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Neighbours Episode 9052 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9051 - 9053>>
Episode title: 9052
Australian and UK airdate: 03/06/24
Writer: Jo Zantuck
Director: Eugenie Muggleton
Guests: Victor Stone: Craig Hall
Amira Devkar: Maria Thattil
- "Beaches And Shade" by Bleach
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jeremai
- Mackenzie at a junction in her relationship with Haz.
- Amira getting one up on Mackenzie... again!
- Amira making her presence felt at #32.
- Mackenzie opening up to her mates about Amira.
- Vic telling Wendy about Byron's marriage and kids plan with Sadie!
- Byron confirming exactly what he said to his dad.
- Vic suggesting to Amira that she could have a relationship with Nicolette.
- Amira moaning to Nicolette about her dad's interference.
- Byron/Nicolette making it clear to Vic that what he's done wasn't on and that he needs to back off!
Number 24
Vic tries to justify his conversations but it's not washing with the kids, especially Nicolette because she is genuinely interested in Amira but fears Vic's actions have driven her away. "I think you should back down on this," Jane the diplomatically tells him!
The Waterhole
Andrew reports to his wife (after making a call) that there is still no news back yet about the wine bottle. That conversation is halted when Wendy spots Sadie entering the bar and she rushes to her daughter to check she's talked to Byron (yes). Andrew is wondering what is going on and when he hears about the marriage and babies conversation he is shocked! Thankfully Wendy reassures him that Sadie isn't "running off to Vegas!"
Number 32
Haz is in heaven again thanks to Amira's cooking (and hears her and her mum have branched out into doing some catering). Mackenzie starts to feel left out when they talk about home but thankfully she gets a chance to talk alone to Haz after Amira leaves to sort something out. Her suggestion of a car trip (with her driving) to Lassiters has him hurriedly saying yes!
Ramsay Street
Amira is somewhat confused over why she has been summoned for a 'summit' with Vic and Nicolette. He reclarifies what he meant to say and intervened because "I just want my daughter to be happy." Amira makes it clear that what they had was very much temporary given she doesn't live in Erinsborough and thus "we weren't gonna keep seeing each other." Nicolette looks somewhat crestfallen at this, so backtracks and says the meeting was to let Amira leave "with better memories."
Number 24
Byron is trying to do some 'damage control' with Sadie by leaving a voicemail giving her the gist of his conversation with Vic. Jane isn't sure what is the lesser of two evils - a dad "who wants to help than a perennially absent one." Byron admits that following Vic's bombshell he isn't sure how to take things.
BYRON: You know, one minute I'm gutted that he's dying and it feels like maybe we can finally open up... a real relationship.
JANE: Only opening up leads to this. Being close to Vic is a roller coaster.
Number 32
Byron discovers that Sadie has opened up to Mackenzie when he gets home. He tries to downplay the chat and suggest instead that its more "embarrassing and stupid" especially since his "dad is an idiot!" Byron hopes that Sadie "gets it" and isn't "taking it seriously?" and diplomatically Mackenzie suggests that the pair "need to talk!"
Even though she only went from the front door into the garden, Amira has ninja'd herself into the house and has Haz doing leg exercises rather than getting ready for a trip to Harolds! "We'll do something later," Haz says to Mackenzie as a sort of peace offering.
It then turns into a Mackenzie v Amira over who will help Haz with the exercises - Mackenzie wants to help but is 'forced out' of helping given how behind she is at work and in her studies due to caring for Haz while he was unconscious and then sorting the running of Harolds out.
Ramsay Street
Its 'summit 2' of the day when Sadie and Byron meet on the street to try and clear the air between them. With a few 'ground rules' like no kneeling down as well as Sadie being free to check Byron's sock drawer any time it seems like the pair are all good again.
What has happened, has made Sadie realise she's been holding herself back from falling for Byron in case there is a repeat of what happened between Holly and Haz and thus, things are "pulled out from underneath me." "I get that," Byron reassures her with however, while the marriage and babies conversation was "way, way, way too much" for Sadie, she did feel reassured "that you're into this."
Byron: Well I am. And er, I love you Sades. And not in like, a "tie it down" type of way, it's just... I really enjoy being around you. I mean you're the best! And if I've learned anything from today, it's I've gotta be more honest with my feelings. That way, nobody can come in here and make you feel more or less.
SADIE: I love you too.
With the 'I love you's' now said, the pair kiss to celebrate!
Number 32
Haz enters the house and interrupts Mackenzie studying to apologise for their plans being shelved. He acknowledges that "things aren't the same with Amira here," but is sure they will "figure it out."
In turn, Mackenzie wonders who put Amira in charge of everything and Haz suggests it's just her taking "being an older sister really seriously." The way she is treating him doesn't annoy Haz, rather it gives him nostalgic vibes and he admits to really missing his sister. Haz does at least try to reassure Mackenzie that yes, Amira "can be annoying" and is finding it difficult to set boundaries since he's "not at my best" but does add in that she "won't be here forever."
HAZ: I'm mainly just happy to be home and to be near you again.
Vic is trying to make things up with Nicolette when she admits that perhaps he's helped her "dodge a bullet" by "falling for someone amazing" but who happens to live "on the other side of the country!"
VIC: I'm not sure I agree with you there.
NICOLETTE: Take the win dad because I will not offer that again!
VIC: Alright, I'm err... I'm glad I drove away the possible love of your life.
NICOLETTE: No, no, no... you mean the possible cause of epic heartbreak!
VIC: That's the one!
NICOLETTE: That's what we're going with!
Number 32
Amira wakes Haz up with good news - she's spoken with Bronwyn the lawyer (one their parents hired) and thanks to his guilty plea he will only get a $10,000 fine. Mackenzie is very miffed at not being involved however Haz explains that given she was one of the people affected, it wouldn't be right using her "to get me a lighter sentence." As far as Amira is concerned, it's a case of "all's well that ends well" as "Haz got a good outcome" regardless of "who got it for him."
It is starting again to turn into Mackenzie v Amira again until Holly intervenes and tells Mackenzie they should go get a coffee and congratulate Sadie.
The Waterhole
Andrew is still tyring to get his head around the 'marriage conversation' however reassurance from Wendy that the pair haven't yet declared their love for each other means he isn't "gonna get a son- in- law anytime soon!"
Despite that reassurance, Andrew is then almost put into a 'state of disbelief' when they witness the very loved up pair enter the bar more closer than they've ever been before! Wendy describes this as "sweet" and warns Andrew not to "be a grump" and "spoil this for her" when Sadie comes to the bar to get their drinks... not just any old drinks but bubbles!
After hearing Mackenzie unload about Amira, Holly asks if she's talked to Haz about how much its bothering her? "I tried," she replies but feels that they're "not in synch yet" and Amira's presence isn't helping. Holly suggests being upfront and telling Amira they need some alone time to go on a date but Mackenzie isn't sure how she'd take that.
HOLLY: Well, there's only one way to find out!
Number 24
Vic drops in to tell Jane that he's mended fences with Nicolette and now plans on doing the same with Byron. Jane's advice is "don't try and force anything" as the lad needs to "take things at his own pace."
VIC: What would I do without you?!
He then admits that recently, he's "figured out so much stuff about myself" especially "the way I've acted with people in my life" however "I'm nowhere near as smart and wise as you are."
JANE: Well I set a high bar!
VIC: You do. And you've been so generous a friend to me. I'm grateful to have know you and shared two children and a huge part of my ramshackle life with you.
Vic tenderly kisses the back of Jane's hand he picked up before saying that last bit.
Unknowingly to the pair, someone witnessed the scene - Sam when she came through from her bedroom.
Number 32
When Haz goes to take a call with his specialist, Mackenzie seeks Amira's permission to book "some alone time" with Haz to allow them "to be us for a while." Amira seems semi- shocked at the request and asks if she's "standing in the way of that?" Mackenzie isn't sure how to respond to that and eventually comes up with that her presence is "making things difficult."
AMIRA: How so?
MACKENZIE: Because I wanna help him and you keep shutting me down.
Amira describes this as "an exaggeration" adding that she will have Haz all to herself soon enough.
MACKENZIE: When will that be?!
AMIRA: Nice! Okay, you can just say honestly, when do you want me to leave?
That isn't what Mackenzie meant and tries to explain that Amira is "taking over everything" but she jumps in, trying to defend herself and makes it clear she isn't going to be pushed out!
AMIRA: As long as Haz wants me to be here, I'm gonna be there for him.
MACKENZIE: He said that you're annoying and that you treat him like he's 5!
Of course, Haz walks back into he kitchen just in time to hear her outburst!
MACKENZIE: Well it's true Haz and you're just too polite to say it.
Despite Haz trying to tell his sister that Mackenzie has taken it "out of context" Amira has heard enough and walks out of the kitchen.
Ramsay Street
With 'beaches and shade' playing in the background, Amira makes her way down the driveway and just as she stops, spots Nicolette coming up the street. As she turns around looking for another escape - there is Vic! In the end, her 'lesser of two evils' is to retrace her steps and go back inside #32!
Number 32
Where inside Mackenzie is apologising to Haz over what she said. He isn't amused at her twisting what was said in confidence and now his sister is "really hurt."
HAZ: We just found each other again and you know I really want my family back.
MACKENZIE: And you will, we will explain.
As he is getting a bit worked up, Mackenzie tries to get him to sit down on the sofa and take some deep breathes. Mackenzie spots Amira entering the kitchen and sincerely apologises to her.
AMIRA: No need for anyone to get worked up. I'm leaving!
HAZ: (confused) Wait, what?!
AMIRA: Yeah. Erm... you both can have as much time together as you want. I'm booking a flight for tomorrow.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Wendy sympathising with the VM's.
- Leo trying to work out who really was targeted?
- Mackenzie unloading her woes on Holly.
- Nell defending JJ to her dad.
- Terese questioning Toadie.
<<9051 - 9053>>
Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9052
Nicolette Stone

Victor Stone, Jane Harris, Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9052
Victor Stone, Jane Harris, Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone

Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9052
Andrew Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Amira Devkar, Victor Stone, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9052
Amira Devkar, Victor Stone, Nicolette Stone

Amira Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9052
Amira Devkar

Sam Young, Aaron Brennan, Byron Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9052
Sam Young, Aaron Brennan, Byron Stone, Jane Harris

Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9052
Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Amira Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9052
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Amira Devkar

Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9052
Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9052
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Nicolette Stone, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9052
Nicolette Stone, Victor Stone

Haz Devkar, Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Amira Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9052
Haz Devkar, Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Amira Devkar

Wendy Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9052
Wendy Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Andrew Rodwell

Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9052
Andrew Rodwell

Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9052
Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Victor Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9052
Victor Stone, Jane Harris

Sam Young in Neighbours Episode 9052
Sam Young

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Amira Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9052
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Amira Devkar

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9052
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Amira Devkar, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9052
Amira Devkar, Nicolette Stone

Amira Devkar, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9052
Amira Devkar, Haz Devkar

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