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Neighbours Episode 9030 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9029 - 9031>>
Episode title: 9030
Australian and UK airdate: 24/04/24
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Tony Gardiner
Guests: Wade Fernsby: Stephen Phillips (uncredited - 9029 cast credits repeated by accident)
Chelsea Murphy: Viva Bianca (credited but does not appear - 9029 cast credits repeated by accident)
- "Strangers" by Isaac Wolf
Summary/Images by: Liam/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Susan returns home to hear Melanie and Karl arguing about public pooping and lemon theft
- At the camping spot, frustrated by JJ's behaviour, Dex finally snaps and tears strips off his family
- Later, JJ reports that Dex is missing from the tent
- Haz begs Mackenzie for one more week to find the hacking/deepfake culprit
- Upset by what she's heard from Wade Fernsby, Mackenzie tells Haz she doesn't know if she can be with him
- Wade remarks to Mackenzie that he's sure she has a boyfriend who treats her like a queen
- She replies 'yeah' uncertainly, and Wade asks why she's seemingly not sure
No 32
The atmosphere between Haz and Mackenzie continues to be tense, and Byron finally remarks upon it.
BYRON: Seriously? Look, I don't know what's going on between you two, but you need to sort it out. Because frankly, I am over it, and so is Krista.
He walks out.
MACKENZIE: I'm over it, too.
HAZ: I get it.
MACKENZIE: No, Haz. Enough is enough. You asked for a week, and I've given you more than that already.
HAZ: Mack, I am really close to finding this guy.
MACKENZIE: You said that a week ago!
HAZ: (...) Just a few days.
MACKENZIE: No. No, I am done with you dealing with this on your own. No more time. Either you tell our friends and the police the truth today or I will.
No 22
Terese is looking at her emails. Above one from Amber Turner, mum of Terese's granddaughter Matilda (with a link to Matilda's concert performance), is an email from Paul, subject line, 'The answer to your recruitment problem' - it seems he's suggested a candidate for operations manager at Eirini Rising.
Jane arrives for a chat, keen to know about the recent conversation between Paul and Terese. Terese assures Jane that Paul knows exactly where he stands in her life, and claims to have been making something out of nothing.
TERESE: But look, I think he's just solved my biggest headache. Look who he's suggesting as operations manager!
JANE: Oh, Susan!
TERESE: That was my reaction. But then I realised...
JANE: Well, she's certainly across the whole proposal. She helped with the presentation.
TERESE: Yeah. Hey, do you think she'd consider the idea?
JANE: Well, only one way to find out.
The Bushâ„¢
Remi, Cara and JJ are walking through the forest looking for Dex, shouting his name.
CARA: This is our fault, we pushed him.
REMI: We didn't know he'd take off; it's very out- of- character.
JJ: Maybe he just needed some space.
CARA: No, Dex doesn't need space like you. He normally comes to us if there's something wrong.
Remi suggests they head back to camp, as Dex could have returned. Cara hopes so, as it will be dark in a few hours. They retrace their steps.
Power Road
Karl has brought Melanie to the billboard - he's roped her in to stand guard to protect it against any further mischief, and to ask around to see if anyone saw the original 'Dr Pooper' vandalism.
MELANIE: I am not a cop! And anyway, this is not all on me. You wouldn't even be a suspect if you didn't take those free lemons to rip off Terese.
KARL: You said you were sorry about what happened.
MELANIE: Of course I am.
KARL: This is your way to make it better.
MELANIE: Right. I will stay here, for one hour.
Karl leaves her to her sentry duty!
The 82
Nearby outside the tram, Mackenzie has met with Wade Fernsby again - it seems she's helping him to get the deepfakes he was targeted with taken off websites where they're being hosted with 'cease and desist' notices. Wade seems grateful, but notices Mackenzie is looking glum. She admits she's having 'relationship issues'.
MACKENZIE: He's not listening. And it's not just being stubborn, it's like... it's like my opinions don't even matter.
WADE: My wife - my ex- wife - never accepted that it was the hackers that did all the damage to our marriage.
MACKENZIE: I'm so sorry.
WADE: It's hard, but you get to the point where you can't even remember the reason you're fighting. You have to let it go, before you end up hurting each other.
MACKENZIE: So when your marriage broke down, you had no one? You had to start again?
WADE: Well, in the end, I had my best mate. He was the only one who didn't believe all the stuff they were doing to me (...) But then they sent him a video. A deepfake of me sexually assaulting a woman.
MACKENZIE: Oh, Wade...
WADE: He believed it. It was the thing that finally crushed me. I had nothing left. No one.
Mackenzie shakes her head in disbelief.
No 22
Terese has summoned Susan to discuss the idea of her being Eirini Rising's operations manager. Susan says she's very flattered, but points out that she has no experience in the sector, or indeed any real business experience at all. But Terese seems unconcerned by this, reminding Susan of how involved she was in the original pitch for the project, and of her ideas for integrating the school and retirement village.
TERESE: Susan, you've got so much to offer. I think you're the perfect fit.
SUSAN: Well, it's a great offer. But it would... it would mean that I'd be Karl's boss, though.
TERESE: That wouldn't be an issue, would it?
Susan makes a face! She isn't sure, but says they'd have to talk about it - and that Karl isn't in a good headspace right now with all the 'Dr Pooper' rumours. Terese understands, and tells Susan to have a think about it and let her know.
Conversation moves on to how Terese has been doing since the fallout of the Toadie/Melanie debacle. Susan says she's so sorry for what they did.
TERESE: Yeah, well, you know what it's like. If not worse.
SUSAN: Well, it's not quite the same, but... if you ever want to talk, I'm here, and I will always be in your corner.
Ramsay Street
Dex has made his way back to Erinsborough, and is still looking angry at his family. Byron approaches, and asks Dex what happened to the camping trip.
DEX: I bailed.
BYRON: What do you mean, you bailed?
DEX: I just needed some space.
BYRON: Dex, wait, wait. Your mums know you're home?
Dex shrugs. Byron says he's heading over to No 24 to do some baking for Isla (what an uncle!) and invites Dex to come and help. Dex smiles and agrees.
No 32
Haz is on his laptop when Mackenzie storms in, and tells him to shut it down. When he queries it, she slams the laptop shut.
MACKENZIE: I've just met with Wade, and I can't do this anymore.
HAZ: I've told you I need more time.
MACKENZIE: I have never been so ashamed and embarrassed by anyone! And the fact that you still won't own up to what you did just proves that you don't care about being accountable!
HAZ: That's not true. That's why I'm trying to get to the bottom of things!
MACKENZIE: Wade told me about his friend. And what you did was disgusting.
HAZ: Wait, what friend?
MACKENZIE: The only friendship he had left! That you had to take away with that video!
HAZ: I don't know what you're talking about, Mack?
MACKENZIE: I mean, to go after someone is one thing, but to send something so disgusting to his friend...
HAZ: I didn't! All that other stuff, I did, I admit it. But I didn't send a video to any friend.
MACKENZIE: Unbelievable. After all this, and you still won't own up to your worst mistake.
HAZ: Because I didn't do it!
MACKENZIE: It makes me sick, Haz. You make me sick. We're done.
The Bush / No 24
Back at the camping spot, Cara, Remi and JJ are getting very worried, as Dex is nowhere to be seen. Remi tells Cara to call triple zero, while JJ goes to start packing up. But Cara then gets a call from Byron.
CARA: Byron, Remi and I can't talk. Dex has gone missing.
BYRON: Cara - Cara, it's fine. Dex is with me.
CARA: What?
BYRON: He's fine.
Cara asks to speak to Dex, but in the kitchen at No 24, Dex silently mouths to Byron that he doesn't want to. Byron covers for him, saying he's in the loo, but suggests Cara and Remi come home and take it from there. Cara says they'll pack up and be straight back. Back in Erinsborough...
BYRON: Hey, look, if you want to have a chat about it, I'm all ears.
DEX: Did she mention JJ?
BYRON: No, why would she?
DEX: Because everything's always about JJ, and I'm sick of it. I'm part of this family too, and it's like I don't even exist.
No 28
Susan returns from Terese's place to find Karl cleaning their self- cleaning oven!
KARL: Yeah, I do it better.
Susan begins to tentatively broach the topic of Terese's job offer, saying she and Terese had a 'really interesting conversation about work' - but at that point, Melanie returns, done with her sentry duty at the billboard! There's nothing to report, but Mel annoys Karl when she says it must be tough to solve crimes like the vandalism when there's no hard evidence.
KARL: Sorry, you want evidence? Look at the billboard - it's defamation!
MELANIE: It's more like defecation.
Karl gets annoyed that Melanie isn't taking it seriously, saying he's about to start his new job and this rumour is just going to follow him around. Susan tries to calm him down, saying the billboard's been cleaned and that as soon as the next drama comes along, people will forget all about it.
KARL: We all know that mud sticks.
MELANIE: Or in this case...
SUSAN: I think we get the point.
No 24
Dex is helping Byron with the baking, as they continue their chat. Dex admits it sucks being in his family right now - he feels that he gets punished for trying to do the right thing, while JJ gets unlimited free passes to do whatever he wants.
BYRON: I'm sure it's not like that, but I can see how it might feel that way. You know, I was actually the good kid growing up, too (...) I mean, Mum gave me all the attention. Nic always felt like Mum took my side. Me and Nic only really patched things up in the last couple of years, so... Look, the point is, it doesn't matter which way it goes - it's never healthy if things don't feel even. Is this the way it's always been between you and JJ?
DEX: No, it was... awesome. It's only since he started getting in trouble.
BYRON: Look, maybe he just needs more of your mums' attention right now.
DEX: Yeah, but for how long?
BYRON: As long as it takes. But that doesn't mean you can't speak up. Let them know you're there. You know, your mums aren't mind readers, after all.
Ramsay Street
Mackenzie finds Haz in the street, holding a bunch of letters. He explains they're letters of apology, to everyone who's been hurt by the deepfakes - telling them everything that's happened and his role in it.
MACKENZIE: If you're doing this because you think I'm gonna change my mind...
HAZ: No, I'm not. I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do. You made me realise that. Also, it'll stop it happening to anyone else. I can't be framed if everyone knows the truth.
MACKENZIE: This has been the obvious thing to do all this time.
HAZ: I know that now. There's one in here for Wade, too. He deserves to know.
Mackenzie walks away. Haz watches as across the road, Jane takes the letter he's just put in her mailbox into the house. He looks worried.
No 30
JJ is sitting on the sofa when Dex comes in, to be greeted by a big hug from Remi and Cara.
DEX: I'm sorry I ruined the trip.
REMI: Oh, you didn't ruin anything. We're just glad you're safe.
CARA: How'd you even get home.
DEX: I hitched a ride.
REMI: Tell me you did not hitchhike.
CARA: Are you serious?
DEX: I'm kidding. I caught the bus.
The mums thank Byron, who has followed Dex in, and he leaves them to it.
REMI: Did you mean what you said? Do you think we're tougher on you than JJ?
DEX: When was the last time we did something I wanted? I didn't want to go camping. We pitched the tent where JJ wanted...
JJ: Dex, that was the best spot.
DEX: I wanted to have lunch at the waterfall, but we didn't, cos JJ thought that sucked... and then I got roasted for knocking over some food. It's like I get ignored because everything's about JJ.
CARA: Well, that happens because you normally just go with the flow.
REMI: Which we love about you. But we're sorry we took you for granted, and we'll listen from now on, I promise.
Dex gets another hug from Remi, and Cara thanks him for speaking up.
No 28
Karl is heading out. He tells a bemused Susan and Melanie...
KARL: I've been doing some research and compiling details about serial poo joggers. You know - common patterns, that sort of thing.
MELANIE: Like a poo profiler.
KARL: Something like that, yes. I'm gonna take it down to Andrew, see if I can speed things up.
Once he's gone, Melanie tells Susan that she knows she's been making jokes, but also feels awful that she could've been responsible for the rumour spreading.
SUSAN: Yes, umm... it's not exactly the worst thing you've done lately, is it?
MELANIE: I'm... sorry we haven't had a chance to talk, about Toadie and Terese. I haven't been avoiding it.
SUSAN: No, I know. I know. And I'm the first to admit, I was worried when Toadie and Terese got married so quickly.
MELANIE: I can imagine.
SUSAN: But then I saw how happy he made her, and Terese deserves to be happy.
MELANIE: I know how close you and Terese are. You probably regret offering me the room here, and I get it. And I want you to know that I'm doing everything I can to move out as soon as possible.
SUSAN: I know you've apologised to Terese, and she knows that it was genuine. Plus, you've stuck around to face up to what you did, which is more than Toadie's done. So I'm with Karl on this - you can stay as long as you need to.
MELANIE: Thank you.
No 32
Mackenzie has been crying on the couch when Byron comes in. She explains she's broken up with Haz, and he rushes to sit by her side.
BYRON: That's not what I meant when I told you guys to sort this out.
MACKENZIE: It's been building for a while now.
BYRON: Well, what happened?
MACKENZIE: That's... you should speak to Haz.
So Byron gives Mackenzie a hug instead, and she breaks down in tears.
MACKENZIE: I loved him, Byron. He's not the person I thought he was.
The Waterhole
Haz is with Wade Fernsby, who is reading the letter he's written to him.
WADE: So, you're the one who did this to me.
HAZ: I know I can never make up for it. But with these letters, I'm just trying to face up to what I've done.
WADE: So you doxed me again to find me and give me this?
HAZ: No, I... there is another reason I wanted to talk to you. The person you've been meeting up with - Mackenzie. She gave me your number. She's my girlfriend.
WADE: What?
HAZ: She was. We broke up today.
WADE: Because of this?
HAZ: Because of how I handled it. But I want you to know that that deepfake, that you told her I made, that was sent to your friend - that wasn't me. I don't know who did it.
WADE: That's why Mackenzie ended things?
HAZ: She didn't believe it wasn't me. It was the last straw.
Wade's demeanour changes.
WADE: Good.
HAZ: Sorry?
WADE: There was no other deepfake.
HAZ: What? So, why would you tell Mackenzie that there was?
WADE: Because she just needed that one last push, and it worked. You took everything from me. Everyone. And now I'm doing the same to you. How does it feel?
No 28
Karl returns from his trip to the police station with the poo dossier, but Andrew 'wasn't available' so he had to leave it with the desk sergeant. Susan says she's sure Andrew will take an interest once he sees how much effort Karl has put in.
At this point, Terese turns up, assuming Susan has already spoken to Karl about 'what we talked about'. But Karl is still not in the know, so Susan lies, saying she and Terese were planning a movie night next week. Susan quickly gets rid of Karl by asking him to get some parsley from the garden for the salad, and some for Terese too.
TERESE: You haven't spoken to him?
SUSAN: I haven't had a chance. He's so upset about that billboard - I just didn't want to bring it up.
TERESE: Well, I just wanted you to know that we're opening stage three sales tomorrow, and I'd love you to be there.
Terese also hands Susan a formal letter of offer and contract. Susan remarks that the salary is very generous.
SUSAN: It's just not the right time to bring it up with Karl.
TERESE: I hope that's not your way of telling me you're not interested?
SUSAN: No, no - trust me, I am very interested. I just need some time to see how I can make it work for all of us.
Terese says she can have some more time, but that she will need to know soon.
The Waterhole
Haz and Wade's tense conversation continues.
WADE: After you wrecked my life, it was a while before I got myself together. Had a lot of time on my hands, so I went back to school. Learned all about what you did. Cybersecurity, deepfake analysis. Actually, it's not that hard.
HAZ: So you did all of that, just to get back at me?
WADE: I wasn't sure that it'd be worth it, but now that it's all done - yeah. It was worth it.
HAZ: Well, I've sent everyone letters. They all know the truth now. You've got nothing.
WADE: You've kept this to yourself the whole time. You don't think people are gonna hate you for that?
HAZ: My friends won't.
WADE: You haven't been here long enough to make any real friends. And now they're gonna find out just who you really are. You're kidding yourself.
HAZ: ... Okay. So you've done it. Why are you still here?
WADE: I wanna make you an offer (...) I'm building my own startup. Same stuff you used to do, but bigger. I want to hack banks, mining companies, corporations - and I want you with me.
HAZ: You're joking, right?
WADE: I don't think you've got a choice.
HAZ: I've made my choice. I am not going back there. I'll take my chances with my friends.
Haz gets up to leave, but Wade stops him.
WADE: No, I mean, you *really* don't have a choice.
He plays Haz a voice recording of what sounds like Mackenzie talking to Terese.
MACKENZIE (voice): You know, when this project is up and running, you're gonna need council on- side.
TERESE (voice): Oh, please don't remind me of the red tape.
MACKENZIE (voice): What if I said I could get around all that, for a fee?
WADE: The technology's amazing - it sounds so real.
TERESE (voice): Kickbacks? How much would it cost?
MACKENZIE (voice): I'm pretty reasonable. Have a think about it.
HAZ: I used to make these. I can prove that that's fake.
WADE: Nobody believed me. Who's gonna believe you? And once it's out there, the damage is already done. So... what do you reckon?
Haz looks conflicted...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Karl tells the family he's giving a speech at the sales launch for Eirini Rising
- He says he's the ambassador for the project till Terese appoints an operations manager; Susan looks worried
- Karl's speech is derailed by a comedian heckler who has heard the 'Dr Pooper' rumours
- Mackenzie is appalled when she learns from Haz that Wade has made the deepfake of her voice
<<9029 - 9031>>
Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9030
Byron Stone

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9030
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Terese Willis, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9030
Terese Willis, Jane Harris

Remi Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9030
Remi Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9030
Melanie Pearson, Karl Kennedy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Wade Fernsby in Neighbours Episode 9030
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Wade Fernsby

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9030
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis

Dex Varga-Murphy, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9030
Dex Varga-Murphy, Byron Stone

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9030
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9030
Byron Stone

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9030
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9030
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson

Dex Varga-Murphy, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9030
Dex Varga-Murphy, Byron Stone

Dex Varga-Murphy, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9030
Dex Varga-Murphy, Byron Stone

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9030
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Cara Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9030
Cara Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy

Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9030
Melanie Pearson

Susan Kennedy, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9030
Susan Kennedy, Melanie Pearson

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9030
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Byron Stone

Haz Devkar, Wade Fernsby in Neighbours Episode 9030
Haz Devkar, Wade Fernsby

Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9030
Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Haz Devkar, Wade Fernsby in Neighbours Episode 9030
Haz Devkar, Wade Fernsby

Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9030
Haz Devkar

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