evan that Leo has been selling essays for $15.
Abandoned factory
Matt watches as Leo approaches some guys. He gives one of them his money and they shake hands. To Matt's surprise, some music starts and the guys starts to breakdance! Leo too takes his turn at breakdancing and the guys clap.
Susan says that since Leo hasn't come home, they'll talk again tomorrow. She asks Evan to get Leo to come and see her in the morning.
Abandoned factory
Matt is watching Leo breakdance with awe. Suddenly the guys all look up and see them standing there.
Joel says he's stinking enough already - the fundraiser isn't working. Toadie says they have to get out there and encourage people to give money. Then they find a note from Dee, "Dear Stinkers, have run away from home and yes, you should take it personally"(!) She's gone to stay with her friend.
Abandoned factory
Leo says the guys are teaching him breakdancing and he's not doing drugs. He's paying them to teach him. Leo says he's entering a competition with the guys in a couple of weeks. Matt says he should have told them - Maggie and Evan wouldn't have minded. Leo isn't so sure though.
The Pub
Karl is talking about finding another practice. Libby and Drew can't believe what's happened with Darcy. Libby asks Karl if he's worried about setting up a practice at his age. Karl says it's less risky than starting a magazine from scratch - he's feeling good about it.
Maggie and Evan can't think why Leo needs money. Matt and Leo come in. Evan says that Susan has been round and told him that Leo's the one who's been supplying the essays.
Drew gets Libby to close her eyes. He has bought her a present. Libby tells Drew that she's registered "Demo" as a business name and it is all being organised. Libby thanks Drew for being so supportive of her. She also reminds him that they have their first ante-natal class tonight.
The Coffee Shop
Joel and Toadie are still stinking. Toadie thinks that Joel is a secret washer(!). Harold says they both stink to high heaven and there's no difference between them. Harold asks them if they'd mind moving to an outside table - they're putting his customers off.
Evan asks Leo why he didn't talk to them. He has been grounded for a month. Leo asks Maggie if his punishment can be put back a month - he can't let the breakdancing guys down for the competition. Maggie says no - Leo has done wrong and Evan has to work with Susan - what Leo has done is very embarrassing for him.
Toadie and Joel have come to get a donation from Karl. He responds by spraying them with deodorant!
Susan comes in. She asks Karl if he's sure about the new practice. He says he is and can manage it financially.
Evan can't understand why Leo didn't tell them about the breakdancing. Leo said he thought they'd say no - they always do. Susan comes in and wants to hear Leo's side of the story. Leo tells her that he sold the essays because he wanted to learn to breakdance. Leo will do yard duty for two weeks and write an essay titled, "How to improve Erinsborough High." She sends Leo out.
Evan says he has a lot to learn - he can't believe he can't control his own son.
The Coffee Shop
Joel and Toadie are still collecting money.
Libby and Drew are sitting at a table. Some of Libby's friends didn't turn up to the magazine meeting - apparently they were busy. Libby asks Joel and Toadie if they want to be on the front page of demo! Joel doesn't want to, but Toadie winks at Libby that they will.
Harold tells Maggie and Karl that the council have given them a two-year lease on a building for the shelter. Harold is a bit disappointed that it wasn't on Ramsay Street and ropes Karl and Maggie in to help set up the shelter. He is clearly a bit peeved that they didn't support the Ramsay Street option.
Outside No.30
Dee has taken Joel and Toadie's keys and left them a note saying that they can't come back in until they've had a shower! Joel is mad with Toadie, but Toadie points out that the fundraiser was his idea in the first place! Toadie bangs on the door shouting "Wilmaaaaaaa!!!!!" (!!)
Susan comes in to tell Karl that she's going to meet an old friend tonight so she'll be late for dinner. Karl is looking at potential practices. He says since he made the decision, he feels much better. Susan asks him if he thinks there's any possibility that Darcy was sincere, but Karl doesn't think there's any possibility at all.
Leo is whining to Matt that he can't go breakdancing. Matt asks him what's so special about it. Leo reckons it's the only thing he's good at. Matt says he's top of the class. Leo said everyone hates him because he's a nerdy brain. Breakdancing makes him feel cool.
The Pub
Libby and Drew are looking at logos for Libby's magazine. Drew has been reading through baby books. Libby says there'll be all sorts of gory videos at the ante-natal class. Drew says he can handle it - he's a country boy!
Susan comes in - she is meeting her old friend.
Libby tells Drew than her friends have cancelled another magazine meeting. He looks a bit worried but doesn't say anything.
The Coffee Shop
Joel and Toadie are trying to get Harold to put them up for the night, since he is running a shelter for the homeless, and they're homeless now(!) Harold said if he'd had more support from the citizens of Ramsay Street, there might have been beds available. But they didn't so there aren't. Toadie says they'll sleep on a park bench(!)
Evan is still moaning on about not being able to control Leo.
The Pub
Susan comes over and tell Libby and Drew that her friend has heard that Susan is leaving Erinsborough High. Someone else has apparently been approached about Susan's position. Susan says it looks like she might be out of a job.
<<3879 - 3881>>
Leo Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3880
Leo Hancock

Evan Hancock, Maggie Hancock, Emily Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3880
Evan Hancock, Maggie Hancock, Emily Hancock

Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3880
Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi

Leo Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3880
Leo Hancock

Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3880
Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy

Joel Samuels, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3880
Joel Samuels, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi

Evan Hancock, Matt Hancock, Leo Hancock, Maggie Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3880
Evan Hancock, Matt Hancock, Leo Hancock, Maggie Hancock

Leo Hancock, Maggie Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3880
Leo Hancock, Maggie Hancock

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3880
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Leo Hancock, Evan Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3880
Leo Hancock, Evan Hancock

Leo Hancock, Evan Hancock, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3880
Leo Hancock, Evan Hancock, Susan Kennedy

Joel Samuels, Maggie Hancock, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3880
Joel Samuels, Maggie Hancock, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi, Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3880
Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi, Drew Kirk, Libby Kennedy

Matt Hancock, Leo Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3880
Matt Hancock, Leo Hancock

Susan Kennedy, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3880
Susan Kennedy, Drew Kirk

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